Dear Sup Forums

Dear Sup Forums,
I'm french and there is a new law about child vaccine. Until now, we had 3 mandatories vaccine (diphteria, poliomelytis and tetanus), also there is a lot of recommended vaccine like measles, B hepatitis, whooping couch...
In first january there is not anymore "recommended" vaccine for children but 8 mandatories vaccine.
There is a lot of parents they don't want to vaccine their childs (about 10-15%)
What are you thinking about this new law ?

Sorry, not 8 mandatories vaccine but 11.
Some of them are mixed together.

only idiots don't get their children vaccinated

Yeah the parents who don't want to vaccine their children are as dumb as the whole fucking French nation you whiteflag losers


>surrendering to diseases
If 15% of people are retarded enough to risk their childs life for some ideological bullshit, I think you need that law.

good. herd immunity is important and stupid fucks shouldn't be able to trash it because they feel like believing false information.

Yeah, here some anti-vaccine arguments.
- It's only for labs getting profit.
- Some vaccines are toxic due to some additives like aluminium.

Italianfag, same here, fake news brought back old diseases with a lot of parents against vaccines.

Now there's a new law which is basically a long mess as we like, schools cannot accept not vaccinated children but school is mandatory until 16 so yeah, there are strong fines for parents unwilling to do so.

I'm all pro vaccines but I feel like there's something wrong in this, clearly people are stupid about everything but the state shouldn't decide against your will to inject something you don't want, but this is aimed to children so is basically like the state saying that your parents are stupid. And this is in defence of everyone, we need the group immunity and all those diseases back are dangerous for the community....

I don't know, brave new world

Great arguments idiot. They totally outweight the 15% probability to die from a pandemic disease.

You are as dumb as those fucking French faggots

fuck it let em die, survival of the fittest and the smartest.Weed out the weak and inferior.

Enjoy your epidemic of dying kids who have compromised immune defenses.
Healthy kids get vaccinated so more vulnerable kids don't have to die. Diseases that we formerly considered almost wiped out, has been gaining ground because of antivaxxer parents.

Also don't get me wrong, my parents were skeptical about vaccines, but that just meant I didn't get the mixed vaccines which have had some detrimental effects on kids, I got my vaccines spaced out over some years instead, so my body had a chance to deal with the individual inoculations.

congrats, your parents were only 98% as ignorant as people who fully refuse

Found the rainwater collector

This thread has now convinced me that vaccines cause
>A U T I S M

there's a good chance you are only alive because your parents are vaccinated and you are too.

They were just playing things safe user, spacing out vaccinations and not mixing them up all at once was just a precaution on their part. I still got all of my shots, because my parents knew the importance of having immunity to certain diseases, even if it were only for the benefit of other kids who can't get their shots and that I would have probably survived these diseases had I gotten them.

>Yeah, here some anti-vaccine arguments.
>- It's only for labs getting profit.
Having a good product that generates income =/= rip off. Every product exists to make money, but it keeps getting used because it works.
>- Some vaccines are toxic due to some additives like aluminium.
Dose makes the poison. Water is toxic if you drink too much. Things like aluminium and formaldehyde are in far too low doses to be toxic. Parts per million/billion is rarely toxic. Many of the additives which are supposedly toxic after even toxic at moderate doses.

except that there's no valid evidence spacing out vaccines adds benefit, but there is evidence it increases risk.

it's only a precaution in the sense that saying "well, i'm not going wear a seatbelt because i might get trapped in an exploding car by it"... yeah it can happen, but the odds of it saving you are many orders of magnitude higher and then odds of the other thing are so low it's barely background noise. that's not taking precautions, that's a complete failure of intelligence-- the inability to appropriately assess real risk

Well this was almost 30 years ago, the research in vaccinations in connection to other issues was pretty new then.
At least I got my shots before going to school.
Even though my whooping cough vaccine actually gave me the whooping cough, I still think it was good I got my inoculations.

Whoa hold your fucking horse there. France has a 60% war winning ratio, most of them being against the Fritz of all people

The vaccines are actually a problem, because it's completely reasonable to make them, but at the same time there's always a risk that the particular vaccine will cause some bad side effects. In our school, one kid was deaf after vaccinations, another kid got child epilepsy. The problem I think is actually in quality control, not vaccines. It's good to be protected from some really bad diseases, but sometimes it still can not work that well and harm you.

and i was fat and got ahdh as a kid. fucking vaccinations.

one time in college i got dizzy, fell, and hurt myself. IT WAS A WEEK AFTER A NEW VACCINE! Holy shit. I mean it could have been the alcohol, but think of all the scary stuff in those extra vaccines i had to get for hospital work.

yesterday i stubbed my toe, it was that damn vaccination.


I know what you tried to do but it made you look like an idiot instead.

The last time France won a war, they literally needed a girl sent by God to lead them to victory. France is real life deus ex

>10-15% don't vaccinate their kids
Holy hell, you could start a new plague with all those kids. If those fuckers breed like rabbits and just let them loose, you'll wipe out the Muslims and Negroes in no time.

here's your alternative
>you get sick
>some people can't get certain vaccines because of allergies
>they catch death disease from the unvaccinated
>the people you got sick die
>you die