Rate this game, please be truthful, i want the best and worst. dont lie

rate this game, please be truthful, i want the best and worst. dont lie

please guys i get money for report card and i want to buy is it worth price?

dota is free doe?

i know that you stupid idiot now answer question

kek also it's a tacky "more professional" verison of the god almight league of legends.

The fact that league was released AFTER dota should indicate to you already that it's better.

Every garbage aspect of dota ie turn spead, clunky gameplay, clunky ui, everyone being overpowered so no1 is overpowered, map too big etc etc. etc. etc. Were all fixed and tweaked and turned into our savior league of elgends

its pretty fun but only if you have a friend i guess
although its just a much more "professional" and slower version of league

Play real games. Dota, league, heroes. All shitty games that make fags feel cooler cuz of their complexity

10 out of 10
honestly this is the best game i've ever played
but i play heroes of the storms now because i'm gold2,and in dota2 i cant get pass 1.9kmmr


>The fact that league was released AFTER dota should indicate to you already that it's better.
>everything released later is better
>No Man's Sky came after LoL

Then again you seem to have problems even with the grammar of "speed" so I guess you would prefer LoL over dota

This game is a vile demon that will consume your life and cost you your friends and family.

You have been warned.

This guy plays dota.



Dota2 is a headache .the most I have ever accomplish was 17 win streak.
Doesn't matter because now I'm only 1.9k. I play heroes of the storm now and you know what I hate heroes of the storm

How exactly?

I'm guessing you don't have anything you could say on the games so you try to insult me?


Dummy he means that it's a (((similar game))) released after. So of course it's better. No mans sky is the first of it's kind so when a game similar comes out of course it'll be better.

Threads about these games always devolve into autists arguing about their favorite game like its their mom.

I had a good time playing it, but you'll do more time reading than playing if you try hard to win.

>Speaks as if wise
>Uses image/s unrelated to replies

I can promise you that both are basically the same. One has a much larger following (LoL), but a highly toxic community that turns off any potential new player who isn't a 12 year edgelord.

No mans sky was released after Elite Dangerous and it is not even close to as good (not that Elite Dangerous is perfect or anything)

It;'s just a fucking expression you dick breath.

Dota was released early. And league was released after so by DEFAULT league was released with fixing some of dota's "problems" in mind. So we have a less-clunky version of dota ina sense because "clunkiness" was "one" of the "problems"

everything that is functional is unlocked at the beginning
really tough learning curve
community can be toxic sometimes
definitely worth it if you can find a good group to play with

well it's trash now i guees.
League of Legends is newer better version.
HoT is really good.
Smite... (just fucked up lanucher)
Moba games are trash in general.
But i must admit Dota got pretty good moding comunity now

the only really issues is since everything is free
say hello to a large unskilled Mexican community

Been play for I think 3-4 years now and I totally agree. this game will consume you if you let it. Keep in mind games are usually an hour long and even if you want to play 1 a day its almost always 1.5 hours out of your life no matter what.

Game play is fun and diverse enough that you don't think you are doing the same shit every game, which you are.

Honestly, I would invest your time somewhere else. Take up a skill that is not DOTA, but lets be honest here.

No it's not, I'd give it to you if you said "on average" but you didn't

Both games have their merits, it really comes down to what you prefer.

what clunkiness are we talking about?

just your average gamer here.

Do you like competitive games?
If you came from a competitive background such as CS:GO or Starcraft, the scene is more or less the same, except that the game itself is significantly more complex and the learning curve is stupidly steep.

Also the community is less toxic than other games like LoL or CS:GO, still has its moments though.

>he means that it's a (((similar game))) released after.

>And league was released after so by DEFAULT league was released with fixing some of dota's "problems" in mind.

You... Can't be serious?!
>later released games are automatically better if you compare by genre

So Ride to Hell: Retribution beats all pre 2013 third person shooters?


you're such a cum shot jesus christ


>using Lords name in vain

league is pendragons bastard child with a skinner box pay2notgrind formula for DOTA.

It is an abomination.

resorting to insults, classy.

What the fuck is going on this thread are Dota players truly more toxic and childish than league fags. i am baffled

What's wrong with pay2notgrind?

Dota is a fucking dying game for a reason
League has a growing player base of 100 million people
I heard something along the lines that league gets as many hours played in a single month than all the halo games combined since 2006.
If one was better than the other, and both are the same genre of game, then shouldn't the better one be getting more attention?

