Remember when America was respected?

Remember when America was respected?
Wtf happened!?

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>Remember when America was respected?

This happened....

Haha respected! Reale dude? America is a fagot!

underage faggot detected, go do your homework kiddy

America is Gay as fuck!


mmm yes goyim, he'll build that wall any day now

Nobody respect this bitch ass Country!

OP is a faggot also good to see that nigger out of office

America is the dumbes Country on this planet

i was only 12 when the towers fell, and i laughed my ass off, becasue serbia you fuckers! enjoy being lauged at by the whole world as your country falls into your own footprint.

kek people walked all over America when Barry was in charge

No, when?

You elected a walking cancer to rule your nation because too many of you hate people with brown skin.

The numbers speak for themselves. Approximately 50% of you are retarded racist cumdumpsters.

Slow fucking clap.

He drinks piss

yo dude whaddup my man.

Any idea when the servers will come back online? Totally lost atm

George W got in office. Patriot Act. Iraq War. Afghanistan war. Secret work to regime change most of the middle east. Massive inflation. Mass surveillance. Mass propaganda.

Obama continued all the exact same shit but pandered differently so people somehow have the impression he was different.

Trump continued all the exact same shit but pandered differently so people somehow have the impression he was different.

America has not been respected since 2000.... and even then public opinion of us had been falling since the Korean War, falling lower still during Vietnam. There was a brief restoring of American prestige after the USSR fell, but it only lasted until George W.

Both parties have been moving in the direction of increased tyranny, increased surveillance, increased warmongering and crony capitalism....

They just have people hoodwinked that they're different on 4 issues: gun control, abortion, gay rights, and immigration.... and even then they nearly always defer to state's rights and call it a victory for their side.

The question is whether you want coke or pepsi flavored tyranny, you don't get any other flavors.

Hey being racist is one thing.
Fucking your country back 100 years because of it is full on belm retarded.

Even Canada is mocking you.



Yes goy! I remember!

Also for the record I'm a white Eurofag.
Brexit is a cows testicle pushed up a hamsters asshole and even the flushing down the pan of our economy pales into insignificance compared to the literal shit show your elected president puts on for the world.

The man is a retard. I don't use that word lightly. He is literally at a sub human with some severe problems.

But hey. At least he doesn't have that brown skin.

How's your healthcare?

We are not racist! Being a racist is a crime! And crimes are for niggers!

Voting that asshat into office should have been a floggable offence.
From the other side of the pond Bernie looked like a solid choice.

I'd have preferred to kick Hillary in her minge than vote for her.

we got fat

You elected an obese idiot with thin skin.

obma worked to fix issues retard. you just think the market fixed it on it's own huh. even adam smith knew there needed to be gov't oversight

Well you would definitely have to go further back than that nigger.

Bill Clinton


i thought demark was worse

Everyone who literally pisses their pants in fear every time they hear about a muslim or a mexican or a fag banded together and voted for president camacho.

>implying it is all his fault / even remotely the populations fault for having no control over a representative democracy with large media and corporations / getting into an intellectual argument on Sup Forums

to all you eurofags i will seize all your fucking compounds and kick out your fucking delegates with a 72 hrs ticking countdown. send a plane before we send our own. we'll knock that bitch out o the sky as soon as it crosses the black sea with an unarmed missile.

>Wtf happened!?

We're taking big dick pills now and if you bitches don't start treating us right...

Dogfuckerland mocked us right up until we told the haitian trash to gtfo and they ran north.

What has it done lately to earn it?
It became a jewish neolibcon colony.
Purge the neos if you ever want to be respected in the world again.

Kill yourself, neoliberal.

Better than President Antoinette.
People who support a party that runs fake primaries need to be lined up and shot as traitors to the people.

America should mind it's own business.

The world has had a great taste over the last 10 years of the US making situations worse and claiming that it's in the US National interest.

Iraq was an illegal invasion, same as Hitler invading Poland. Supporting the rebels in Syria is literally supporting ISIS and attempting to overthrow a legitimate government. Almost all extremist groups in the middle east learned it from one source, the CIA in the 70s and 80s to combat the soviets.

All the world's major problems are your fault. I'd rather have saddam and most in Iraq would too. You killed 1.5 million people and then left it all to ISIS.

American Revolution 2.0 now, before your government is strong enough to stop it. Cause when they are the world is done.

Didn't neo die in the last film?

Well im not an idiot so i have fantastic insurance paid for entirely by my employer as part of a benefit plan meant to attract talent. I guess if your going to be a nigger and try to live on 30k a year you should be concerned.

Kill yourself, neoliberal.

