Greetings Sup Forums legal immigrant here, why is it so hard for people to understand illegal immigration is bad...

Greetings Sup Forums legal immigrant here, why is it so hard for people to understand illegal immigration is bad. It sucks that us legal immigrants have to be in the middle of this. i love trump he isn't racist, shut up people!




Cum back anonkun

You are a saint


i 100% support the boarder wall 2 my friend.

because the narrative is the left and democrats love illegals because "they are human" which is why they love to pay them below minimum wage with no benefits round the clock.

illegals and minorities are democrat slaves and the whites supporting the left dont realize this because muh feelings blind them to rational thought


Fuck off spic pedo

why anonkun? I'm an American. A true American!



youll go on the other were you belong


This kills my boner

i won't. I've been an American for 2 decades now my Friend.

Do you agree that legal immigration has been too high though? It's made the US more divided

I actually wouldn't mind getting rid of some Spanish people. This is coming from a Spanish person as well. I was born and raised here. Too many immigrants where i live. Hell alot of Asians as well. It annoys me when I hear them talk.

yeah you can only take so much before you start thinking

Almost everyone in the US is either an immigrant or have immigrant ancestors.I would even say all whites are immigrants because the British took over this land for the native Indians. To answer your question in the shortest way is no. People die everyday hence leaving space for more asians, Germans, Hispanics. etc..

FEMA camps don't exist anonkun.

Many countries are descended from immigrants, but that doesn't mean the concept of immigrant has no validity.

Hope you get gassed ugly spic nigger

Sup Forums, I've never been more fucking proud of you. Finally, some people who don't think with their contradictory emotions.

Your level of intelligence is most uqual to stupid niggera from Africa. You Sir need to attend school more. Remember spics have white genes as well. Spics have genes from all others. Thus making us similar.

Immigration is bad either.

We don't want you here unless you're a pureblood American you fucking spic. I hope you die.


You should read the comment above my friend.

We aren't similar. You're ugly and you stink, and you use shit tier liberal arguments to argue for open borders.

where 2 find more pics like this?

You're IQ must be as equal as a Nigerian nigger. I have white genes idiot just Like you. All Spics have all the genes from all sapient types. This includes whites, Asians, and some taino Indian. if that doesn't work, then shadbase should work anonkun.

ITT: idiot trumptards believing an user

Thanks Sup Forums you never disappoint on showing right wing stupidity

I myself am rightwing rep, the good kind not like stupid Florida rednecks who keep making more stupid low IQ children.

Get back in your cuckcage you butthurt faggot


There are only 80 million immigrants, no way one would arrive on Sup Forums

Republican for open borders is believable
But it seems you are trying to meme people so

>>Incorrect how? Please prove me wrong user.