How does one fall asleep?

How does one fall asleep?

I lay down, I close my eyes and then I just lay there for 3 hours and sleep never happens.

What do?

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try drinking a warm glass of milk; it triggers a hormone release that puts you to sleep, and it helps me with my insomnia. I used to stay up for 3 days sometimes without being able to sleep before I learned that trick. Masturbation also helps, and melatonin could work

I;ve always found that to make things worse

Get up at 6:30, after a few days you'll start to sleep quicker

This isn't true. It has been disproved.

While there is Tryptophan in milk, you would need to drink many litres for it to have any effect.

For me, I like white noise or calm music to go to sleep with. I also have a technique where I mentally go through my body and relax all the different parts. I imagine myself in a large white room that slowly goes dark, and that turns my brain off.

drink a beer or two before going to bed. it can help a lot, especially if you are a non drinker.

I smoke massive amounts of weed and am usually asleep before I make it to the bed.

Make sure you stay busy through the day too. I drink beer and smoke weed though also. Stick to wake and sleep times and figure how much sleep you need. I do 5 to 6 hours

You need to do more physical activities during the day. I am not saying workout, but I work a manual labor job. And when I have a long day of work that is harder than usually, I have to force myself to stay up until my bed time to keep my schedule. You could also try melatonin or DPH (benadryl), if you want to try a subtle over the counter sleep aid. Or just go visit your doctor.. but Ambien and other prescription sleep meds have terrible withdraw effects and should only be used in serious cases.

The only times I've had bad insomnia is when I was unemployed/depressed.

Do a bit of research on setting up a proper sleep routine. Once you get it all sorted, they can help a lot.
And get a night mode app for your phone and/or comp. I use one on both. Apparently the blue light can fuck up your cycles. The night mode apps change it to yellow, much easier on the eyes.

I have the same problem, sometimes I just give up trying to sleep and get back to my computer.

Milk didn't work neither masturbation

This is true, my problem started when I got fired. Now i'm unemployed, I don't leave home besides going to uni, i spend the entire day playing videogames and I might be depressed, not diagnosed tho.

I'm literally lost, idk what else to do, I don't have will to find a new job, living with mom as a 19yo dude, I'll probably kms.

Have you tried massive amounts of sleeping pills in one go mixed with alcohol?
best sleep you will ever have



Don't worry, if i do it i'll livestream and post the link in this board

19 isn't really too old to be living with your mom

It is when she is carrying you 100%, I don't even pay my own internet

stay off the damn computer for a while and stop drinking sugary drinks.

also actually do something during that day that will make your body tired, you bloody NEET.

Anyone can stay awake for days if all they do is laze around.

It's not matter of choice anymore. I'm addicted and I gave up

>"what do?"
>gets actual advice
>"Nah, can't do that. I've given up"

Fuck off then



Then get a job and contribute a little. It will make you feel better.

Chill the fuck out.
I got on my feet when i was 25 and left when i was 27 and i dont feel bad about it. Im in good terms with her too.


Only very fortunate people with rich parents or people that landed a really good job after education/ will move out by their 20s.

Don't be so hard on yourself m8

I buy generic Ambien from India online..

Take a freezing cold shower user, the impact of the water tricks the body into thinking that it is raining and will fall asleep easier

>citation needed

I have pretty severe insomnia I take Benadryl, Ambien, and a hydro then listen to soothing music til I fall asleep that's the best I got for you man :-) hope that works

buy GABA capsules, i had severe insomnia for years until i started taking it and it also has multiple benefits for the brain on top of reducing stress

I take it too but tolerance goes through the roof quickly.. Go from 800 to 4000mg a night in like 2-3 weeks.

look up the 4, 7, 8 sleep exercise.. it works.

You gotta smoke indica instead of sativa. Seems most people prefer sativa because it's kinda energizing and stimulating but indica puts you inda couch and gives you munchies.

Cofirmed lazy ass

You do NOTHING..........NO physical sport

NO activity
literally NOTHING that involves the mind, you lazy FUCK

You made this bed, now sleep in it...... O, wait.

Exercise during the day.

I just tape my eyes shut then take sleeping pills

masturbate before sleep

Watch TV or read a book.

This is a myth. To a point it works, but this is one of the ways I can tell if I am running too many miles - I can't fall asleep at night. Over training = terrible sleep quality.

Eat too many snacks, smoke weed, jack off then fall asleep listening to cooking videos

Works every time

Having you tried turning it off, and turning it back on?

It really isn't. Fucking faggots trying to grow up too soon, and also trying to set the 'TOO OLD' bracket at a far younger age.

The age you should be worrying about is around 27 to 29. Sometimes you just can't help it due to economic nonsense. But 31 to 34... THAT'S when you should be worrying about still living with your parent(s) and still being unemployed.

I laugh at you dumbasses and young faggots who are like 19 to 27 complaining about life. Stop watching so many American movies.

Practical THIS

Sleep is very related to how you eat!

Eat four good meals a day! At regular times every day. Start the day with a good breakfast that fills you up. Egg, bacon, bread, whatever you want. And a cup of coffee.

Have the last meal 1-3 hours before sleep. Don't go to bed hungry, and don't go to bed with your stomach heavy like rocks.

Eating food will not make you fat, unless you eat only junk food or have a digestive disorder!

There is good advice here. Get up early, cut out sugary drinks and caffeine, exercise during the day, stay off the computer after a certain time at night (midnight or earlier is pretty reasonable).

When you go to bed, have a ritual. Maybe you shower and change into pajamas and brush your teeth. Maybe you fap before bed. Read a book (maybe one that bores you a little)

Establishing a ritual gives your body a cue to start preparing for sleep, and releases neurotransmitters that make you tired and sleepy.

Then when you get into bed, try to clear your head and think about nothing. Relax your eyebrows, relax your neck, if you start thinking about your day or something stressful, try to think about a big black hole void of nothingness. Try to concentrate on the nothingness for a while. Think of a big dry erase board that you're filling up with your problems, and then visualize wiping all of it away until nothing but a blank space remains.

get a hold of this guy

klonopin and alcohol. it's the only shit that works for me.

Killing yourself is always a pretty good option. I'm thinking of trying it within the next month.
Something that always helps me fall asleep is drinking a shit ton of alcohol until I black out. Usually results in a couple solid hours of sleep. Have you tried that method yet?

When I was a poor, depressed addict, I used to mix dramamine with booze. Great high, then you essentially stop existing for like 12 hours. Nowadays I just work a physically job that makes me tired. I'll eat dinner with exactly 2 drinks, take a shower, play vidya for a bit, then I'm too exhausted to do anything more. It's a pretty good routine. Also I've had sleeping issues forever, and the alcohol kills the nightmares. No need to go overboard on it. Like I said, 2 drinks works real well.

Can I buy generic xanax from India online??
>Interest intensifies

Try kelno'reem

pls respond