Finish this sentence:

Finish this sentence:

Donald Trump is...




...a highly incompetent bellend who is a pro-Israel zionist and is escalating tensions with Russia and North Korea

A pice of shit unfit to run to the toilet let alone a country.

The demagogue in chief.

The founder of the failed USFL

Edgelord detected


Best president EVER

*the best
fixed it for you.

Trump Donaldson

Going to start world war 3 to avoid impeachment.

Let's see...reading Constitution....researching U.S. law. Looking at recent history...oh! HERE IT IS!! Turns out he is the president of U.S., faggot

increasingly irrelevant.

a nice guy

Let me get this straight. We have an incompetent leader in a time of crisis when a rogue nation is threatening to nuke us and all anyone cares about is the fucking culture war? We deserve whatever happens next.

Our nation's leader


>blah blah blah I'm a liberal cocksucker
Get back in your cage cuck


a Twitter junkie. And he tweet like the "doge" meme.

Again all you care about is the culture war. This is why you deserve a nuke in your back yard.

Rogue nation?!?

Compare the actions of NK with those of USA - who is the rogue?

Ye that's actually pretty brilliant

Star Wars

North Korea.

Fucking loser


has 3 autistic sons

...your president if your an American.


...olation recommended.

, and shouldn't be.


All the talk around him is bullshit from people who think he's Hitler or people who think he's the best president ever.