What's /b's worst encounter with a member of service: (any bad service men or women you know of, what have they done...

What's /b's worst encounter with a member of service: (any bad service men or women you know of, what have they done?) Fireman, police officer, army etc.

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Bump for interest. No story's myself :/

>worked with retarded Marines and soldiers while in the Marine Corps
>leadership that could barely read(listening to certain 1st Sgts read promotion warrants can be painful)
>hearing a Gunny say "You gotta use your ingenious to work around problems."
>watching that same Gunny essentially buffer when I presented a better plan for moving the platoon to the gun range

Sounds pretty painful :/

how the fuck did they pass?



>how the fuck did they pass?
Pass what? Boot camp? Very little reading.

Most people in the army are glorified welfare queens who are paid to work out and to act superior to "civilians"

That's the military way, for whatever reason you can be dumb as a rock, but if you are hood at physical fitness (especially running) you get promoted. It's fucked.

*good at pt

Nice bait mate

I will say that true retards were the minority. But there was enough in leadership positions that the rest of the command would do jackshit about that I just had to get out.

Having worked alongside the military for a number of years, this is spot-on. And in the US you can't really express this bc the military is more off limits than downy children. It's fucked. So much money, so many benefits, so many stupid people. America's military does so well by brute force of resources...throw enough money at something you'll get a result. It's NOT from the great people in there..bc there are only a few amongst the shit heads.

Same boat, man. I'm going reserves when I get out though.

No bait. My gf works at a military hospital and so many military people are so entitled and think people owe them everything. She says the majority of them come to the hospital for "depression" without ever being deployed anywhere. And if they are deployed its always in great countries like germany and never go in battle. They are paid to play soccer or some other stupid shit. Fuck the military.

they demand a discount where ever they go because they believe they're entitled to unlimited discounts everywhere.

the entitlement is sickening.

Not first hand experience or anything extreme, but a typical family member is a war veteran situation.

>Uncle was in Vietnam, '67-'68
>Was a M113 machine gunner
>Was in jungle combat for the first few months
>Then had to fight against the Tet Offensive
>Then had to fight in the immediate counter offensive
>He managed to survive the war

>Fast Forward to when I was alive the same time as him
>early 90's-early 2000's
>He has PTSD (but not one really mentioned as much back then compared to now)
>Occasionally hear about him freaking out on his immediate family members, but no one is ever seriously hurt
>Don't understand exactly what he went through, I'm a dumb child
>He dies in 2008

>FFW to now
>I'm an adult, older now than he was when he was in country
>Look up his unit and operations they were involved in
>Can't ever fully understand what he went through
>Never want to experience that for myself
>The horror

I got one.
>Be me
>be australian
>on a facebook group for building scale models of planes and tanks and shit
>A wild marine appears
>Makes a comment praising some the nazi MG42 machine gun.
>its pretty common for nazi fanbois in this hobby so i let him know his comment could be misunderstood and people might think he is one such nazi fanboi.
>marine goes full retard and comments the following:

"ok Fucktard, I was trying to be nice. But now you've pulled the stupid card. ONE!. I said such an efficient weapon was proof Hitler hated humanity. How ANYONE could mistake that as being a Hitler fanboy is beyond me. Apparently you are a little snowflake unfamiliar with the gallows humor that normally accompanies the talk of actual veterans. But regardless of that, your comment is still TOTALLY FUCKING STUPID!. HOW could you possibly equate my comment as being pro-nazi? I mean there are as yet undiscovered tribes in the Amazon jungle that knew what I meant, yet to you, it's still a mystery. Let me clue you in, little one. I am a US Marine, I spent much of my adult life learning to do things that would terrify you down to your bones. I've seen the insides of more weapons than you can imagine, and when I posted my original comment, it was only meant to 1.) convey (in a gallows humor sort of way) how amazing the design was, and 2.) How much of the MG34/42 design we still see in modern guns today. So now I just wasted 15 minutes on educating your stupid ass, when I should just call up your father, tell him his son is a shit talking pussy, and take him down to the nearest recruiter so he can actually learn something for himself for a change and maybe, just maybe become a man some day."

