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Fuck yeah










God I fuckin miss the 80s. Is it purely nostalgia or were things really better back then? Looking back everything seemed so exciting and fun and cool and there was so much potential and we had so much hope for the future.

>everything seemed so exciting and fun and cool
I'm pretty sure that was actually the 80's.

>there was so much potential and we had so much hope for the future
That's just what it is to be young.

I suppose.
I wonder if people who were adults in the 80s look back on it as fondly, or if it's mainly because I was a kid at the time.
Either way, it seems like it was just objectively a better time to be alive than today. Society and technology have changed so much, and not for the better. We would all honestly be so much better off without the internet.

Does anyone know where these gifs come from?



Idk if this shit actually fit in the thread theme but fuck it whatevs




need phone bgs if possible

I got some genuine glitched images from my damaged HDD. Pic related.

We'd be better off without social media, but you don't have to use it if you don't want to. In most other ways I think computers and the Internet make life better, as long as you practice moderation, as you should with all things, and don't spend your whole life at your computer. Learning to program is one of the best things that you can do for your mental health in my opinion, not to mention being pretty fun, and the ubiquity of computers means that more people than ever are doing it. IMO the 90s and early 2000s was the golden age of video gaming, and the early days of the Internet were awesome. As an adult my favorite thing in the world is mountain biking, which barely existed in the 80s. I think now is the best time in America's history to be a foodie, as well.

Cars are one thing that undeniably peaked in the 80s. The best of the European and Japanese cars from the 1980s are still the best cars that have ever been made. Manufacturing precision and know how was better than it had ever been before, and design was simpler than it would ever be again. Some cars got lighter in the 90s when they switched to aluminum engines and the increasing use of electronics actually did simplify some things, but in general cars only ever fatter and uglier and harder to work on after roughly the time that EFI was perfected.

Parenting is also definitely worse in the 21st century. You used to be able to just run off into the woods where nobody would be able to contact you without coming into the woods after you, and nobody would get mad unless you didn't show up for dinner. Now if a parent lets their kid out of their sight they get charged with child abuse, and as an adult people get mad at you if you don't answer your cell phone. I once got dumped for going a whole day without answering my cell phone.



>you don't have to use it if you don't want to
I agree with everything else in your post, but this is a sort of disingenuous statement. Obviously as an individual you can moderate your own internet/social media usage, but the fact is that these things have completely enveloped our entire society. Whether or not you yourself use them, you will still be subject to the many negative effects these things have had and are continuing to have on society as a whole.
Refraining from using the internet or social media doesn't change the world you're living in.


what is this music genre called

The Internet does allow stupid people to connect with other stupid people and circle jerk each other, but it also allows almost anyone, anywhere, at any time, to learn almost anything almost instantly, provided that they are able to think critically about the information that they receive. Computers amplify stupidity, but they also amplify intelligence more.

If you wanted to, say, build a car from scratch in your garage, have access to the Internet makes that a million times easier. You can talk to experts and other enthusiasts, access endless video archives full of people doing similar things, have parts, tools, and materials delivered to your door that you could never buy locally, and all that on top of giving you access to everything a library would once have given you access to, without having to go to a library.
