Why do Atheist insist on believing that the big bang just accidentally happened??

Why do Atheist insist on believing that the big bang just accidentally happened??

Why isn't it blatantly obvious to you, like it is for the vast majority of people on earth, that the big bang was caused by a supreme intelligence?

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shut up ugly

Because theists can't get quads.

Fuck off


oh look a scriptfag. congratulations on stealing all the thunder.

Don't be so booty blasted just because atheist quads confirm that there is no god.

It was all natural baby.


Why do theists insist on believing that their god just accidentally happened??

>Sage your replies.
>Hide the thread.
>Don't feed the troll.



Choose another image you cuck, never-ending story is a staple of anyone born in the late 70's,early 80's.

This is now a get thread, Gott est Tott

i really wish you wouldnt ruin a good movie for this moronic meme.

shitty b8 m8 8/88

It's not special anymore because of people like you.

>special things aren't special because they happen to someone I don't like

what have you done????

nice use of the Sup Forums API and python

This video will put everything in your tiny little mind in perspective OP.



What about knowing what the big bang is before commenting this shit?


wish i didn't sage in all fields. nice quads.

i feel sorry for you if you have to cheat to get random fucking dumb numbers. shit happens moron.

a specific number is not, under all circumstances, a random number, keep that in mind

when talking to thiests they always ask this

then I reply with "Who created God, Does Yahweh some some even more magical sky daddy"

>No god is everlasting, he always existed

Why not go one step less and just accept that the universe itself was everlasting and not created? Why do thiests like to argue and try to debate science that takes years of research in and they dont even do a google search for?

Entire field of science dedicated to the expansion (and hypothetically the compression) of the universe

The big bang wasnt a random explosion, nothing didnt just become something user, and simply stating that just shows how fucking ignorant you are to the subject, so please, go back to what you do best at, being ignorant of everything, burning that you do not understand, and trying to take us back to the dark ages.

>inb4 "nice b8, m8"