>could not beleive it is real.
>had to hold back from posting the Navy Seals meme for fear of being kicked from the group.
>reposted it to people i know because its too juicy to keep to myself.
>marine ends up getting banned from the group.
>send him a PM with the navy seals copypasta

>gf works in hospital, where the shitbags go to sham and some actually hurting people dealing with problems are taken care of
>judges entire military bases off of second hand experiences from gf who works at said hospital
Thanks, appreciate your feedback

Good going. Glad you sent him the copy pasta after all. Thumbs up from me

>hurrdurr thank me for muh servis
No. Fuck you.

Never asked you to. You're assuming that's what I want. Truth be told I've not done anything worth being thanked for since I've been in. I'm just saying, I've met some great people who've sacrificed a lot in the military. I've also met my fair share of fucktards. You wanna judge people like that, that's your decision. But the military is just like any other organization, there's good and bad.

Eat shit didnt read.

K, enjoy your ignorance

Do I detect hatred?

Wow stop licking the windows.

Im sure there is some good people in the military. But so many of them barely do anythinf and then think they are gifts from the fucking gods. And they are so used to getting their cock sucked everywhere they go that it makes them even worse people. When they get treated like normal human beings it pisses them off.

Truck driver here.
>Laredo Tx. get pulled over by spic cop
>spic cop tell me I'm not wearing my seat belt
>I look down at it across my chest.
>"I saw you put it on as I was walking up"
>yeah, suuuuuure you did.
>He's talking a level 2 roadside inspection now
>He wants my permit book, DL, insurance, etc..
>I pull it out, slip 2 $100 bills into it, hand it to him.
>He goes back to his car. Comes back, hands everything to me
>"have a nice day, sir".
>I put everything away, cop leaves. I see that he kept the money.
>I put it in gear, and head out - just one more successful bribe in a long series of bribes

I got lots more.

i did read seems like the guy has a point and your a basement dwelling modeling qeer who never seen the shit other then the shit dick you get when you pull out of a faggotss asshole

Thats a valid point. But I think entitlement is just part of the world today. Everyone thinks they're special. And yes, a lot of the people join the military with that entitlement and it makes em worse. The really shitty part though, is that they represent the military because they're always spouting about how they were in the army or the marines or blah blah blah. I bet you interact with vets every day who haven't said a word about their service though. But yea, I can definitely see where you are coming from.

Anyone not in the military always portray hate towards those who serve...kinda odd. The males in paticular, i myself am in the navy, but I do not go around telling everyone i know. Be a man and join pussy and stop complaining about your inferiority.

>Be at school. Working hard, good grades. Dipship Fucktard doesn't work hard, doesn't do well.
>I graduate, scholarship to college. Dipshit Fucktard wastes 6 months then signs up for the army.
>I graduate with degree in business, honors. Minor in IT. Dipshit Fucktard is posted overseas to middle east. Two tours. Comes home.
>I start my own business, bookkeeping, taxes and HR for small business. Business expands. Employ people. Rent building. More business. More employees. Now have 30 people working for me. Dipshit Fucktard does nothing, lives of millitary pension, complains about PTSD, whines to the local paper that he can't hold down a job, discrimination.
>Dipshit fucktard has NO qualifications, no drive, no ambition and no fucking future. He sucks at the teat of the government that I support with my taxes, and the taxes of the people that I employ due to my ethics and drive. I paid for his millitary training, his trip overseas, and now his lifetime fucking pension.
>Where's my parade?

Blame the hippies during the Vietnam War. When the Vietnam Vets returned, they treated them like shit, calling them baby killers and monsters. And many of them didn't even have a choice, they were drafted.

So Vietnam vets tried to help vets of future American conflicts, so they wouldn't have to go through the same bullshit. Sadly many of the vets today abuse it, feeding it into their ego and pride.

>just one more successful bribe in a long series of bribes
i'd hardly call it a bribe since you did nothing wrong
its more like a robbery


you are a contemporary witness? no? stop the shittalk.

hey bro
how many confirmed kills you have?
300 here

Says the person never having served...at least have some correct information.

So you have to witness something first hand to know if it happened or not?

Make sure you take your meds.

You have a second hand view of a world you know nothing about.

