ITT we misquote famous movie lines

ITT we misquote famous movie lines.

You're gonna need a smaller shark.

"Say welcome to my little buddy"


I shall return.

Yeeee-yaaaa father fucker

"You're all queer kid now let's blow this guy and go home"

Play it again, Sam.

Don't you ever try to put your penis in me, Tony.

LOL, this really made me laugh.

This is my gun

im da baybees joker

What country is Marsellus Wallace from?

You ever tango with Satan in the weak lunar glow?

durf dadr

My hands are too smooth!

We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be gay, love traps, and suck cock. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.

I want to suck your cock

I live my life a quarter of a tank at a time.

Creation is a form of destruction




Luke, I am your father.

"I can't Tony, he's a friend"
"Fuck you too Steve"

Yipee ki-yay mr. Falcon!

It's over Anakin! The geography states I am superior!

Do you see what happens, Larry? Do you see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps?

"You can't handle the juice"

Shut the fuck up mommy

How come you are so serious?

"You can't ground Anakan. I can high high high high high high high high high high high high high!"


"Hello ma'am i'm Johnny."


Luke, I am your father!

Dead African-American Storage.

Am I getting you aroused, child? Yes!

How come you are in a state of intensity my dear friend?

luke, im your dad