ITT: people who know nothing of how a modern democracy works but still have an opinion for some reason.

Not all of you are clueless, just most.

This guy....


Fuck all of you other kiddie table faggots.

Yea, retard, just like isis. Lets kill people we don't like. All hail allah and the middle east! you fucking pile of shit.

Man, sitting here watching all the kids who were 12 years old browsing Sup Forums now become little 17 year olds that think they know shit is just depressing.

It's not often i can pinpoint the stupidest thing i heard all day.

What a fucking non-point.

>Millions of people are all this thing I say they are.
Ok, buddy. Whatever you say. My nephew is Mexican and there's "people of color" in my family. They hate that term, by the way. Colored people used to be an insult and now minorities are begging to be both segregated and called a 50s slur. PC culture is how America got Trump. He's not the hero we needed, but he's the one we deserve.

>Lets kill people we don't like
You simply choose to do it through numbers.
Neoliberals aren't people. They're defective products, by their own lights and everyone else's. Grind them.
>now become little 17 year olds that think they know shit
Tell me why neoliberals aren't defective anti-human products that need to be destroyed.

The real point is that playing this stupid-ass D/s game and lining up behind oligarchs is the sign of mental defect. Move back home if you need a parent so much. Otherwise, create an administrative system that is actually subordinate to you and required to serve you, rather than begging your betters for a little more like some english class cuck.

The lack of respect is down to him having been elected. The reasons he got elected are more complicated, involving poor education, massive socio-economic inequality, and a shitty electoral system. At the end of the day, though these are down to politicians, it's the people who elect their politicians, so the ultimate blame rests with the US people (though not all of the blame rests with the current generations, since systems were set up many years ago by past generations that are difficult to change now).

obama was a limp wristed anti american racist muslim whose only claim to fame is that he put men in womens bathrooms, took every hard working americans healthcare away to give to those who dont, and set back race relations 50 years, all the while being treated like putins bitch and the laughingstock of every other country


lol ...nigga was licking his balls

he was for hte betterment of america instead of keeping it stagnant of progressive social issues in which would almost have no effect other than to let others be that, just others whom are themselves with out adversly effecting your personal life other than the safety of each other

>laughingstock of every other country
where'd you hear that breitbart? the world is laughing at us right now.

frank dodd was beyond you, harrp helped millions, the aca is socialized healthcare, he saved gm and the airlines, he killed bin laden, he took our troops out of harms way and was winning the wars

>people who elect their politicians
More liberal victim-blaming. Don't give me shitty choices and tell me I'm responsible for the two corporations that are allowed to field candidates.

Remember when China refused to give Obama stairs?

yoiu know bc we've had so many shitty candidates before.
trump is the epitomy of shit like noone has ever seen before

This implies there's a correct answer. In an electoral system where population centers have a de facto advantage, where the people are only presented with 2 options, there is no correct choice. The reason people voted for Trump are entirely, uniquely different from the reasons people voted Hillary or even fucking Harambe. This election was a symptom of the disease that is destroying the middle American family in taxes, laws and misrepresentation. You can quit pretending every vote for Trump was a stupid hillbilly who just didn't know better. That's not what any of the numbers say unless you think Michigan and Ohio are cousin-fucker states.

This happened.

"Hey America, where my white bitches at?"....

>Wtf happened!?

Obama got elected in 2008

No, he was a neoliberal cocksucker who wanted to turn the USA into a market rather than a nation. Idpol is nothing but the marketplace of identities.

Dodd-Frank was basically nothing.
HAMP helped the banks, not homeowners, who were systematically screwed so that the banks didn't gorge themselves on too many foreclosures at once. Go look up Tim Geithner's "foam the runway" comment.
>the aca is socialized healthc
It's private corporate healthcare. Kill yourself, neoliberal.
>he saved gm and the airlines
Corporate welfare. Kill yourself, neoliberal.
>he killed bin laden
Unproven. Kill yourself, neoliberal.
>he took our troops out of harms way
He took them out of where they weren't wanted and risked being killed if they continued to operate on behalf of the empire.
>was winning the wats
Kill yourself, neocon,.
And finally, kill yourself, CTR shill.

are you pro or anti china, i don't get it?

remember when trump thanked putin for expelling hundred of our diplomats?

america was never respected on the world stage you dipshit
just like not all soldiers are heroes but i bet you believe that as well

I have more respect in america now than ever. It takes balls to take a stand against this pc culture and other bs.


