Rate this muslim pussy

Rate this muslim pussy

Close up

Looks clean. I'm getting an errection. I think I'd put a baby in there if given the chance. 8/10


I'm sure it would bang

Is ur pussy called muhamed. If so id tap it

Looks like the eye of Mordor


She looks circumcised.

aka genital mutilation.

Wow more? Fuck Thats beautiful

I would rape her. Don't these fishy smelling sand monkeys already expect that? when you want to fuck them, you just use them and walk away

Whitefag here. Wife is a Paki / Indian mix whose parents were in one of those arranged Muslim marriages that happens when you've got ten kids and you're a widow and you need to get the 16-year-old out of the house.

The reason I'm telling you this is because I know a thing or two about Muslim pussy and that one isn't much to look at. It's shaved, there's no clitoris, and it just doesn't look inviting. 3/10



where is the clit?



Wow, butchered like all those jew dicks. But somehow mutilating young boys is passe in Western society, but it's such an international tragedy when it happens to a girl. The double standard is shameful.

The acts aren't equivalent. Circumcising a boy increases his value. Circumcising a girl decreases her value.

trips have spoken

Not true. A clitless girl is more valuable to me personally


would fill that pussy with infidel seed

That's false. Circumcision adds nothing, and permanently disfigures and damages a child's sex organs. And this is objective fact.

Circumcision is a cultural artifact of a backwards and irrational religious custom similar to animal sacrifice. It has no place in any modern society. The practice is feral.

Male circumcision results in enhanced sexual pleasure and much better hygiene. It is practiced in all civilized cultures. Female circumcision is mutilation, performed out of superstition and ignorance.

Jew, Muslim and American does not equal "all civilised cultures", you ignorant yank fuck

Most european countries do not practice it generally, because it's stupid

hala banaha allahu hummus kebab allahuakbar / allah

>Male circumcision results in enhanced sexual pleasure

That is false. Not only is it false, but the opposite is true. Male circumcision removes the foreskin which is the most sensitive and nerve rich part of your penis.

It does exactly the OPPOSITE of what you claim as a matter of literal fact.

I think its bombastic

You're either a troll or a complete fucking idiot. Not even Jews think it enhances sexual pleasure. It does no such thing. It's cutting off part of the penis, idiot.

Care to tell to me how removing 8,000 nerve endings and all lubricant from the penis head increases pleasure? Or are you speaking bullshit

>half of america and none of Europe
>all civilised cultures
low tier bait

Low tier salty cut-up-at-birth bait

The only hygiene benefits might have been long ago when everybody was dirty unwashed fucks. Nowadays its just cosmetic or for bullshit religious reasons. There is no reason for it at all unless you have some severe deformity in its development.

Source: Cutfag who isn't all that sensitive.