Are white men racist because they missed out teenage love?

Are white men racist because they missed out teenage love?


Seems legit

Anti-Fa fucking society doesn't count, faggot.

If true, it would explain the juvenile anti female attitude many of them have.
Usually once you get your dick sucked you stop hating girls.

It really wouldn't be surprising. Google "the beautiful ones" rat experiment.

And to be clear, I mean the alt right racist types, not white men in general.


Nazi cosplayers and confederate larpers can't get laid, I can't imagine why.

There's more women at an anime con that an alt right rally.

And it doesn't make someone bad to firsttime a little late. Instead the lack of opportunities during the early years is indicative of social atomization a lack of commonly held sexual ethics.

So without reading the article, because Vice is garbage, that might be because they are likely right-wing religious.

More likely, though, it's because these people are not exactly the best and brightest to begin with. I suspect it's their stupid ideas and shitty behaviour that causes them to be rejected by society and not their rejection from society that causes their shitty ideas and bad behaviour.

This also just goes to show that these fucks aren't actually a threat. No one takes Nazis seriously. The bigger threat here are the antifa anarcho-communists (an internally contradictory ideology btw). They are just as violent, stupid and zealous as their right-wing counterparts, with the advantage of being considered the "good guys." Their mainstream appeal makes them potentially deadly.

We should criticize, ridicule and reject extremists of every bent. Every one of them is an asshole.

Ooh, altright are fucking ugly losers, I deem that they were beaten at school

Funny thing is once you get your dicked sucked enough you start hating them again, but usually decide to deal with their shit for more dick sucks.

Granted, the anime chicks are being paid

>Franfurters catering to muh dik.

or it might be because it's fucking fake
I wish you fucking kekistani retards would put a quarter ounce of research into all the inflammatory shit you see online

>national average is 7 years old because the jews raped everyone


The same university stated that 99% of all liberal males have either lost their virginity to another male or are still virgins.

Amazing that people who don't exist can do all this amazing shit.

You've never actually been to a con. Hit up a BL panel or similar, it's 90% female. You can get laid at an anime con.

Yeah, but you usually learn to hate the individual and not the whole.
Eventually there will be a nice girl that also enjoys sucking your dick, so it's worth the hassle to find that girl, and the journey isn't bad either.
I mean, at least you're getting your dick sucked.

Losing your virginity late is what happens when you aren't a nigger loving, ham beast whore monger with low standards

left winger here, if this is true, i find this article to be retarded. this is some high school shit. "LOL UR A VIRGIN!"

So mad.

Did the bad man say that your ninja-cosplay, dipshit, college student friends were just as bad as the stupid fucking racists?

maybe it's time for some warm milk and bed, champ.

>posts fake shit
>gets called out on it
>goes full damage control, with reddit spacing and everything
That is Funny, Funny Stuff, Oh Pee!

>Vice news
The people that also think North Korea treats all of its citizens, including the ones outside pyonyang, decently.

keep telling yourself that, champ. you'll get laid one day.

Makes sense to me, would explain their attitude

lmao your jimmies caught fire from the friction, faggot.

My favorite part about white nationalist rallies is how ugly and old every they all are. It'd be a little more convincing if you brought the cream of the crop, guys. But the cream of the crop doesn't need to scream about how superior they are, they're just out being happy.

didn't know i was alt right



Wait , what?, Have you ever seen the vice guide to travel: north Korea? , Fuck you talking about they in no moment paint North Korea as you are saying

what does this even mean. nothing happened? and yeah, trump is still president, who's debating that? what a useless meme.

These stats were voluntary questions, they do not represent accurate stats.

Agree, the actual age must be higher

>ask 5 hand chosen people
>its a study nao
>ma social sciences

If I don't see ALL of the info on a study, participants, EXACT questions asked, method of picking participants, etc, then that's a study that should be completely ignored by anyone with a working brain.

I just did a study. 100% of women love sucking my cock.
My study is literally as valid and convincing as that meme.

What, were you 25 or something?


Don't have a suitable argument? Quick, think about what makes young people stereotypical societal losers! Still virgins... perfect!

Ad hom by extension. Whoever resorts to personal attacks first loses. If the mind can't wrap around this concept I imagine it's beyond help

These are people who are constantly calling everybody: cucks, betas, subhumans, etc. and yet they are so repulsive and low that they are incapable of meeting a girl who wants to have sex with them.
Virgin shaming is pretty valid in my opinion.

Since most SJW's, Trannies and their assorted cucks are products of multiple childhood rapes and molestations it stands to reason that normal people (which you refer to as Alt-Right) obviously lose their virginity several years later. Likely in high-school as opposed to their creepy uncles or paedo-gang-bangs.


It's the hypocrisy I can't stand. "I'm a proud genderfluid transblack antelope. Big is beautiful, don't fatshame me! Don't slutshame me either, I fuck everyone who will have me because I'm comfortable with myself."