"Everything is a lie! I fired a gun once at the range, so I know more than you ever will nerd!"

lol this kid

Worst counter with service members? Every service member in this thread.

> serve

Implying you are doing something useful. We have less freedom now than we did 20 years ago.


it is like you life in a substitute world

I don't think people really care about the actual service, but the reason behind it. People used to serve to serve, simple as that. Nowadays you ask someone why they are in the military and the majority of replies are "to have my college paid for by the government." Ah yes, strong powerful service members, these people are!

>pull into checkpoint at I-35. I got my trainee in the drivers seat. He's black, I'm white.
>whiteboi with AR rifle, camos and mirror sunglasses see black dude and asks for ID.
>Trainee hand him both DL and green card.
>whiteboi sees green card and starts giving my trainee shit.
>asking loaded questions - meant to be insulting.
>Trainee and I look at each other, start smirking.
>whiteboi gets pissed, takes his glasses off,
>starts shouting for us to quit laughing.
>I get pissed, not saying anything, but now I'm beaming pure hate at him.
>He eventually get the hint, backs down.
>He asks for our bills, we hand them to him.
>Its clear that he has no idea how to read a bill of lading.
>His eyes are focused on parts of the paper that provides no useful information whatsoever.
>As his final insult, he drops everything to the floor and tells us to get moving.

Those guys are just Iraq war rejects who miss the power trip they got over there. Now they get their power fix by intimidating civilians at the border. They don't even have any authority of their own. They need to have regular police right there to do any arrests for them. They're really just Halliburton employees.

I can treat a man like a slave without ever calling him my slave. But when someone disrespects my slave, he's disrespecting me. Even worse when he's doing it right in front of me. I won't have that at all. That shit was one more comment away from me chewing his supervisors ass for a good 10 minutes.

>be me 8 years ago
>friend I jog early mornings trying to lose weight
>one morning we decide to start at 4am
>friend stopped to catch breath, I keep going. Decided to jog to a local store for a bottle of water and wait for him there
>state trooper comes around corner and turns lights on
>asks me what I'm doing
>jogging, the fuck it look like?
>says it looks like I'm running after robbing someone
>robbing what dude? I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt. How am I gonna hide anything?
>gives me a hard time for a few more minutes and decides to leave
>as he goes to leave friend comes around corner and asks what happened
>shrug my shoulders and say I don't have a fucking clue.
>he immediately stops his car turns the sirens on and pulls tazer out

"I'm not one of your city or county cops boy. I'm a state trooper. You don't fuck with me!"

>immediately think what the hell
>ask him what his deal is
>he says im acting suspicious
>fucking searches me
>tell him this is ridiculous I was just answering my friends question
>he finds nothing cuz I did nothing
>tells me I better watch myself cuz he'll be watching me
>tell friend the whole story
>Mfw cop went on a power trip thinking a state trooper is fucking god

Not a great story, but best I got

>be me
>be in mandatory ~1 year draft service
>did ok in tests and had no preference so was assigned to ABC Decontamination Battalion
>realize no one volunteers for ABC Decon so only I don't care kind of guys (mostly chill) and some crazy motherfuckers nobody else wanted.

>First evening one guy gets shitfaced on smuggled in booze and vomits into the shoes of another. Everyone gets his name from the event. Next morning we had to vote on a spokesperson for all recruits, everyone only knows one name and you guess who was standing in front of Platoon command to report as new spokesperson after he got yelled at for a good part of an hour the evening before.

>Be me, first time at shooting range exited as fuck, strange guy got yelled at as I'm walking by for apparently aiming the gun at a corporal. "IF YOU AIM THE RIFLE AT ME ONE MORE TIME I WILL HIT YOU!"
>See guy at supper with bandaged broken nose.

>Same guy 2nd: Some weeks in the guy in the bed below me started to strangle himself with his belt around his neck and the bottom part of my bed.
>Tell him to stop.
>He decided he doesn't like it anymore in the army (maybe because I didn't allow him to strangle himself)
>Gets to shrink to get out of army without having to do a social year (you had to choose before once) so he made up all kinds of stuff.
>Mfw he really pulled it off and got out without having to wipe old peoples butts.
>But couldn't hold my laughter when my Corporal told me that our shrink wrote a little letter to the DMW stating he is a ticking timebomb and unfit to drive a vehicle.


i screwed up my qualification for panzeraufklärer (german word for Armoured reconnaissance) because of drugs. that was awesome. today the current german army is a social hotspot.

