Ask a millionaire anything that can help you be the best version of yourself and achieve greatness

Ask a millionaire anything that can help you be the best version of yourself and achieve greatness.
Protip: i genuinely want to help you.

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Too lazy.
What do?

can you give me 60$

I dont need your fucking help.

I just need the motivation to do a job I hate long enough to finish school. I'm about 33k in debt to student loans and if I don't go back soon, I'm going to have to start paying them back. Please help me find motivation to do two things I hate at the same time to achieve what I NEED to do.

Please. I'm seriously asking for help.

If being a millionaire make u booted enough to get on Sup Forums to help other I don't want the money or advice.

break the routine
dont fall asleep infront of pc
go out more , just for anything, the world is full of opertunities, sease them
how would 60$ improve you ?

smart, but then again i have time to kill in the hotel i am at and i havent been to Sup Forums i 2 years
Why do you hate it ? Dont answer, i'm sure the reason isnt good enough. Power through, get rid of debt , its cancer. Do you think i love working out every day or managing my finaces? I just want to play videogames eat junk food and fuck some 10/10 girl. I do it because i made the habbit of doing it,
Habbit > lazyness
Hard work > Talent
The world is your bitch , go fuck it !

How many cocks did you suck until millionaire status?

I had my fare share of dicks i had to suck up to before i got fed up.
Why do you still suck dicks ?

Also I am hardly ever home. Always have to be doing something as is. Just don't care to be doing things though.

Wanting to help other People always has a reason,nobody helps eachother out of kindness

can you help me lift deez nuts off your chin?

it would make me 60$ less poor. i have 7$ in my wallet I'm dying

I didnt say enough.
To achieve what you want you have to be financially smart. Read more books , cut down on useless shit that you buy/do , dont waste that much money on hobbies but still keep them. They are healthy to have.
You also need to find a better job. 33 K is shit. 200k k is shit.
I can recommend a book that helped me a lot.
Higher status by Jason Capital
If there is one book i am awolled to read in my life its this one.
Dont you have hobbies , things you love , people you love , girls you like , dont you like yourself. Dont do shit for them , do it for you. First you have to love yourself and you my man dont. Break the routine by any means.
My reason is i have time to kill before a meeting. The exchange is bordom killing for advice. There is no such thing as free lunch i know.
If you go to gym more maybe you can lift more than your nuts.

Then get off the computer and go work you lazy fuck. Weak people give handouts to other weak people, because they dont know how to help in any other way. Are you weak ? I know you are, you will be weak all your life. You wont fuck 10/10 girls, you wont by a sports car, you wont make you parents super proud. Are you ok with that ? Are you ok with having an average life ? If you are then this isnt the thread for you. The only thing i am ok with is amazing.

How can I start making money when I have litterally 0€

uh its spelt boardumb

Forgot to say even though I have a major no one would hire me

Have you ever considered working ?
English isnt my first language.

I am a hard worker but have no grades due to personal circumstances at the time, I want a lot of fucking money but don't know where to start I don't sit on my arse all day like most of these retards I work 6 days a week 60 hrs plus, but still broke as fuck can you help?


Major in what ? Most degrees are worthless. Dont feel bad though. Keep searching. The only difference between me and you is that i didnt quit and you did one step before success

and you will never have a degree in English.

Chemichal science

I would like to kill you. I have a strong desire to choke you until you are dead.
What do you think, should I give up my daily routine of not killing objects like you or change it, only for your case.

Fuck off Jason nobody wants your shitty self help vanity kindle e-pamphlet.

How do you resist lurking, shitposting and fapping on free days?

Also, what are your thoughts on minimalism

How do I get a job I tried for 2 years now to get a job but no one wants to take me
My cv is pretty good but i cant talk for shit

Where can i practice my speaking skills?
You have money you must have done some good speaking to be where you are right now

>Higher status by Jason Capital

seems legit

Do you think being a millionaire makes you wise? Because it doesn't...

But nice dubs, faggot.

I dont need to have it , money opens more doors that a degree.
Working hard doesnt get you rich, it never has and never will. Working smart and working for yourself will. I have been in your shoes and i didnt became rich from working hard for other people.I started to work for myself and build my own dream and not somebody elses. Are you building your dream ? Grades dont matter. Read the book - Poor dad , rich dad
It helped me get out of the rat race and paved my way to success.
Move town , move country , move planet whatever. If you want to work you will find a way. Get out of your comfrot zone. Its holding you back. Everything you ever dreamed of lays on the other side of fear.

>gebuinely spells habit inccorectly twice, a steeple of his "fortune"

Though this is obviously good advice, for it is common knowledge
Going into depth about evolution may have helped a bit better, kuz when you understand something, it exists as a whole, thus, we can better understand it; this is the lesser known information, the real advice given by someone with the keys

..but good luck with your habbit's boi

oh boy a sports car.

nigga is your brain defrosted from 1987? it's 2017 motherfucker we ride bikes. respect the earth faggot.