"You pussy virgin, your cis white male privilege makes your opinion invalid. Skinny faggot, I bet you'll never get laid!"

The sense, it does not make

26 year old high school students?

>Republitards have been using the whole "lol i hurt ur feelings xd" card
>Democrats strike back
>"woah not cool man, how come you dare call me a virgin?!?!"

They said several years later. So I'm guessing that SJW's and the rest of the freaks were molested at around eight or nine years old on average.

Nice try Lil goy.

poor fella cant read

The alt-right is obviously a bunch of virgins or at best, people who have never fucked any girls besides hookers

They can't stand that black men and white women are having sex. They fantasize about it and it enrages and arouses them. It makes them mentally ill.

This shit has been middle school tier for a while.

Our political parties and their supporters are living jokes.

>it stands to reason that normal people (which you refer to as Alt-Right) obviously lose their virginity several years later. Likely in high-school

So 26 year old high school students?

who cares, the alt-right is immature as fuck

and this is Sup Forums, not some sort of place for intelligent debate

how does vice find people and then poll them when it doesnt even understand who they are?

im 29 and still a virgin, and i dont see that ever changing

here's what idiots don't understand:

"alt-right" tends to be spread through the internet, by redpilling people on harsh realities of the country. this largely is not possible in real life as you get physically attacked and sued and so on by democrats for speaking truth, since they tend not to be able to handle that truth, particularly about race. with the anonymity of the internet, these threats go away, and you basically cannot shut anyone up for very long.

now consider the following: most social outcasts (like myself) retreat to the internet after society has shunned them, where they are then exposed to these hard truths that the left wing leaning educational system tries to cover up.

this is why so many alt-right people are also friendless, virgin, socially-inept losers. i dont see myself as alt-right, but i do recognize the validity of many of their arguments. the thing is, being socially outcast lead to them becoming alt right as it drove them to the internet and exposed them to the ideas contained therein.

also another helpful fact for you, the average age of a male leaving their parents house and living on their own is now 28. this however is largely due to economic problems, but affirmative action (aka quotas) severely cripples the ability of young white males to secure entry level jobs when those jobs are flooded with minorities of every stripe, for a variety of reasons i won't get into here. this increases their disillusionment with society as a whole and increase their seclusion from it, resulting again in the scenario i described earlier

>conservatives aren't whores

>doesnt understand

what do you mean?

This. There are tons of girls at anime cons, and they're usually easy lays. Cons are basically raves for nerds. Now, a lot of these girls are ugly and/or fat, though there are always a decent handful of hot ones, and every single one of them is batshit crazy, but still.

>Conservatives are so fucking fat and ugly no one wants to be close to them

a lot of women like anime, but not many women (even if conservative) want to hang out with greasy alt right neo-nai autists

Their arguments are almost all half truths, misinterpretations, failing to see the whole picture, or outright lies. There is no "red pill", you are not more aware than anyone else, you're just a chump who's bought into misinformation propagated by morons and people with agendas.

Despite having a full understanding of the fact that polling is data and not a conclusion, and the sample size of any poll is never large enough to mean anything on it's own, fucking kek.

Not surprised at all, my brother represents a lot of their principles and is a complete trumpfag and guess what, he is socially inept, doesn't talk to girls or have any friends... nail in the coffin


Have you ever tried to shape your brother into not being an alt-right autist?

I hate the atl right but I hate you faggots even more not for being lefty liberals just for being dumb bitches

Thanks for sharing Jimothy.

You understand affirmative action still requires you to be qualified for a job, right? Tyrone can't just stroll in, fist bump the interviewer, and start regaling him with tales of pimping and hustling and get a job as a brain surgeon.

That's what you idiots always miss. If you can be replaced by some Mexican dude who speaks zero English and comes to work in a spongebob t-shirt, jeans, and flip flops, because they were the only clothes he owns, that's a you problem, not anyone else's. If you're educated and have a useful skill set, you don't have to worry about quotas or yer jerb being took/

"Expose" "harsh realities"

Have you ever considered that perhaps these "realities" are manipulative lies, and the reason why you believe them is the same for you being a loser with no friends? That perhaps MANY people grow up online but most of them are not as naive and self-entitled as you?
That perhaps you are simply a fucking idiot with easily exploitable emotional and intellectual shortcomings?

These are all just thought-cults that take fucking idiots like you with no purpose in life and recruit them for their own purposes by catering to your butthurt feels.

So much fucking this

It's cringeworthy to see guys who think of themselves as superior beings because they read something on the internet.
No dude, you weren't chosen by anyone or you don't know more than the rest of the people, you just happen to be someone stupid enough to believe in something a random guy posted on the internet.

