Why are most bands/artists these days Marxists/leftists peddling a political agenda?

Why are most bands/artists these days Marxists/leftists peddling a political agenda?

>eg. Death Grips, Kendrick Lamar, Radiohead, every gay Pitchfork indie band

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>Death Grips
I don't see how they're peddling a political agenda.

>"We're feminist, we support homosexuality and individualism, we're in favor of a transparent world leadership."

Because artists tend to be sensitive and empathic and care about other human beings. Right wingers don't really seem to care about the wellbeing of any people except for upper class white men.

>These days

A lot of popular music has had countercultural sentiments throughout history. Ever heard of the phrase zeitgeist?

>Right wingers don't really seem to care about the wellbeing of any people except for upper class white men.

Have you considered that maybe they just don't think the solution to every problem is "HURR DURR BIGGER STATE MORE WELFARE"?

>counter-cultural in 2017

It's Hip to be Square has unironically the most original and profound message in a popular song in the last 35 years.

I'm not even meming.

Being pro-status quo doesn't lend itself to art generally for reasons like that. The most "conservative" music you'll hear that isn't generally extremist is country.

But right wingers want the state to be big enough to have full authority over social issues

So what happens if the status-quo is leftism?

You clearly don't know what leftism is. Hint: the US has two far-right parties and no real leftist ones.

Right wingers want a bigger state and army so they can slaughter people all over the globe though.





300+ POSTS

Dude what
They're center-right too socially liberal
Economically yes though

Are you literally retarded?

>hurr durr anything less than state control of every industry is far-right

Just because the Democrats don't want to hang rich people doesn't make them far right you cunt.

Because it's the zeitgeist, and artists are not known for being great political thinkers.
They don't need to be, it's not their jobs. More problematic are the plebs who listen to artists more than experts. That is the plague of modern times.

>these days
Are you old enough to be here?

This. You've got center-right neololiberals and farther-right neoconservatives.

There is no actual leftist base with power in the US right now. Most of the mainstream media are centrists at best. Sure, left-leaning ideologies are popular amongst plenty of young adults but with the people who hold political and financial power in the current society? Nah.

To be a successful musician, you have to come up with radical ideas and new, thought provoking ways to deal with the human condition. Does that sound like something a right -leaning person would be good at?

It's workers control not state control that matters. Aside from Bernie the rest of the Dems love private control of industry and only pretend to care about the poor when it gets them votes. They economically may as well be far right.

Say what you will about Fascism but it was certainly radical, new, and thought provoking at the time. Mussolini's Fascism Manifesto actually makes it sound like an almost leftist revolutionary ideology.

>the status-quo is leftism?
The status quo in the USA today is: denouncing centrist liberals as "dangerous left radicals". Today's America is proto-fascist par excellence.

>It's workers control not state control that matters.

Why are you still trying to LARP as a 1920s marxist intellectual?

Fascism in practice was very different from what ex-socialist young Mussolini wrote in the 20s.
I mean they support welfare and a safety net at the very least while the far right republicans want it completely abolished. Far right is a bit of a stretch.

you really need repeating digits for a post like that

It was just reactionary capitalism with a collectivist paint job.
That's what leftism is and why Bernie being screwed over is proof actual left wing politics don't exist in America.

The cultural status quo is left wing.
It has been since the 60's, maybe at one time being for gay, nig, women rights was rebellious, but that is the norm, mainstream now.
Its just the libs have been told they are the rebels but they are in fact the enforcers of the status quo. They are the establishment.

Communism is actually rebellious to the status quo, i mean real "hang the rich" class warfare communism. But the left is infected with an extremists identity politics that destroys any group with revolutionary potential.
The reality is that mass media in large part only promotes consumerist and capitalist ideals.
Not communist.
And the reality is that capitalism wants tranny rights, nig rights, and all that garbage because it wants to absorb minorities into the capitalist machine. Make them into docile consumers too. Capitalism wants more women ceo's and black executives.
Capitalism wants more cheap slave labor from the third world, sorry, i mean immigrants.
The biggest threat to capitalism is violence, machismo, revolutions, anger, tradition, religious, racial, sexual, gender hatreds.

