



When will you filthy dog fuckers get off my board?






















































Hello Sunny. How's your day been?


no complaints so far, just books chores and furposting

how have you been?











Doing alright. I'd destitute and depressed. But It's nicer being online.



I'm sorry to hear that.
what's got you down, would you like to talk about it?



I can't afford to pay my bills or eat. The little bit I have left from my next bill I'm gonna buy food for my sister's turtle.







that's no good... is there a soup kitchen or something nearby that can at least help keep you fed until your next paycheck? I'd offer to help, but I have no money of my own.


nope. Only "soup kitchen" we have is a church homeless thing. And I avoid church and my family like the plague.


any chance you can get food stamps or something? I don't know how government assistance stuff works, but there's supposed to be some sort of network in place to make sure people don't starve.

Maybe. But I don't really deserve it. I do have a job and I can still get work. It's just tough right now.


It's not a question of "deserving it" everyone needs to eat, there's nothing wrong with getting some help if things aren't going your way right now.

I don't like the fact that basic life needs are treated as some sort of privilege you have to "earn" in this country.

Yeah but there are worse off people who need the help more than I do.

Good afternoon, fellow anons. How's everybody doing today?

Kind of grey until you people came.

We have a massive food surplus in this country, I can guarantee you that you making use of the few social safety nets that we have is not going to take anything away from 'people who need it more'.

I'm alright, thanks user.
How are you?



Still. I feel bad and I want to be able to get through this on my own. I put myself here. So I need to get myself out.


self-reliance is a good trait to have, but pride isn't worth going hungry for