Military here, based on how much time it takes to get a report off the ship and for mainstream news takes to validate the source and info and get it out there, if there hasn't been any escalation by now, there won't be.

why not are they just teasing us again.

They know Obama won't say shit.

Who knows, probably just a fly-by that wasnquestionable and the media is blowing this up to something worse than what it is. Foreign countries responding to any military presence is surprisingly common.



They can intercept any way they want in their own territory. I'm tired of this bullshit sob stories of how US military personnel were "put in danger" by other countries.

Go home then you fucking idiots, making yourselves look like a bunch of whiners.

HAHAHA IT IS TOO LATE, SOON, THE SKIES OF AMERICA WILL BURN RED, AS RED AS OUR FLAG (as soon as you bring out your new concept aircraft, so we can steal the plans, reverse engineer it and dupicate it x100000)

Lol till someone takes a shot we are good. But luckily for us both sides forces are well trained and disciplined. Nothing is going to happen.

Just paranoid countries flinging shit at each other. Hopefully I don't have to die in a war over this shit.

>their own territory
>international airspace over south China sea
If you love China so much, why don't you marry it?

>south China sea

Hey man, you said it yourself.

>implying he isn't chinese

all the news about """"""aggression"""""" in asian states is to drum up support domestically for them... we don't really give a fuck about slants. and those fake islands are totally illegal.

And what exactly is an American plane doing there?

>fake islands illegal

Artificial Islands are totally NOT illegal, but nice try.

>Artificial Islands are totally NOT illegal, but nice try.

Yes they are actually, according to international law you can't claim territory around them.

You can't claim territorial waters with them.

>international airspace
>Chinese territory

>implying I didn't know

Ain't saying it's Chinese territory even though it technically is Chinese territory. Every country that has coastal land considers it and the water below it to be their territory for practical purposes.

sorry satan, i'm right on this one. dem islands taint legal in the slightest. they was what we meant by illegal expansion of an empirical kind

Air Crew here, flew on EP3, this is common, while 50ft is fucking close, its nothing to write home about being intercepted by China is typical and being used for GCI training is normally whats going on.

Chinese people don't even hate Taiwan lol, it's more foreign countries thinking we've got some sort of hate and autistic children in Taiwan getting mad over our relationship.

>below it
if the water wasn't below it, it wouldn't be a coast, and they would own the entire ocean by that mentality

>ain't saying its Chinese territory
>technically it's Chinese territory

Nintendo Dad here... this man's post is bullshit.

What do you think?

Also international airspace, so no fuckz given

I know many Chinese nationals, some of whom are much more liberal that would be accepted in China, and they hesitate whenever speaking in class about Taiwan or anything that could be construed as negative towards China. One chick would just say 'I love China.' Fucking mind blowing.

You guys know how devastating a war between China and USA would be? We're each others' slave. USA is the debt slave and China is the manufacturing slave.

Lol at civilians getting all worked up
News hours is slow right now, need new click bait

This air game of chicken happens weekly with russia and china, nothing to see here, unless we get actual combat

Why are the USA such fucking crybaby media whores?

>send warships/warplanes thousands of miles to china/russian doorstep to intimidate them
>cry to the media like a bunch of pussy little bitches when china/russia follow procedures and send out something to intercept the US units on their doorsteps

Worse than fucking niggers complaining about cops doing their jobs I swear