In case you think the Mizrachi-Ashkenazi rift is only a meme in boards...

In case you think the Mizrachi-Ashkenazi rift is only a meme in boards, this is a real tv ad from Israel which is promoting a Mizrachi-frei residency project for orthodox Ashkenazim only. In the ad the Ashkenazi family is having a peaceful rite like the Flanders from the Simpsons when suddenly 2 Mizrachi neighbors enter and behave like apes:

Crazy shit man

Fucking hell, you shouldn't even exist to begin with but you do. Yet with that luck you can't even be unified, decent and progressive amongst yourselves.

Truly a shithole.

I fucking hate jews they're racist even to other jews fucking scum of the earth.

Thanks for the keks, I don't watch TV.

>omg how dare you not be progressive

>omg how dare you be racist

Fuck off with your hand-painted posters SAlties, don't you have a Marxism summit to go to

Is the Mizrachi the middle eastern Jews while Askenazi the European Jews?

lmao haven't seen this. good advert


Well this really goes to show that regardless of judaism white people are just better doesn't it ?
I mean i hardly have a horse in this race but objectively, i look, and i see even between jews the white ones are just that much better.

It's not religion it's simply racial.

tfw Ashkenazi master race

Do you hate sephardim too

>you'll live to see jews gas each other

It's no just racial White's average IQ is not 110

>Ashkenazi Jews: 110
>Sephardi Jews: 98
>Mizrahi Jews: 91
>Ethiopian Jews: 68
>From Richard Lynn. The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement.

Wait so you show me a study like
white jew>light brown jew>brown jew>black jew
And then you are like "see, it's not racial" ? You are crazy, your post totally proves me right actually
It's even ordered in the correct nazi race hierarchy lol

Once again Whites average IQ isn't 110 in fact it is closer to Sephardi Average IQ

Your nazi theory are bullshit, Whites average is indeed superior to other races but there are hierarchy in the White Race

Well you are probably mizrahi since you are missing my point completely, i never talked about white christians or something here

From a purely technical point of view i see separate racial groups, all of them jewish parallels to larger existing groups and out of those the white ones do better

In simpler terms it's like if you gathered a group of elite from each race then saw which race did the best

I've met some ridiculously gifted Sephardi people who aren't white, but Mizrahim are mostly dumb plebs and worse. I think their culture is just inferior unfortunately and they are mixing it into ours instead of abandoning it for everyone's betterment.

If IQ was solely based on race then "the whiter one would be, the smarter he would be"

Logically speaking, the Northern Euros should have higest IQ among the Whites, and the Southern Euros the lowest IQ among the whites, but the French(98 actually thanks to immigration) and the Italians have 102 while the Brits have around 92.

That's wrong though.

Northern Italians might have 102 but their IQ decreases the further south you go.

French IQ has not been increased by immigration, I can guarantee it. How could it happen when so many of the immigrants come from Africa and the Middle-East?

And as far as I know international comparisons typically have the Brits at 100 and compare them to others(I don't know the proper word for it).

There are definitely different factors than race i never said otherwise.
Also there's little genetic difference there between northern euro and southern euro and ashkenazi, hence the logic of considering all those as different cultural groups within the same race not as different races altogether.

Just checked

>French IQ has not been increased by immigration
The "thanks" was ironic i know that France's average IQ was round 101.8-102 in the 90' and that we've lost around 4 point "thanks" to it

Anyway, what i'm saying is that IQ is not SOLELY liable to race