Where the hell did you go user? I want to see your arms!

Where the hell did you go user? I want to see your arms!

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they're clear. collapsed years ago.

14 years in now.

you need a hobby

I want to see the rest of his room

?? can someone explain what this thread is
im a retard

I do believe that's unsanitary.

the rest of the room isn't like my desk. the desk is where i sit.

i mean it's an abhorrent nightmare, but theres no needles.

It's about diabetes.

Well let's see it, with desk as reference point, please!

how is that diabetes? there is used spoons and old cotton.

Why is the dope strewn around the desk?

When i did dope i would have not lost a single spec of dope.

Is this how kids are doing heroine these days?

what do you mean, that's how you do your insulin

there is no dope, all those bags have been emptied and ripped apart to get those last specs

That's what I would have thought. Addicts tend to treat dope like gold, every little spec.


What is the eagle and overtime paper for?

>there is no dope, all those bags have been emptied and ripped apart to get those last specs

Then what's in the spoon?

Oh ok i see it now. Those are cottons.

Did you rinse the cottons out?


cotton balls

brand of heroin

You don't use spoons and cotton for insulin....

over and over

and over and over

You ever consider getting on suboxone?

I worked wonders for me. Its cheaper than buyin a bundle everyday.

Interesting, I didn't know it was branded and packaged like that. Did you get it online?

sure you do. insulin is a liquid

East coast sells dope like this.

Except in Baltimore where they sell scramble in gel caps.

I have a diabetic brother. You draw from the bottle, and if you do need to mix you do it with prepackaged solutions, in the needle.

subs are fucking terrible... you have to be so far into withdrawal so to not make it worse with precipitated withdrawal that what's the fucking point... 32 hours in you might as well just wait 32 more and be over the worst part.

i take loperamide when i run it. it stops 95% of withdrawal and lets me function normally.

you *CAN* do it that way. you can also use a spoon and cotton

I would wait 12 hours after dope to take a sub and i never got sick. I would even shoot the sub and still not get sick.

Though, i think thats all dependant on the person although i can attest shooting sub wont get you sick. Its just kinda stupid but you do get "high"

holy shit that's a lot of heroin
how is that person not dead

Is your diabetic brother also a heroine addict???? No... Then there is your difference.

Yeah, you could also slice your arm open and dump it in. I am saying, no diabetic uses spoons and cotton. The whole point of the spoon is to dissolve the solid, and diabetics rarely work off of solid insulin.

I didnt like swallowing like 30 antidiarrheal pills. They make you feel so weird.

Don't try to sound cool.... Everyone knows that loperamide is Imodium.

Diarrhea is a part of withdrawal.

if they made you feel weird it was too much, take less

i tried 16h, got sick, tried 24h, got sick, tried 30h, got sick, refused to ever try again. even just went through w/d, back before i discovered lope

a former addict would do it my way, for the fun

so any other pressing questions before i pass out

Thats sucks subs dont do it for you. Just suffering is your best bet then. Methadone works but thats a real bitch to get off.

nah lope is perfect.

dirt cheap, eliminates withdrawal enough to work and appear normal, its otc status means never having to worry about being able to get it (you have no idea how huge never having to worry about being sick is; it means living a completely normal life. yeah yeah the desk; its because im a slob in general and living alone right now. when im living with others i keep things neat)

theres a common misconception about lope's heart risks. some people have had trouble, but at truly excessive long term doses, from trying to get high. talking 800-2000mg a day (400-1000 pills) for months and months.
there's no reports of problems at the smaller doses that are good for withdrawal (

wtf is LOPE dude?

Kratom eliminates withdraw symptoms in like 15 minutes when you swallow the powder ive been on methadone and subs and kratom is way easier to get off of

Can you read?

To bad nobody gives to shit about suboxone!

loperamide (Immodium)

it's an opiate, but it's nearly immediately pumped out of the brain, so it can't get you high normally-- that/s where the idiocy of taking 1000 pills at a time comes in.
