I'm part of DACA I'm not going anywhere this is my home. Congress will pass a bill to let me stay...

I'm part of DACA I'm not going anywhere this is my home. Congress will pass a bill to let me stay. Trump has no respect for the I'm part of DACA I'm not going anywhere. Congress will pass a bill tomorrow to let me stay. Even republicans know Trump is unconstitutional.

Fuck Trump and fuck White people.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm a white guy and I would not make you leave

go be a mexican somewhere else. mexico perhaps.

chubby boy.

I'm a white guy and I'd make both of you leave.

Here we see a cuck in its natural habitat.

>Fuck Trump and fuck White people

sorry, taco, you gotta go back

Bye bye mooch. Once we turn NK into a crater we coming after you wetbacks. America really is shaping up to be great again, huh?

by entering and staying illegally, you have no respect for the country. you are a parasite.
your only "dream" is to sit on your ass and live off handouts from gullible liberal white people.
enjoy your bus ride.

>nice b8, m8

If you want to b8, go to Sup Forums

sorry to tell you but you are white yourself OP

italian and my skin is literally 3times darker than your white ass



You're an unwelcome parasite whose parents were illegal immigrants.
You don't belong and your people don't dream or make them.
You leech off of our system and do nothing to contribute.
Fuck latinos and fuck their entire lazy ass culture.

these is for kids who were brought to the U.S. by their parents. fag


im a german guy and i want to die
>capcha grapes
>eating grapes

>all construction workers

parasites serve a purpose too. we're all one.

One pile of garbage that's about to be taken out son.

Bye bye, Orlando

Shut the fuck up, nigger!

>and fuck white people
Aaaaaand you lost me. I'll gladly help a friend, but I can't stand racists.

garbage too has a purpose. take cow shit and decomposed plants, trash to some, fertilizer to others that cycles the oness of life.

I'm Hispanic and I hope your plane crashes on it's way back to beanerville

i'm human and i hope you realize youre a faggot

You want my advice? Get as many Hispanics registered to vote in 6 months.

Do not be politically passive.

To put it bluntly, get up off your ass.

You had my sympathy until "fuck white people". Now you can die in a fire.

Hope they send you to beaner land where you don't speak the language and don't know anyone, and have to make a living selling your asshole.

Except your the kind of trash that is bio-hazardous.

just a theory here. what if by sending them all back they bring american mindset to mexico and use the pain as fire to make mexico great again.


*you're. How does it feel to get your spelling corrected by a mexican. kek


That's the idea. Instead of abandoning your country for the promise of a white man's lifestyle, why not blaze your own trails and build your country instead?

didn't you have like years to get citizenship huh? too busy taking away jobs and leeching off of the government? dumb cunts sitting there all these years with the ability to stay in the US, now this shit comes up and they think that "dreams" will save them. Holy shit is that hilarious, like saying they have dreams will change the minds of like fucking anyone lmao.

>When you realize that the thing speaks true

>being this butthurt
>"I'm a real human bean"

Got your ass kicked at an antifa protest, didn't you? Garbage pail fought back?


seen this in a few places but I didn't want to Google it and give it more search popularity

the fuck is DACA?

>implying my butt is hurt
>implying i know what antifa is
>implying im not american


Go to Sup Forumsitic over at /Pol taco nigger!

what the fuck are you babbling about? Who said anything about being or not being American? Also you know what antifa is Kek. Willful ignorance is still ignorance you nigger.

>An illegal guy talking about the constitution.
Got my daily dose of irony, thanks mexicunt.

i can see this to be true for some but for others they followed the american dream of every immigrant. to some extent the US has some blame for this. its seductive and a journey worth dying for this dream. as a mexican born and raised in american culture with a white best friend i can see your point however, I had no choice therefore i consider myself american with mexican roots. i do sort of wish my theory comes true just because so many mexicans really admire and suck up to white people. i learned through the us schooling system that we are all equal. never understood race except for it being a different version of the human me. through this speculation i came to realize that success and this american dream is nothing more than a dream that can come true anywhere in the world. if destiny bring you to the US i get it but apart from that mexicans need to learn this truth already, that they can build their dreams anywhere in the world. unfortunately, not many are awake. their society has their mind in a cage. some however have escaped and found themselves one being Carlos Slim with a networth of 77 billion. Well that's my two cents.

nice b8 you fucking racist

>implying i'm being ignorant
>implying i secretly know what antifa
>implying i watch the news

Taco nigger is the greatest thing I've read all day.

you must have a low iq


Like shit son if your a shallow as fuck faggot unwilling to accept the greater truths of the world then yeah that would be a possible thing.

