Is he innocent or guilty?

Is he innocent or guilty?

neither he's bill cosby

he dindu nuffin


> check 'em

A jury who has all the facts will decide.
But it doesn't matter. It'll be like with the Michael Jackson trial. Even though he was innocent (the two "vicitims" later admitted they lied for money) people still perceive MJ as a child rapist.

Yes, MAYBE he slept with other children and it will never get out. But you know who else? Trump, Prince, Lady Gaga, The Queen MAYBE slept with children and it will never get out.

Stop this medieval shit and enjoy gay bear porn

Just leave the poor guy alone. He's already old and going to die any day now. No need to make his last days miserable. Whatever he did happened many decades ago and the "pain" already got healed by time.

Not only that, but the women probably enjoyed it too.

Leave him alone.

He so obviously guilty, it's painful to see people defending him. Especially white women who like him because of that stupid television show, and who come up with the most inane arguments in favor of calling dozens of women liars. After all, which celebrity hasn't been accused of rape by 50 different people, right? Pathetic.

I think it's just feminists trying to force their agenda, and attention seekers. Look at Michael Jackson. Years later, they confessed that they only said he slept with them for the money. Why would this be any different?

Do you have any proof for your statements?
Just assumptions. I am glad we do not live in medieval times. You'd be try to kill "witches" and other people without proof.

Guilty, ran out of hush money. Call me brutal, but if they kept quiet this long, they took hush money and only are coming out because he can't pay them what he did anymore. Once you take hush money, you quit being a victim. I'd say statute of limits in my book is one year. Take money for longer than that and keep quiet, it's half you, not all him.

Proof? How about 50 people who were there and said he did it to them. Don't be retarded. What else would you consider proof?

I can easily find 51 people saying that Trump, Lady Gaga, Prince, Justin Bieber etc. raped them. Don't be retarded, look at evidence and proof!

He's damn near dead who gives a fuck. I'm 25 lil bill is the most Cosby shit I've experienced. If the case guy was just grabbing life by the pussy

>50 people can't lie

Guilty for sure. Money = freedom for any crime

Fucker has 400 million dollars.

It's Bill Cosby. You don't need to ask this question. Isn't it obvious?

Nelson Mandela is just fine by me

Well fuck user, seems like you're a confirmed rapist. I heard from 50 people that you raped them man, and they all say different things, each having varying changes in the story. No proof you didn't do it? No proof you did? Guilty until proven innocent I guess. For real though how the fuck could a rapist with 50 rapes have so many differing tactics and ways of doing it, wouldn't the bastard figure shit out and get the best tools for the trade at like 10 rapes...each bitch is telling us the motives for 50 different rapists, not just one. It would be a blast to see that he actually did, true fucking savage.

He loves puddin.
Puddin his dick where it don't belong.

I hope he gets acquitted. Movie narration won't be the same without Morgan Freeman!

Does Sup Forums's virgin rage outweigh their racism? I think so.

Innocent til proven guilty.

I doubt the veracity of his accusers claims. Why wait 25 years? Sounds like extortion to me.

He's a nigger. Of course he's guilty, but because he's super famous and rich, he'll get off and be cleared of all charges. Just like OJ.

Guilty of havin a good time?

You are disgusting.
There are niggers in the world.

Bill Cosby isn't one of them.

He is being extorted.

He is guilty as hell. Everyone knows it. The only people who defend him do so because (a) they don't want a celebrity they like to be unlikable or (b) they despise all women and will call them liars because they are angry at females for not having sex with them, and forcing them to be trap-thread perusing, kissless basement dwelling losers like the 90% of the assholes on Sup Forums.

>He's already old and going to die any day now.
>being old means you aren't culpable for your actions
What kind of a fucked up world do you live in?

Guilty of being a chocolate chip cookie

>He is being extorted.
And 9/11 was an inside job, right?

He's still a nigger. He's just on the white end of the system.
80's nig > 10's nig > 00's nig > 90's nig

Chill Cosby

pill cosby

I don't know?
Depends on what you mean by inside job?

Did Americans swap planes and fly a military jet in to the towers and detonate / collapse them, type conspiracy?

Fuck no!

Did the CIA convince a bunch of Muslims to hijack a plane? Sure, that could be possible.

Not even a little bit, never did blue comedy, and has Anti-Gang videos galore., Hates OG types with their pants hanging down black or white..

grill cosby

Hard to say, might be. The real fucked up part is how all of this came out of the wood works right after he came out and bashed Obama and the state of black culture. Almost as if he had the dogs sicked on him.

bill cosby raped me with his brother!!!

he's black isn't he? Therefore he is guilty.

Michael wasnt guilty, he was a special case, though. He had some straight up emotional issues stemming from his childhood which made him an easy target. Cosby, on the other hand, seems to be a straight up predator and rapist. There are too many victims and evidence to think otherwise.

He used the casting couch to get sex. O Bill ludes make me so wet get me a movie role is all that happened. They didn't get the movie, now it's rape. All victims coached by Bill's roodypoo enemies cause Bill told them to pull their damn pants up.

He's guilty, but statue of limitations.

Mostly innocent. Sleep rape isn't a big deal. The woman doesn't remember it, so what's the big deal. I've fucked several passed-out chicks, they might not have even known they didn't consent.

I think it is very possible that he is guilty. My reasoning is that the victim statements are all very similar there by showing he had a modus operandi. He also had motive and opportunity. Should be enough for a conviction.

This is the baitiest bait I've ever seen

It doesn't matter 40+ years later.

It could be 100% or it could be whores trying to get a quick buck from a celebrity. Even entertaining the charges this long after the fact is extremely poor form by the DA.

>gigantic creep that admitted to sleeping with over 30 boys

pick one

nice b8 m8

womans ar so med cuz he raeped on dem lols mby dey shudlnt welk arund al nekid?? lmaooo

Make him Co President.

Then when trump upsets everyone bill cosby can tell people a funny rape story.

The Jury need to be drugged and raped by Bill Cosby to have all the facts.

This. Well said, user. If I ever get accused of rape, I want some virgin-rage Sup Forumsros on my jury.

he was mentally a never had sleep overs? millions of kids do that every day.
doesn't mean he molested someone.
just makes it creepy.

It's an all-Bluto suckfest


Ha! He is so fucking guilty! His wife is a whore who stays around for money.

dumbledore's army has nothing to do with him


Rich guy gets with a some woman who thought he was going to let her live in luxury on his dime.

When he doesn't deliver on the promise she thought he made; she sues.

Happens all the time.


Some woman? How about 50? All rich guys get accused of rape by 50 women, right? Look at Bill Gates, Mick Jagger, etc. Happens all the time.

Actually Bill Gates was accused of rape far more than 50 times.
I am sure Mick Jagger too.
Look it up! Famous people get these accusations a lot

I love this picture, it sums up so well the nigger way of thinking.

Don't know. Wasn't there.

That would be a great comeback, except for the fact that there's absolutely no truth to it at all.

>Is he innocent or guilty?

Of course he is guilty. You can't fight genetics.


Is that morgan freeman? He got fat

Guilty. I'm pretty sure he stole my bike

He's guilnnocenty!

The only thing he's guilty of is living long enough to see standards of morality change.