Women keep leaving me cause I shit myself, should I stop?

I'm incredibly smart and talented but never got rich and I'm 35 now. How did you get your monies?

I am waiting for an answer, my dear prey.

I need money to start my business, care to help?

How do I fuck a super rich chick who is way out of my league? Asking for a friend.

I don't care about money, yet i realize I need a minimal amount to live. Should i try to make a lot of money, through hard work and then check out, as soon as I have enough, or do some meaningless small time job, leaving me free to enjoy life.

You are angry so you are not ok with a mediocare life. Thats good. I'm proud of you.
Now accept that thats the life you will live if you dont better yourself.
I dont recommend just one book , so why would i be Jason ?
I dont have free days
Minimalism is a cut down on everything in your life. You have to spend money to make money.I support only the cutting down on useless things and habbits you dont need. Fuck junk food, vacations, lots of clothes and women. The last one cant waste a lot of money if you arent financially smart.

I cant belive how far Sup Forums has become with this kind of faggotry... srly, this newfags are becoming worst and wrost every generation

It's called "rape".

I tried to start my own business and it failed.. What do now?

Its spelled boredom,
no idea why cuntymcfuckface here
wants you to think otherwise

Can you shill your shit somewhere else please, Jason?
How about you post there? Bet they are gonna be really fucking friendly.

Explain how can someone escape poverty and get rich if that someone doesn't have money to invest?
Money runs this world and you can't do shit without it. How do you expect someone to read a book that'll help them if they have to choose between a book or a week's worth of food?
You "rich" people disgust me with your behaviors and opinions, you don't even think for a second that someone can't do those things. Stop boosting your ego, you illiterate, lying cunt.

Find a job in other sectors.Look elsewhere for a job.
I have and it helps a lot. Youtube Channel - Charisma on Command. for speaking skills. Read books and watch videos about how to speak to people. There is an art in speaking. Most people suck at speaking. Dont be those people.

I need $350 to start a business, I'm a hard worker, but money is always holding me back.

>Higher status by Jason Capital
>If there is one book i am awolled to read in my life its this one.

>I dont recommend just one book , so why would i be Jason ?



Ideally I just want enough money to get pussy. Maybe get a new pc and a new tv and some good weed.

>Go out
See, i got this condition

They do get it, they're just lying and bullying the weak.

It's called piratebay.

anyways this is tiresome. i've decided to tear down your little house of cards.

Jezus H Christ,

I am usually open to good ideas coming from whatever source, but one look at this snot-nosed cunt's face and I've had my fill.
I bet you a thousand bucks this kid has a confidence game he wants to sell you as if that will provide you with actual fulfillment and a stable relationship.
jeeez. Selling this guy's BS to me is going to take more than a "read this" recommendation.

I dont , it makes me financially and business wiser though.
you ride that bike while your girl rides me, respect
Investing into bussineses, cryptocurrencies, myself. The last one paid off 1000000%

self made millionaire btw

take a picture of your car keys right now. you have 1 minute. impress me.

Hey there rich OP. What should I say at interviews to get someone to hire me without relevant experience. I have been trying to do better than min wage and get a few interviews a year for stuff like plumbing, solar install, insurance sales, final expenses sales, and many more. The interviewers always like me but ultimately they choose someone with previous experience. My resume and cover letters are getting me interviews but I just can't seem to seal the deal. What are some tips to get employers to want to give me a shot?

I have even tried things like "I understand this position starts at $15-18 an hour but I will work 90 days at minimum wage trail period. In those 90 days I will demonstrate that what I bring to the company is worth what your offering" and still no luck.

Yes , work and save up , ask people you trust for loan and explain in detail your business stategy and ideas.

pick a career for me to get into

Hmm thanks for the tip. I wanted to invest in the crypto market... You may have just inspired me to take the plunge.

I need money to start a dildo making business, I can tell you I've been refused in quite a few places because of that already

You have to be 18 to post here.


How about we fuck this fag's amazon ratings?

Oh god, your deductions are bad. O hope you only wanted to trigger me (if you have, you fucked up m8)
Now I just want to torture you, your entire life long. I hope pain will make your existence a little more reasonable.

2 years ago chan is completely a other site. If I had your money and time . ill make a YouTube channel going different places and see if I can spent 10k perweek on random buys or hand out . no car or boat or house . small everyday Joe items

i like the way you think. i was just going to have him beaten by russian mafia.

Why do rich people who look the part of rich people always act like cunts.

Btw. what is your favorite music/band/singer/song

The most vapid, emptiness promoting poster I've seen since showgirls came out in 1995. And that's doing Paul Verhoeven a disservice.

