Dear Albanians

Dear Albanians,

Please leave my country.


Other urls found in this thread: 12-m&q=incest porn


what is the problem with Albanians?

Well... just be glad there are none in Brazil.

you don't wanna know, trust me

>implying FYROM is a country

Well why do you allow them to come?

And mine.

yes, i really wanna know.
for sake of curiosity.
is really that bad?

>trusting servers

they are same shit as serbs desu
>tend to organize mafia in host country
>shit as assimilation
all in all typical ex ottoman subhumans

holy shit.
this is disgusting.

and also shoped 12-m&q=incest porn
looks like now bangladesh beat you to it


>this thread again for the x time

diaspora fuck off


they also didnt had written language until 20 century




looks like the serbshit in fyrom is at it again