Will Our great leader Trump recreate a better D.A.C.A?

Will Our great leader Trump recreate a better D.A.C.A?

he's going to do what he can within the law and the constitution, unlike obama.

If you start with a bucket of shit.....

great that is comforting, love trump but my younger brother get here when he was only 3 years old legally but undocumented. he's a freshman in high and he has some of the best scores of my old elementary and middle school. taught him well.

>>Greetings Sup Forums legal immigrant here, why is it so hard for people to understand illegal immigration is bad. It sucks that us legal immigrants have to be in the middle of this. i love trump he isn't racist, shut up people!

brother isnt fully legal yet only when I can give him residency after turning 21, our family is mexican american. not beaner nigger loving retards who hate how trump is actually following the rules. all this shit is happening thanks to that chimp nigger Obama.

either congress works bipartisanly to grant amnesty lawfully, thereby exposing all rhino repubs(and consigning their defeat in 2018). Or they dont and it goes away because it was unlawful the first time.
Yet again Trump has given them just enough rope to hang themselves with.

>better D.A.C.A
No such thing. It's already unconstitutional and not a law. There will never be a real law that allows illegal immigration.

Trump will do literally less than nothing since he just punted it to congress and hid like the fucking pussy he is.

>legally but undocumented
pick one nigger

>mexican american
You can't be both idiot.

I have an opinion on this. Strong, and important. Opinion.

I've been legal since the bush days. Since your brother isnt legal yet, You are part of the problem.

I was happily surprised to hear his first decision, but then he quickly turned into a spineless moron like the rest of the party.

My family isnt scared because they know that the "Sum" majority of kids and people under DACA are decent human beens nor liberal retard beaners who only want a free pass without working hard enough like the rest.

If you're illegal/undocumented, you're illegal scum and leeching off the rest of the country. I don't care who you vote for. If you work so hard, why can't you work on those citizenship papers?

He has his residency and legal paper work that imposes him been dragged back to beaner fall out zone (Mexico)
He has not yet gotten his full Citizenship because he only needs about 4 more years for his ability to apply.
Citizenships long and costly(money isnt a problem thanks to our families education)
parents are citizens too
only question I have is that now that DACA is gone
what can we do about his situation ?

Will his situation be affected ?
or will it still go smoothly?
Will DACA jeopardizes his citizenship ?


someone is mad

>what can we do about his situation
Only two options: Go back to Mexico, or Get your citizenship.
How is this so hard to understand? You think I can just walk into Mexico and live there? What's wrong with your parents where they can't do the paperwork?


nice trips,
first off.
it seems your not familiar to this situation at all, So I would advice you not bother the niggerish talk.
second, we have the money and time. This is just a situation of time. You understand that he was able to get here legally, he is a resident and has both Canadian and Mexican citizenships.(easy to get) But we just need to know that now that DACA is erased (for good) will he be affected. Thank you




>majority of kids and people under DACA are decent human beens nor liberal retard beaners who only want a free pass

>gets a free pass at the taxpayers expense
only mexicunts are this dense

I'm not familiar because your English is fucking terrible. What residency? A green card? Temporary residency? Shit, the law means what it means. If it's a green card, then it's permenent residency. If it's temporary, the it's fucking temporary.
DACA isn't even a real thing. It's more like a verbal agreement to not deport illegals for a little while.

I cannot stress enough how retarded you are. I clearly mention my main concern and prior to it I clarify my motives of concern. your simple retardation is awful to this point.
Thanks :)
Like I said in quote "SUM"
Thanks again :D

You're still the problem. I'm a true Legal American and i don't support illegal immigrants.

Nigger, you are the very problem you say you aren't. Piss off and enjoy the bus ride.

>gets a free pass at the taxpayers expense
illegal immigrants actually support white americans due to the fact that they still pay income taxes, sales tax, property tax, etc etc, yet cannot legally claim social security, wellfare/food stamps or other tax benefits.

lawmakers and business owners know illegal immigrants are a net gain on the economy but when their
uneducated constituents get riled up they just point fingers at illegals so that the working class has someone
to get angry at

>hint it's not going to be the middle class business owners and politicians sending your jobs over seas or knowingly employing illegals

illegal immigrants = BAD Legal immigrants = GOOD. Its that simple people.

>white americans
glad to see you don't support brown or yellow or black americans. i fuckin hate those guys.

I dont sopport Illegal immigrants too, But can you not understand he is legal but not in the sense of full citizenship

>illegal immigrants = BAD Legal immigrants = GOOD

>illegal immigrants = BAD Legal
>immigrants = GOOD

> Its that simple people

those* simple people, since people is plural.

or did you mean
> Its that simple,(comma needed here) people.

Try again, use English words this time.
Appalachian/Rust-belt hillbilly beatnik dialect does NOT count as English.

>Will Our great leader Trump recreate a better D.A.C.A?
No, he'll just cum all over the old one and leave it face down in the gutter.

I don't know what he is. He won't answer that part.

What should be done is simple.
If they are in school and under 18.
If their parents are here ILLEGALLY then they need to go.
If their parents are here LEGALLY then they can stay until they finish high school or turn 18 which ever comes first. Once the turn 18 or finish high school they have one month to start the process for citizenship. If they fail to do this then they need to be deported back to their country of birth.