>Talks about commanding respect
>Not even man enough to look Putin in the eyes


i like you

>voting for Obama

pick one hivemind

>Dodd-Frank was basically nothing.
i was right, over your head. it were a set of requirements for the bailout. it took away predatory lending and created jobs.
>HAMP helped the banks, not homeowners, who were systematically screwed so that the banks didn't gorge themselves on too many foreclosures at once. Go look up Tim Geithner's "foam the runway" comment.
hamp forced banks to adjust refinance loans without charging the customers. benefit the banks by them not having a foreclosed home and a paying customer instead.
>It's private corporate healthcare
it's american socialism, i'm not for single payer either, but i bet you are
>Corporate welfare
gm paid back those loans with interest fuckers. you wanted gm to collapse? are you fucking kidding me?
bin laden is not dead?
you're a fuckin nazi and trump gave you your voice, congrats nazi

my president was loved by all and you're so fucking jelous

Good. We will no longer pass out foreign aide of any kind. No humanitarian, no Military, no nothing. Eurocucks will need to provide for their own defense as will the Japs, Koreans, et. al. African countries will need to be supported with food aid to prevent mass famine, dig deep Eurocucks. Flood, earthquake, revolution.. we will send you a get well card.

>my president was loved by all

Obama is poised to be one of the greatest Presidents of the past 50 years

We beat the Russians and without an enemy everyone realized we were bullshitting.

>believing Trump can deliver this retarded agenda


Anti-china and anti-Obama.


They were all Soros agents. President Trump still hasn't purged the executive branch of democrat traitors.

he's ranked 12
I doubt Trump will even get out of the 40s

Correction. Replying to

the point is that america takes care of the rest of the world you ungrateful little whore

without america so many countries are on a one way trip to destination fucked

Only in public image. Many of his actual executive orders and bills will be seen as haphazard by future generations. Especially the bailouts and not ending the Iraq War as immediately as possible. Again, the world will wonder why the USA thought the millenia-old war in the Middle East was their problem to deal with. Obama ignored the large threat of ISIS for the most part, as well. Now, if ISIS is handled soon or without US intervention, then that will be a moot point.

The funny thing is Trump could just get a wild hair and do something good and awesome, but he doesn't know the world outside of power and money. Sad.

Enjoy paying higher taxes user
Also, different poster
fuck the world policeman shit
we need to have the UN have actual power

nice hollow platitude you bot faggot

Trump has already destroyed most of Obama's legacy. The only thing left is Obamacare, arresting Hillary, Rice, Holder and finally Obama himself.

>Many of his actual executive orders and bills will be seen as haphazard by future generations

not really
Congress wouldn't act
Obama did
That's what Presidents are supposed to do

Meanwhile, Trump is the one shitting out EO's like he's ready to hump the ceiling

oh. wait. You didn't expect such an intelligent answer that didn't validate with your lolbertarian bullshit


Shit dude, you're so fucking woke. Tell us more about how you alone dictate who is respected and who is a hero.

>arresting Hillary,
and people complained about Obama wasting taxpayer money on stupid shit

good one

Totally agree. He is setting the world straight and eliminating the US Guilt complex and O-Fuckin-Bama brought on us. Nigger super cuck.

you talking about the 90's ???

>destroying his legacy
Learn what legacy means retard.

>durr hurr obama=nigger
>being this underage


Reagan had to leave office.

Using a map where people live and don't live for evidence of anything is hilarious.

I live in svalley, don't need to carry a gun like when I lived in texass.

Also get paid a shit ton more and make better products.. that you all use lol

Non-responsive to my statement. Cuck.

Why do you support criminals?

Obama left this country booming economically and social progress was on the rise.

Face it, Trumptard. You might approve, but history will.

Smart Republican.

Ok, sparky. Calm down. First political debate? No, fuckface, the job of POTUS is not push whatever you want through and ignore Congress. Most of America didn't want the Affordable Care Act and it cost literally billions just to set it up and then still cost the average American 20%+ of their monthly gross, GROSS, income. Then they penalized you if you didn't want it, i.e. another Tax Americans didn't ask for. Premiums doubled and healthcare quality actually lowered as ghetto trash could now bring their 5 kids in for shit and the Government (Read: We, the taxpayers) would just foot the bill.

I hope you're a Poe, user, because your critical thinking and analytical debate skills are atrocious.

Also, good guess on me being Libertarian (metaphysically.) Guess you earned some good boy points.

Trump's fucking up. He isn't going to deliver your perfect world. He can't.

We're going to go back to what we were doing before because it worked.

Wow! I think you just found where the highest concentrations of people are! Congratulations! Here's your prize!

If you really believe Clinton is a "criminal" then you believe in the concept of "guilty until proven innocent" user.
You are un-American. Get out of my country plox.

reagonomics, destruction of the middle class, money in politics, just to name a few