>social hotspot.
social focal point

>I pull into a weigh station in Ohio.
>I'm the only one there.
>I get flagged to come in, so I park it and come in
>He tells me my brakes need adjusting
There's no way to tell without getting under the truck.
But somehow, he could tell from inside a building
>I'm card carrying certified, so I go out and adjust my brakes.
>As I like to do in these situations, I adjust them to the depth of a piece of paper.
>I go in and let him know they're ready for inspection.
>He says, "nope, they're still out of adjustment".
>I show him my certification card. He doesn't care
>He slides a paper across the counter to me,
>it's got the names and phone # of 3 local garages
>Until I pay a local $300 to adjust my brakes
>they will remain "out of alignment".
It was a shakedown, plain and simple.

We had some people get a green or red or blue color on the drug test, they all talked to a guy in a seperate room only this guys where lead to, but all staid with our Battalion, the one guy with the black teststick was never seen again on the other hand.

Lol youre gonna have to troll harder than that.

I would have gave him a paper with 3 names and phone numbers of DAs of the region so he can choose where you would file your corruption charges.

>Be me: Halfrican American, currently an AD at Gartner. Also Army Vet. On plane to fly to visit a client. Sitting in 1st class. Flight booked. Pretty hot middle aged lady across from me volunteers to give up her seat for any veteran or active duty member on plane. Attendant makes announcement. Lady gets up, changes seats with the fattest Army national guard memeber ive ever seen. All he does is order drinks and snacks and gets jerked off by all the suits in 1st class as I look in absolute disgust and embarrassment

>West side of Indianapolis, I'm doing 62 in a 55.
>cop pulls me over, I'm ready for a ticket this time.
>Cop jumps up and looks inside my truck. Sees that I'm alone.
>Cop says, "Todays your lucky day, I'm only ticketing niggers today"
>Cop hops down, goes back to his car and leaves.

How can you get a customs inspections job and not know how to read a fucking bill of lading? Did you also have a uniform uniform to make his head spin?

Army killed a family member of mine and thirteen others during a peaceful protest..

That'll get you the nastiest level 1 inspection of your life, son.

Customs? Hell no, he was homeland security.

Oh hell no, I wouldn't take a truck into or out of mexico to save my life.

The US armed forces are legitimately a welfare scheme. In a country with such piss-poor social security, it's well known amongst the poor that the army is an escape. Unless you get deployed and see combat, it's a cushy gig that lets you be a self righteous ass and get your boots licked for it. Combat vets, I have a slightly higher opinion of. But watching friends die and surviving hell doesn't unmake an asshole, which too many people are willing to give a pass for.

>deploying and seeing combat

Wait, there's more. You can deploy and see combat and likely get 100% disability tax free (4 grand) for life. The welfare ensues.


>wtf watches 0 $?

>level 1 inspection
So on top you know your truck is A-OK, the time would be lost anyways...

I've never met a vet who threw around the whole military thing. I know plenty and the most I've heard about muh vet life was a story or two from a navel officer bragging about his shore leaves and one guy talking about how if he dropped a class they wouldn't pay for his college anymore. I guess maybe where I live there's less shit heads? I did get pissed off at an older vet once for the whole "millinials are lazy and self entitled" spiel. Fucker had the nerve to say it in front of me while I was tutoring him for free.

>I'm driving I-80 in the middle of the night,
>car passes me doing about 130mph
>two cop cars pass me, chasing him?
>all three cars pull into a turnaround about a mile ahead of me.
>By the time I get there, I see all three cars are cops
>They're shaking hands.... apparently he just won a race.

And then.
>I'm in Indianapolis again, loading up on a Sunday.
>cop there is moonlighting as a security guard.
>Two other cops show up, social call
>The conversation goes like this:
Knives to guns to who has ordered the best gun to who carries the best gun while on duty to pressure points to which one hurts the most to who has managed to use which on a perp to knives back to guns to who has gotten away with killing a nigger to more guns....
>I leave thinking all three need serious psych evaluations.