The only good D.A.C.A is
>All those

>What should be done is simple.
>If they are here ILLEGALLY then they need to go.
>If they are here LEGALLY then they can stay

DACA 2.0

What needs to happen is the federal government needs to be dissolved or completely emaciated.

Military assets liquidated or handed over to states according to their % federal tax relative to other states.

Beaner loving shitholes like California, Oregon, Washington can go their own way and realize how much they depend on the normal states for their economy and how 72.5% of their state taxes is spent on supporting illegal beaners who have no jobs and stay at home all day and get free food, free rent, free medical care and have 12 children and don't respect local customs and traditions.

Illegals =BAD
Legals =GOOD
It's that simple people.

you're kidding right? trumps a racist

>What should be done
I thought you said you were educated

Whoa? you mean he left it up to congress to create a law to deal with immigration?

>Civics is lost on you libtard fags.


what does the constitution have to do with immigration? fucking trump mixes two things together that never go together. just bc the presdient tweets it doesn't make it true

>Trump recreate a better D.A.C.A?
Isn't that what you faggots said about Obamacare?

you're hoping for it to stay enacted? then he should have done nothing

Article IV section 4.
Secure the damn borders to prevent an invasion of foreign slime.

>trump he isn't racist
post racist picture

mexicans are a bunch of pussies

where are you getting this constituation bullshit? immigration is not in our constitution. that fascist demeans our press and puts out his own alternative facts.

Obama did this in an attempt to scoop up more votes for the Dems. Too bad the Dems can't keep their shit together.

I didn't want Trump to win. But the only thing I liked about him was he was going to deport illegals. I come from a state that borders Mexico, and those cocky lil shits qill have to sweat this shit. KEK! This is a good start. And to be honest Trump's failed at doing everything I disapproved of so hopefully he succeeds doing this and deporting beans.

mexicans are pussies

he's got to go

Jeezus fuck. Did you even read it? Securing our borders is. What part of securing our borders doesn't cover polesmoking wetbacks crossing a river in the night?

this mexican is posting annonymously and expects people to follow him

i'm for daca but you need to get the fuck out, papers or no

If only there was a way.. a process.. to have him legitimized so he could stay...

That would be something!

It's not rocket science, but I also know to liberals it might as well be.


the two anons before me prove racism = stupidity

>born in mexico
>came to america when i was eight
>single mother working two jobs made sure to follow all the rules and and become citizens over 10 years
>rest of family only wanted to spend money of booze
>sucks for my cousins but its the parents fault

the lack of immigration knowledge in this thread is insane
you by far are the fucking worse, i hope your brother does get deported

That's too much effort for the hard working illegals.

>doesn't know how Sup Forums works

For real. They sit and wait for an amnesty period to get things easy rather than just do what they need to in order to become valid residents.

how the fuck is that an answer? just bc youre applying for citizenship doesn't mean you can stay here. even if it does 1. there are 4 million people in a lottery waiting to get in 2 it costs like 20k

daca is fine the way it is, let it be. the idea is fucking genius. kids are easily influenced, they grow up in american schools, american friends they are basicaly american. there's no need to deport them.

Hopefully. Why through away so much revenue in the trash?

>Beaner loving shitholes like California, Oregon, Washington can go their own way and realize how much they depend on the normal states
whatever state you live in is the welfare state, taking my money

>they grow up in american schools
maybe physically. i have two kids in these schools and the classes are split. one side learns the lesson in english, then the other in spanish with the first half waits. you can't bring books or anything to pass the time unless you have enough of the same book for everyone in class. it's a failure.

we've always deported illegals

that pic of him kissing the little black girl says otherwise

closet sissy nazi

>California, Oregon, Washington will realize how much they depend on normal states

What should we be thankful of your beautiful state for, user?

yeah it's called daca. fucking white inbred fuckers don't know how hard it is to get into america. it's probably the hardest of all

your simple idea essentially gets rid of a very genius idea.

those kids are american as anyone else, they've been taught to be american.

closet sissy nazi

What kids? The 30 year-old dreamers?

closet sissy nazi

english wasn't my first language, guess what those fuckers didn't teach in my native language.

So what if it's hard? Does that give people the right to do whatever they feel is 'fair'?

the birther issue was the defintion of racism


Always such reasonable arguments. Bravo.

Why would they? You're in a different country. Should Switzerland cater to Spanish, German, Finnish, Japanese, Mandarin...? What would be fair for you user?

that means they've been here 14 years, that's american. it's not like they didn't try to get their papers, it's fucking hard. you poor white people don't know how fucking hard it is, you'd kick a person while they were down, jut like your bigot president

that's what daca did, made it legal.

i meant the kids should learn english like i did, that's not the kids fault that's yoru schools fault.

The US is one of the easier and more generous of nations to legally get in to. Ever try getting in to Mexico?
What are we supposed to do here? Just expand DACA to the entire world, forever? Would you like that?


call it like i see em, nazi

no, it didn't. it's not actually a law.

Me too, cancerous faggot.

no it's not. whoever told you that it was easy to become a citizen fucking lied to you

Easier?? Besides getting rejected, losing a fuck ton of money and waiting up to 10/20 years??... Okay sure

This is the kind of alien we should really worry about.

pardoning apopo aint' a law either but that fuckers legally out ain't he