1) which do you fuck and why?

2) what do you to to him?

>bonus points if you can guess what countries their families are from



fucking skinny niggers

1) Left
2) Suck his dick and let him plow me.

Bonus: Somewhere in eastern Europe. It's always fucking eastern Europe

>Bonus: Somewhere in eastern Europe. It's always fucking eastern Europe

totally off. they're both american but from different latin american countries, if you can guess the countries

they look like faggo

really. They don't really look latin American. But what do I know.

I have no idea what country.

you thought they were white?

honestly they look like white guys with a tan to me


I guess the difference is much more noticeable in that picture. I still wouldn't immediately think of Latin American though.

Do you have a similar pic for the guy on the left?

what region would you think of?

here. they are from 2 different countries though


he definitely looks more latin american in this picture for some reason I don't know why.

I don't know what region

>latin american

One is Colombian then. No idea which but one is.


here's a hint one is from the carribbean and one is from a north american country



Trips get


Fuck phone. Take great picture.

chemin 4400

I walk away and call you a faggot

1 by far

what would you do to him though

anything sweaty will do honestly, pretty tame otherwise

so working out?

>they look like white guys
What the fuck are you smoking.