Capitalism needs you to be an atomized, docile, effeminate, moron, spending its meager wage on fidget spinners.

Communism doesnt want more women ceo's..
It wants dead ceo's.

The biggest threat to the status quo are the far right and far left.

So, in a way, yes, real rebellion as an artist would be to be a black sun worshiping occultist fascist in a sea of basic bitch neo liberals.
But you are never going to see death in june on MTV


But so would being an actual communist.
And i hope to god you arent some moron that thinks Marxism and liberalism are the same things.

When it comes down to it the actual rebellious move is to believe in something that isnt soul sucking consumerism, like god, or revolution

racist nazi

I'm not arguing pro-fascism in any way or talking about it in practice even. I'm just saying it was an example of a right wing revolutionary ideology with brand new ideas. I mean it was that, you may disagree with the ideas and all but there's a reason it captivated people in that era. It was a truly new ideology that could've possibly provided answers during a time when everyone was getting fucked sideways by the depression/WWI debts.

14 year old Sup Forums-tards shouldn't talk politics if they actually consider fucking death grips and kendrick lamar and radiohead "marxist" lmao

Wow not being a dick is such an obnoxious political agenda

kek libtard

Good post. I like you.

>But so would being an actual communist.

No it wouldn't. Literally every teenager and whole swathes of upcoming music artists are actual, genuine, "hang the rich" ultra-leftists.

Within the next 20 years the US will be controlled by a socialist dictatorship. Mark my words. And bands like Death Grips and Radiohead will be unironically supporting this.

>They are the establishment.
Not in the US. Unless you think college students are 'the establishment'

Pop culture is left, but average middle american is still very very conservative right wing and seriously believes in religious horseshit like Jesus/Creationism/pro-life so they don't even have that.

You are right about everything else though, you can always tell the American when they say "far-left" and "far-right" to refer to neoliberal capitalists.

>not establishment
You didn't get the point of his post

Because right wingers generally aren't smart enough to figure out how to put together decent sounding music

This topic is significantly less stupid than it could have been so far, I'm legitimately impressed.

Found the libtard commie.

And i just remembered reading an article once about bowies thin white duke era. Bowie decided to play the character of a mystical fascist at the height of left wing faggotry.

>At first glance, the Thin White Duke appeared more conventional than Bowie's previously flamboyant glam incarnations. Sporting well-groomed blonde[citation needed] hair and wearing a simple and impeccably stylish, cabaret-style wardrobe consisting of a white shirt, black trousers, and a waistcoat, the Duke was a hollow man who sang songs of romance with an agonised intensity while feeling nothing, "ice masquerading as fire".[1] The persona has been described as "a mad aristocrat",[1] "an amoral zombie",[2] and "an emotionless Aryan superman".[3] Bowie himself described the character as "A very Aryan, fascist type; a would-be romantic with absolutely no emotion at all but who spouted a lot of neo-romance."

>The Thin White Duke was a controversial figure. While being interviewed in the persona in 1975 and 1976, Bowie made statements about Adolf Hitler and fascism that some interpreted as being positive or even pro-fascist.[5] The controversy deepened in May 1976 when, while acknowledging a group of fans outside of London Victoria station, he was photographed making what some alleged to be a Nazi salute. Bowie denied this, saying that he was simply waving and the photographer captured his image mid-wave

Frank Zappa is right wing you fucking idiot.

Right wing doesn't automatically mean skinhead nazi. It includes libertarians, conservatives, capitalists, classic liberals, nationalists, religious folk, etc. it's a huge tent and not all knuckle draggers.

Stereotyping like this is why we cant' have rational political discourse anymore in this country.

He said in general and he's right tbqh. Don't get so triggered snowflake.

