So /b I have something on my heart

So /b I have something on my heart.

A week before newyears(2017) I met this girl online, and by newyear, we were togehter. We were talking to eachother everyday and doing all the long distance thing. I was supposed to go meet her by the middle of february, but she dodged last minute. She ended up braking up with me a few weeks later, because she said she was afraid I wouldn't like her IRL. Now it's 6 munths later, we are still in tuch, I still love her, but she has a BF. IDK if I shuld give up on her. She is my bestfriend, and I am not sure about things. I am depressed, and she is here for me, the only thing I have that brings me joy is talking to her. help pls.


Uhm, so this just happand, She just asked me if I still loved her

Just tell her what's on your mind, you will regret it later
I let a girl go.

Just tell her what's on your mind, OR you will regret it later
English is hard.

Idk, I feel like I'll loose her anyways

>but she dodged last minute

Ask yourself, is this a quality you want in your mate and/or friend? I would argue no.

You need to move on friend. She's already shown you her cards.

Exactly. Do go for it

op is a fucking fag

She is just a really good friend, the main problem now, is that her boyfriend is worried about me and her being so close. I am thinking she is deubdting him, but do I want to brake them appart? idk

murder her

> her boyfriend

Move the fuck on.


had the same thing happen to me,best thing you can do,and trust me it is,just block her on everything,and do anything you can to keep your mind of off her,the sooner you forget the better

I agree with this.

The thing is, I can't just shut her out, I once prommised that I wouldn't, she has been abandond by so many others. If this were to happen, I would need to make her block me

She's playing you. Next time, get with a girl who can actually be in the same place as you are.


you have to,you'll just feel worse everyday,my thing didn't go on for 6 months,it went on for over 2 years,until i made myself to get her out of my life,we didn't live far from each other and we did see each other irl,the thing is you can never know who is she seeing behind your back,shutting her out of my life has been the best decision i've ever made,it was hard in the begging,but as the time passes by you'll feel better

>>>but she has a bf.

You're finished here, op.

You only have to worry about yourself. If she has a boyfriend, then she doesn't need you.

Her boyfriend is determed that if they were to brake up, me and her would get back together

So you're just going to wait around like a satellite that she's playing you for? Why are you not out there looking for someone single? Don't waste your time on people like this. They're making a fool of you.

This is why women don't respect certain men, we throw ourselves at their feet and they just don't respect that.

I highly suggest you learn some self respect and develop your self confidence so you never throw yourself at someone like this. It's bullshit. Nobody should be doing this, women or man.

durring the half year we have n\been appart, I have been with other girls, but it allways ends badly, she is the only one that I still feel strongly about

Ultimately its your call, but if she's with someone then why would you waste your time? If she wanted to be with you she'd be with you, know what I mean?

No sense chasing girls who don't chase you.

I think it makes him feel unworthy of love

I am unworthy, I have fucked up so much, so the only thing I deserve is a endless pit I can jump into

This. Also, checked.

Yes, this exactly. Take the risk. Even if it doesn't pan out this time, the next time it will be easier to take the risk. No risk, low reward.

I was in a similar situation to you, just move on.
Trust me i know, i know how badly it hurts, but believe it or not, it stops hurting and you end up losing feelings.
Trust me i had over 200,000 messages on whatsapp with her.
We were very close, it was not easy but i moved on and now i dont care about her at all.

But you still do think about her. Evidently

Losing her by telling her how you feel is so much better than keeping her by not telling her. Please don't make the same mistake I've made so many times.

Honestly, and this may be the best advice you could get. Its not what youd want to hear but whatever. Your happiness shouldnt depend on someone else being there or not. That shit has to come from you. If youre relying on someone else to make you happy, you arent actually happy.

Tell her the truth op

This is very real. Not OP but I'm sort of in the same situation. I can't get any sleep because of it.

I hope I can just get it off my chest soon. I hope I get that courage soon but I don't want to lose her too. I need help anons

I'll tell her how I feel, you guys have helped me alot

no, we lost contact a year ago and i hadn't really thought of her for months until i saw this post it reminded me of myself.
How i taught she was the only one and how i didnt want to lose her but after time went on i realized it didn't even matter that much.
I dont really ever think of her and if i do its how you think of anyone you've ever met, like a friend or something.
Just an experience you had, you met other people.
She really doesn't matter to me at all anymore.

Never forget that life can and will get better you just got to keep on moving I believe in you taking risks is a necessity