He's giving business advice and his name is "Capital"?

Is this some kind of a joke?

I want to start a parrot farm. Can I talk to Mr. Bird Birderson pls?

Is this the life style ppl think u have.

The youngster in the pic isn't even 30 yet.

What does he know about higher status?

don't you think being a millionaire kind of precludes you from giving real world advice to people who have never lived like you?

well come on, the vapid emptiness was kind of the point of the movie. you have to take yourself out of the equation when watching it. think of it like you are a scientist observing a species of animal in their natural habitat.

Great question.
You have to have higher status than this chick. If she knows she is richer than you she wont respect your existance. Most women are like that. Project confidance , that you dont care about money and most important that you are higher status than her even though she is richer financially
Money is freedom. Let that sink in. Money is freedom.
Hard work doesnt make you a lot of money if you work hard for someone elses dream. Work hard for your dream.
Start a business 10 more times , it has to succeed only once. It can fail 10 time and on the 11th you have made it. Plan better.


anyone else up for synctubing Starship Troopers?

This is just a promo pic and not Bilzerian's everyday life.

If this were real, imagine the catfights all day long - 5 vapid bimbos with nothing to do all day but cause drama.

Shh tho, I'm not a fan of OP, but this is just shit, atleast he's witty

Which are similar to the words I'm sure you will hear from your first gf and soon to be ex

>make money from exploiting people
>"I want to help you"
Better than any YLYL thread.

Y not just paid them not to fight.treat it like a job .

dude we can tell it's still you you gay porn looking faggot.

you should have used some of those millions of fake bullshit cryptobucks to buy a copy of Google Ultron or you'd know how obvious you are.

Not sure if OP is troll or what but fuck it here we go.

My sister is a drug addict, I'm in the aerospace industry. I'm quite intelligent and resourceful, super hard working and motivation out the asshole at times. The one thing I feel is keeping me down is said drug addict, my family are complete assholes to me and I've been robbed several times by them; have since cut all contact. I've moved away around the country, changed my pool of friends, armed myself with security alarms and CCTV systems alongside having police involvement and it comes to naught despite it being them everytime. They're too slimy, know the system too well and come back to fuck me harder when they come out the other side.

My ultimate question is this, at what point do you curb stomp someone or alternatively get violent? If you do at all, I'm working pretty much 24/7 just to keep ahead of them but wonder if there is a more cave man solution here since I feel it's literally the only language they understand.

Oh I am sure of it, the directory is a pretty intelligent guy taking into account the fact that Starship Troopers (see ) is actually an anti-fascist commentary.
It does provide an excellent stereotype to point to and say "see ? those are similar".
Everything about this guy is posturing and confidence scamming.

Did you think i started with 1 m $ like Donald Trump. I started with 0 , worked to 3000 $ , invested them again and again and again in businesses and myself. It payed off , especially the last one. The books i read will feed me my whole life. Your food is for a week. I was like you a few years ago. But your way of thinking will keep you poor. Read books , watch videos that better you. Once you start you wont stop. I promise. If you dont believe you cant do it then you wont and will stay poor all your life. My will is the only thing that made me richer than you.
350 $ is not much , save up , ask for help , explain your ideas to the people you ask for in detail
>Rich dad poor dad
>Law of attraction
>Arnodl Shwarzenegger biography


go fuck off you lying piece of shit.
sage in all+1 fields

>Rich dad poor dad

You dont need money for pussy. Thats the secret.
sure i do. The first spet to solving any problem is the acceptance that there is one.
If you go to his youtube channel you can find the book for free. You just pay shipping.


ok i actually feel sorry for you now so I'm going to help you out.

here's some real books for you.

Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer: Theory and Experiments: Dr. John C. Lilly

sycho-Cybernetics: Updated and Expanded
Maxwell Maltz

Undoing Yourself: With Energized Meditation and Other Devices
Christopher S. Hyatt

Prometheus Rising
Robert Anton Wilson


While I'm at it

The War of Art

>I genuinely want to help

There is no help on Sup Forums

>Eh baby im starving, can you pick me up some take away from -insert boujee yet progressive restaurant here- :-)
>ya omw to u now bb
>deletes contact
>throws phone out window
>cries into the steering wheel of 64A.D saturn ion

OP is an illiterate nigger shitposting from a McDonald's free wifi.

Obviously a rush job but nice work.

Covering his face almost hides the stink of desperation.

>Higher status by Jason Capital
didn't OP already mention to read that book ?
lurkmoar newfag
jokes aside ,if what you are saying is true which somehow sound unbelievable , just share a house with someone else , and keep a dog or just don't keep anything precious in your house ,a house is only meant to sleep in anyway ,keep your tv ,vidya pc at a friend's
on the other hand you can kill all of them and suicide