He was married to a Somali. Do you really think he was a racist? That's just journalists being journalists.

Fetishization of PoC. It's a form of Imperialism, slavery, neocolonialism, and oppression. Sick!

>The Christian Right
>Not knuckle draggers

Otherwise, valid point.

there is nothing individualistic about left-wing conformism

Liberalism, communism, socialism, anarchism, are all different things.
There are even different types of communism.
And they all hate each other.

The democratic party are center right neoliberals, they are capitalists that are socially liberal.

Any good communist wouldn't consider the democrats to be actual leftists.

I'd wager that many of their record labels encourage them to for the reason that hip-hop and indie music is predominantly consumed by teenagers/ young adults many of whom have a tendency to drift towards that which is considered "edgy" and therefore "cool". Using political agendas and ideologies allows an artist to encapsulate a serious image and thereby come off as more sincere compared to artists who refuse to do such. Meanwhile promoting the views of the far left furthers this by taking a counter-culture stance and thus allows an artist to gain points for perceived "edgyness" whilst at the same time not being accused of homophobia, intolerance, racism etc. as they would if they promoted the far-right. Ultimately it is an attempt for an artist/ label to gain publicity whilst causing as little backlash as possible - as espousing far-left views creates only superficial problems with such whereas promoting far-right views can lead to an artist being banned, ostracizing their fanbase or worse.

>blanket generalisations
god leftists are dumb

Yeah christian right doesn't really fit kek. They're under the tea party/altright/skinhead/etc. wing

Libertarians eh I don't agree with them but they at least read books.

Do any of these ultra-leftist artists actually realise that under their ideal Marxist-Leninist dictatorship, actually provocative music with political statements would not be allowed by the state?

>"Every artist, everyone who considers himself an artist, has the right to create freely according to his ideal, independently of everything. However, we are Communists and we must not stand with folded hands and let chaos develop as it pleases. We must systemically guide this process and form its result" - Vladimir Lenin

reading ayn rand isn't being well read you fucking tool

why do communists always vote democrat then?

wouldn't it make more sense to vote for the gop from an accelerationist perspective? democrats do enough to keep the system going and just keep it going perpetually while the gop under trump and co could lead to a collapse and revolution

You live in a fantasy world

They do though. Zizek even said that Trump is a good thing and implied he's running the GOP into the ground.

Generally speaking people who make music for a living will be in favour of protecting and encouraging expression. That should be obvious.
However I think calling people "marxists" because they believe in personal liberty is a flimsy argument. Being openly supportive of feminism and homosexuality has nothing to do with communism, and slapping a label like "Marxism" onto a statement advocating individualism shows a true ignorance of political ideology.

i knew zizek did but most "leftists" i met said "dude we gotta get behind hillary" and criticized me when i brought up that point.

you seriously think kendrick and radiohead are marxist OP? death grips might flirt with some marxist ideals but they barely even come close

The average internet lolbertarian has some of the most unflinching, borderline puritanical devotion to an absolute idealism that most of us have ever seen. There are intelligent libertarians but a large core of their supporters are Xers and millennials who fall to the center right both economically and socially but don't care about religion or family values shit

Really? Every leftist I knew IRL was saying "dude lol hillary and trump are literally EXACTLY the same".

Ultra-left Marxists are what is killing political discourse everywhere. They have zero tolerance for anything that falls outside of their neat box. And then they try to criticise right-wingers for being "intolerant" while they themselves are literally trying to justify Stalinism.

Kendrick is marxist because he said black people were kings dude Sup Forums told me marxist means anyone I disagree with who says something criticizing white people.


these fucking Sup Forums teenagers think there's some nefarious marxist agenda undercurrent, infecting all the celebs and politicians. the guy who made the post with patrick as the image got it right

>why are these artists revealing their political position?
because that's the meme right now

I used to mix around in leftist circles and tankies got shut down every time

a couple did but many were more in the "trump is an evil fascist nazi and needs to be stopped at all costs" camp.

yes you are right. i think the strict adherence to idpol is a bigger factor though since it's apparent on both the far left and far right and doing nothing but creating more divide and distracting people from the real issues.