Subjective my friend!
All of the internet is shit lol


my in-game alias says it all.


I'd like to bring attention to this question again...

a popular city should not be confused with a good one-Socrates

when you have to unlock the game its a problem, it should be an even playing field from the start.

>If one was better than the other, and both are the same genre of game, then shouldn't the better one be getting more attention?

>if people eat at McDonald's it must be healthy right?

Kids prefer LoL because it's easier but lacks depth.

I played it for 9 minutes (according to Steam) and that was enough. I didn't see the appeal at all.

yea you gotta get more into it to become an addict

>I played it for 9 minutes (according to Steam) and that was enough.

>average match is 45 min
Dude I doubt you even played tutorial

5k here you week fucks. dota2 is fun.


The best action rts out there, if those games are your thing you should check it out.

quite possibly the best game of all time.

I had to quit though, because it was taking too much of my time. Extremely addicting once you get past the steep learning curve.

I would only play again if it was to take a shot at going pro.

Play this game if:
-You have lots (8 hours a day) of free time.
-You are comptetive
-You consider yourself a skilled gamer

Do not play if:
-You want a casual game
-You are overly sensitive/emotional (other players will trigger you)

Seemed pretty slow and I hated the controls. Never been into MOBAs though. Most I played was 4 hours of Battlerite when it was a free weekend.

Yeah, I didn't even make it through. Just didn't feel like my cup of tea.

It's not bad but you gotta give it like a weekend of playing before I think you can make an honest determination

it's a clunk fest. need i explain

It's the golden age of Dota. It's balanced by somebody who plays it, it's a flagship game from a billion dollar company, it's getting attention in eSports, it's super active and quick to find a match.

The downside? A large portion of the community is ridiculously toxic. There are good people out there but they exist in a sea of shit.

Okay with friends, sometimes ok with randoms.

You can totally play casually. Just don't play ranked.

LoL will be inferior as long as it's pay to win. Dota is free, no buying champs, no buying any balance changing shit.

i guess i'm too competitive to have fun playing casually. i tried playing for fun, and it was the least fun i've had since watching baseball.

>hears criticism about a game he hates
>throws it around even though doesn't even know what it means
>"that's just how it is ok?!"

please do.


League is completely free to play you fucking brain dead rat
Bruh socrates comes from a time where unicorns and dragons were very real. Not to mention math, science and philosophy were all the same thing.

>being this mad on the internet

My phone doesn't let me change the file names

And my pic was related:
Trump kept repeating the stamina thing as if it was some awesome point he had just realized.

>League is completely free to play you fucking brain dead rat

You do know what pay2win means right...?
It doesn't mean you have to buy the game.

It means you can get ahead by paying

I find it hard to believe any F2P game these days is not actually a well concealed Pay 2 Win. Can someone convince me this is not the case with Dota 2? I haven't played it yet, but if it's really not Pay 2 Win, I may try it soon.

>It means you can get ahead by paying
Tell me how the fuck you get "ahead" in a moba, whatever the fuck that means
Every champion or hero is free and has a counter...

>I can promise you that both are basically the same
Define "basically", because CoD and arma are both the same because you shoot people.

The only thing you can buy is hats and sounds. They don't have any effect on the gameplay

I'm not hating Arma but I have one ultra annoying nerd friend that has an ego problem and I find it unbelievable that this faggot can play in a fucking team in Arma and is not hated there. That's why I have bad thoughts when I hear about this game.

No potions or other items that influence a game? Nothing? Special scrolls, healing, speed ups and shit like that? Really nothing?

>No potions or other items that influence a game? Nothing? Special scrolls, healing, speed ups and shit like that? Really nothing?
people woulda just stayed on wc3 if they did that

You cannot buy anything that changes the gameplay in any aspect.

Alright then! This may be actually the first F2P game I'll try despite my dislike for this business model :)

The business model of DotA is to start liking shitty cosmetics and to give valve $75 Million every year for compendiums.

>Tell me how the fuck
Relax man. Why you get so emotional over what some shit thinks on the internet?

Being able to buy champions with RP and runes with IP gives you an advantage.

Microtransactions of _any_ type used to annoy me really badly, but I had to change my attitude towards games, because it's hard to buy actually complete games without any microtransactions these days. Times have changed, you can't just buy a full game and then, after a year a full blown expansion set and have everything. Everything's cut to pieces and sold seperately.