Nihilism is getting more and more popular. Lots of edgy fucks despairing over their meaningless lives...

Nihilism is getting more and more popular. Lots of edgy fucks despairing over their meaningless lives, but isn't meaninglessness just another made up human concept just like meaning. So why is everybody jumping on the meaninglessness bandwagon. Explain you pseudo intellectual fucks.


my school of thought is that life is meaningless and humans should give their own lives meaning. just do what makes you happy because it's a wonder you exist at all. but what do i know lmao

Yeah, defining content as the lack thereof is the concept you are describing. You are correct, that's why a lot of people deserve to be called pussies.

Nihilism has become "trendy". It's been made popular by TV shows like Metalocolypse and the resurgence of Death Metal. This in addition to the fact that we are facing what can be described as the single greatest disillusionment in the history of modern civilization breeds discontent and resentment. A growing number of people are choosing to act out their resentment in the form of nihilism. In essence: "If I don't care about anything and my life is meaningless, then all the disappointments I've been suffering since I got out of college are OK." Besides this, the divorce rates are high along with the violence in the world. Bombings and shootings are so commonplace these days that people have ceased to place value on human life as they once did. If all of these other people are dying and it's not making any measurable impact on the world, then my life must be the same.

R u n

I'm semi nihilist. I'm nihilist towards collectives, taboos and bullshit constructs but I'm not nihilistic towards life itself or spirituality.
I think life and death have more meaning that mundanes like to make out to be.
Just have fun, do what thou wilt and don't let some ideology trick into having less fun.

The worlds not in a bad state, I think we are just exposed to the shittyness all around us because technology. i also think one of the most "meaningful" experiences in life is connecting with others and technology definitely make it harder, well rather easier to distract yourself from your loneliness.

I feel you

Yeah I agree, just try to be as happy as possible and die.. seems like a solid plan.

No one's a nihilist. They believe in their own ego's. They get so lost in that they get confused and subscribe to counter-intuitively empowering things like nihilism.

Bombings and shootings can often come from a place of faith (usually islamic terrorism). Since people think have some much faith in their abstraction they are prepared to do anything. In fact I'd say more misery and disaster is a result of the three Semitic religions than nihilism.
Not to imply nihilism is an innocent ideology, I think it's the ideology of any school shooter but lets not forget that "holy" conflict can be just as bad if not worse.

It's actually absurdism that's getting popular. Read La Nausée

>pulling the ego card

life is meaningless, because meaning is completely out of context to how the nature of the world runs
It's about making something out of yourself, go to the gym, learn and instrument, meet a girl, spend time with your family. YOu have to treat yourself to feel good.

there's a card?

Yeah that seems to be the case...

humans defy nature all the time, it's kind of what we do
I think "ego" is often used as a boogeyman as many ideologies teach people that it's some evil thing. If you build a positive ego you can rule the world if you're so inclined. Like most things we consider "good" or "bad" they're merely neutral tools that can be used correctly and incorrectly.

>Nihilism is getting more and more popular.

it's getting harder and harder to deny

I would say existentialism and straight nihilism are more trendy then absurdism right now.

It's not inherently meaningless just like it's not inherently meaningful.

What kind of nihilism?

Ego's separate us from the world. Hence, believing in nihilism. It can assist us in improvement, but ultimately leads us on a circular path of the illusion of dominion.

>the world
only the objective world but lest we forget the power of the subjective universe. The mind is a powerful thing and introspective thinkers can be powerful people and fantastic psychonauts.