>why not blaze your own trails and build your country instead?
North Korea is trying to do just that. Gadafi tried to do that.
Like shit faggot just near sighted are you to see just how much of hard thing that is to do simply cause of all the other first world countries looking out for their best interests will fuck with others for the sake of coming out ahead.

>mexicans need to learn this truth already, that they can build their dreams anywhere in the world. unfortunately, not many are awake

nigga get out of here with that dumbass faggotry. Shit is the same everywhere and quit being such a fucking dumb ass. Fucking hell man just look at all them white coal miners/towns people so down in the dumps unwilling to move somewhere just because society and technology has left them behind. Shit is the exact same except the mexican are smart enough to realize that the money to be made is else where and are willing to essentially vote with their feet and move to places where they can earn a living and some better money than where they are from.

White coal miners and towns are whiny as hell asking for like the goverment to help them out, While the mexicans realize that shit is in their hands and are willing to risk their lives just to get to a place where they can get some money to eventually make enought to either stay there or retire back home. All the while still paying local taxes and buying/spending money. Now while yes probably not paying FEDERAL taxes they still help local economy of where they live thrive and shit.
Now with daca those people instead of getting payed under the table they are getting payed above the table now. Meaning that instead of it being all tax free they are also now pay even more taxes out of their checks now.

The only thing you're turning into a crater is your face with all those tendies you stuff in it.

Lol you and all other illegal are gonna only stay as.long as trump allows you to. Don't get it twisted. Its time to take back our great country

>take it back from people that had little to no affect on your life at all

AHAHAHAH stupid as white people wanting to get rid of the some young folks who if allowed to stay would be the ones paying for their social security.

Like god damn just how petty and dumb are white folk wanting to live in squalor than letting some young colored folk who had no choice in being brought to America work and pay for their shit.

take your cancer to Sup Forums

Let's make America great again. White people need to go Lynch themselves. It was the humane thing to do 200 years ago. Let's bring it back but in reverse. Let's make America great again. Fuck white people. WHITE PEOPLE ARE IMMIGRANTS TOO GO NECK YOURSELF IF U DONT THINK SO.


>Fuck Trump and fuck White people.

Get lost, beaner.

Why is it that people of other races are proudly "Wherever the fuck the source of their gene pool originates" so hell bent on forcing their way into white countries instead of pissing off back to their own countries (of which they are so proud to be from)?

... and why all the hatred towards the race that created the marvels you you all feel that you are entitled to?

Excuse me you said white country. Wrong side of the world you fuck. England is the birth place of whiteknights. Learn your history you fucking twat

Just saying.
Hunger is a bitch.
People do crazy things when they get hungry, including crossing a blazing hot desert. I know people who have died trying to come to cut grass for 10 hours a day.
Once you guys have children, you will reliazed to what extend a parent will act for the good of their kids.
You guys are fortunate and lucky to have been born in a blessed land with opportunities.
Is not easy to have expectations of a future and lose that one day. Because you have nothing. Just chaos.
Hunger is a bitch. Be greatful you have food and you don't stress thinking that tomorrow you might have nothing to eat.
I have been hungry.

Ignorant white fuck. Yeah clearly you're white with the premise America belongs to white people. White people are insects. Leeching on to women of different nationality and then having the audacity to kick out what they don't like. Fucking white Western mentality. You probably wish slavery still existed

Yes, slavery would solve a lot of these "PC" issues, bringing it up proves that you would form part of said workforce on account of your kek subrace.

I agree that white are from Europe, the source of innovation and civilised culture, but would you believe it... britain is dealing with the same crap as america in terms of illegal immigrants - there is a pattern there dont you think?




Go work on my fucking wall Pedro

Underage detected
Jesus christ, I feel like I'm in second grade "roast off".

Get out summer fag


>Thinks to know user's age

You sir are as retarded as they come.
It pains me to see your response when you barely understand what is happening.
Pretending to know shit and spread it like that shit like those Aussies do to their toast.
I bet you only read the headers and respond.
Don't pretend to be a better person.
You're a Sup Forums Sup Forumstard that spends any relevant time on here posting and responding just like me.