You know I hope the left would be smart and actually have an augment but in the end just name calling

had you actually researched ANY of the things said by those people, would find that that a great many of them are completely true.

not all. but many. every argument that i can find solid evidence for, either in a scientific journal that was never publicized due to its radical findings, or a sociologist or criminologist who discovered the truth of race in crime and was subsequently hushed up via threats to his family, a ton of the things they bring up have basis in truth.

the fact that you are willing to blithely ignore claims without testing them to find their validity for yourself tells me that you are an ignorant fool who parrots whatever opinion seems the more 'righteous' in your mind. divorce yourself from emotion and do some actual research on their claims, and you'll find out what i'm talking about.

also you did nothing to refute the central argument of my original post, which was not about the truth of their arguments but about the origin on how this type of person is made

>we'll c-call them v-virgins, that w-will work w-won't it?
The more you kick and pout, the more you lose.

smelly dumb communist scum

That dick sucking is a transient behavior that subsides dramatically over a very short span so don't start patting yourself on the head over it.
Men know this.

weird I'm the polar opposite. I like my girl but I hate the collective. they're loud, dumb, annoying and can barely do anything right.

Who are you so wise in the ways of science?

Ok. And where did you find all of these "radical studies that were never published"?


Yeah, absolutely. And this is why everything that isn't a white male resemblance of your psyche is bad. Also, the earth is flat and crystals heal cancer. I totally read it in unpublished journals online that "they" totally don't want us to see.

white supremacists, jihadis, militant SJWs, school shooters, a significant chunk of young men who commit suicide and inflict self harm, a significant chunk of rapists and pedophiles...

So much of our society is suffering from sexual frustration. We wouldn't have world peace but the world would still be vastly more harmonious if more people had an easier time getting laid.


did you skip the part where i said im left wing, retard? im just saying its not a valid argument against anything, theyre just being intellectually lazy by resorting to personal attacks to try and make a case against alt-righters.


Had it ever occurred to you that I have, in fact, researched the shit the alt-right parrots and that, in fact, the vast majority of their supposed scientific sources have been conclusively debunked? Perhaps reading "studies" linked on Sup Forums and Breitbart is not sufficient research to be able to come to an educated opinion.


Yup. I read that, like... they have cars that run on water, and the only exhaust is steam, and, dude... they could fucking roll that shit out, like, now, but big oil doesn't want you to know about it!



But you see, you are not redpilled enough to throw all critical thought out of the window and only agree with things that confirm your self-entitled whiny bias.

I find it hilarious the types alt-right is trying to recruit. If Hitler was to rise from the dead and take over the world, they would be the first to the gas chambers.

the problem is that you are completely wrong. affirmative action does not require that an applicant is qualified for a position, it ONLY stipulates a quota of minorities that companies must hire. so yes, tyrone can come in, fist bump the interviewer, and land a job with zero experience and zero education, assuming they still have not filled their blacks quota. i have PERSONALLY seen this many times, in many different states, so it isn't a localized instance

yes, i have considered that. which is why i only agree with their arguments that can be backed up with provable fact, preferrably through peer reviewed scientific journals, which can admittedly be a bitch to find

This is mostly true.

The fact is that AA in universities leaves the black (Latino, etc) students it "helps" in worse shape. It very likely applies for jobs as well.

The fact is that it takes the applicants who are the very top of the middle tier (simplified) and puts them at the vetted very bottom of the top tier. A student who could have done great at the best state school because he was in the top 1% of the class. Instead, AA gets him into Harvard where he is in the bottom 0.5% and grossly unprepared. Prior to AA there were more minority college graduates. Graduates went down in California who had the most "forward" AA programs, *because* of the effect I described. Students were being "lifted" into situations they weren't prepared for, and they failed out. This is extensively documented. Just search for "does affirmative action work" or "affirmative action study California" and you'll find it.

It's early impossible to measure, but it's almost certain that this happens with low-skilled jobs.


Nice girl-shields you got there, boys.

so Hillary's loss because of her supporters constantly deriding people that opposed her taught the extreme left that what they need to do is commit even more to deriding anyone that opposes them
sounds completely sane to me


California doesn't have affirmative action anymore, right?

Quotas were generally abandoned a number of years ago. There were some Supreme Court rulings that I can't remember, but basically everywhere stopped using them after that.


My god, your so fucking retarded it hurts

ive had a great deal of success with databases that colleges keep for their students. most of the time you can get into them without being an actual student via a guest account, and it is particularly ironic that left-wing leaning educational institutions unwittingly host journals proving things that they themselves are uncomfortable with

don't be silly, user. flat earth theory and crystals healing cancer have no scientific basis, and have no evidence backing up the claim

no, it had not occured to me, as if you had actually done what you claimed then you would not be arguing with me on this very subject. trying to replicate my own argument is not going to work, im afraid