There's no way an 8 year old truck can pass a level 1 inspection. That's where they pull on the overalls and wade into its guts.
I would have been lucky to escape with anything less than 5 figures worth of roadside repairs. And they would be doing something perfectly legal for them to do.
You never want to give DoT inspectors reason to fuck your day up. Because they legally can.

I'm a veteran. I can confirm that 99% of veterans are worthless pieces of shit. .5% are good and .5% are Niggers

>Long hauling an 18 wheeler full of stolen booze on a bet. Driving slightly faster than I should as am behind schedule
>Pulled over by pig on a bike. "Whatcher haulin asshole?" I tell him I have a pregnant elephant.
>He pull out his phone. "Lookee here asshole. Either I check the back of the truck, or you're gonna watch The Emoji Movie with me.
>Am about to surrender when partner in his trans-am and some bitch hitch hiker he picked up tells piggy to get fucked.

Some cops are just so fucked up.

So, 80% of US Trucks aren't road legal? Another difference to germany...

You realize that lots of people suffer from depression because of a chemical imbalance in the brain, right? It's something that affects millions of Americans.

Main difference between US trucks and German trucks is ours don't explode or plow through crowds.

That's because we don't give every inbread nutjob a trunk full of guns and ammo so they have to improvise.

Instead you get a swarm of rape-crazed homeless darkskinned religious child fuckers to do the work for you.
Smart thinking.


Trucking is one of those few industries that really are over regulated. But don't blame the govt.
For instance.

There's a set of scales on I-40 in Arkansas. These are federal scales. Once per year, they open up for a few days and teach state DoT how to do shit the right way. Sometimes, truckers leave there crying. No, literally grown men crying because they just got hit with tens of thousands of dollars in fines for driving shitty equipment.

I think it was back in 98 or 99. They decided to do drug testing for darned near everyone they pulled in. Turns out, they busted over 800 truckers for meth and cocaine use in a single day's worth of testing.

Everyone knows you don't do that shit while driving. But you still get jackasses who think they're the one guy in the world who can handle a semi while strung out on meth and/or coke and/or alcohol.

The regulations are not necessary for most of us. It's those few who have bad judgment. But since they can't weed out the idiots, we all have to deal with a shit ton of regulations.

Everyone knows not to drive around with broken equipment. But some people do because fixing shit costs them money. Apparently, money they would rather spend on expensive drugs, cheap liqueur and even cheaper lot lizards.




no thanks

>smart thinking
Obviously you gave up both some time ago?
The murder rate is higher in our domestic population compared to immigrants, and the ones wanting to commit attacks could have done so as tourists too, so whats your point?

And most of the regulations we have to deal with are common sense things. Fifth wheels are to be greased. But even a heavily greased fifth wheel can have some dry spots.

So the govt. has to specify the maximum size of the dry spot on a fifth wheel and the maximum total area of all the dry spots.

Any truck driver worth shit knows what a dry fifth wheel can do. It can cause you to break traction, which can cause a jackknife, which can kill entire families all at once. All because some dumbass would rather buy a pack of cigarettes than to buy a pack of grease for his fifth wheel.

We have regulations that specify how many, how long, and where, any and all cracks in our windshield. We've got pages of fine print dealing with just cracks in the windshield. We have an entire chapter dealing with lights. Color, placement, use, brightness, even how some are mounted. Each type of vehicle is specified. All because dumbasses don't think head lights or tail lights are necessary.

But I digress, this is supposed to be about assholes in uniform.

Please keep feelings out of our fact based discussion.

Fuck. As soon as I posted that, I remembered something I think you should all know.

There's a federal regulation requiring all tankers to be cleaned out by a professional cleaning service before loading any food grade material.
Sounds like common sense safety, right?
The regulation came about after they found hundreds of truckers taking toxic waste from northern states down to Florida. Emptying it out and taking OJ concentrate back to the northern states without ever washing their fucking trucks out.

OK, I promise this is the last of it.

And there I thought the market always regulates itself so something like that couldn't happen. Huh, who knew.