I consider myself as conservative liberal and I don't really care about my favorite artists being pro-lgbt or leftist
Would argue with them tho

You're right that sentiment was common but I honestly feel like that was uttered more by centrists and apolitical people than most leftists. There was without a doubt Bernie supporters who said that but I noticed it more from the kind of people that don't even follow politics but like to appear rational by saying how they're above both parties. A particularly nasty form of aggressive centrism that halts anything because they want everyone to compromise but they have literally no solutions.

I don't care about political position period just make good music/art and I'll give it a go.

You could be a borderline neo nazi like Sam Hyde and make great comedy and I'll watch it. You could be The Pop Group and Gang of Four or Death and June and Lynyrd Skynyrd I don't give a fuck if your music is cool.

Communism is terrible for music, good luck getting any sort of state payment for anything remotely controversial. There's a reason no good music came out of the USSR.

Nazism ain't any better what with the "degenerate music" and all. Authoritarianism in general isn't good for creative pursuits.

There's political ideologies beyond Communism and Nazism.

>these days

Vocal Anti-Communists tend to be Nazis or Nazi sympathizers.

The USA literally fought the Nazis and
then the communists dipshit

the democratic party wants social justice but not economic justice.
The democrat party are slaves to the plutocracy and donor class.
Stop watching fox news and realize that communists despise liberals and that they are different ideologies.

Ironic the ones who fought the Nazis became the Nazis then eh? Only took 70 years or so to reach peak fascism. Good job America.

The majority of the West is anti-communist you dumb dumb.

>Death Grips, Kendrick Lamar, Radiohead
guillotine yourself my friend, but read some Capital beforehand so you get an idea of what "Marxism" means in the real world, why Marx was a major Western economic mind, and why American political notions are make-believe.

Today even supposedly "left" big media like the Guardian are not Marxist since they tend to accept the status quo of the capitalist realism, despite them denying this fact.
In the 21st century there are no proletarian media beacause of the economical mechanism of capitalist media as such. The only real proletarian resistance is the Internet. And that is a good sign, as the proletariat's being radicalised, all fellow travellers should be gotten rid of.

Brainwashed boomers, yes.

Young people though, nah. Mainly the "alt-right" (aka Nazis). Most youth are indifferent or supportive.

Alt right isn't real it's a boogeyman to describe Sup Forums shitposters

They're supportative because they grew up in a world where communism wasn't common so they never saw its effects. Capitalism has done more for the people of this world than any other development in history whilst communism has brought nothing but death.

When your nations have to build walls to keep people in whilst our nations build walls to keep people out you have to ask yourself which system is better.

You dont even know what real fascism is you dumb faggot.
If trump was an actual fascist you would be in camp or dead in a ditch by now

Young people in Eastern Europe are heavily against communism.
It's more balanced in Western Europe tho

Unironically this. Fucking loathe this shit. Take it out on the streets, kids.

Give him time with the Trumpcare death panels.

They are using different methods. More covert. Smarter. Steve Bannon is the puppetmaster.

It's the little things like the travel ban, or removing health care, or lowering taxes/cutting social services, increasing military spending, white identity rhetoric, anti-press, or changing the immigration system to a whites only one. All these things are "soft" fascist policies in that they aren't directly violent, but they have the same effect in the end. People will die, voices will be censored, and the rich will get richer at the top. It's sickening and if that isn't fascism, I don't know what is.

>we support homosexuality and individualism, we're in favor of a transparent world leadership
I see nothing wrong with this, and pre tumblristas tainting the word I'd have no problem with being a feminist.

Lol, capitalists only care to exploit people. They have moved all production to china where they can use slave labor to create cheap shit and they have to put nets around the factory buildings to prevent the workers from committing suicide

"The quiet desperation of a world that is totally dominated by work, especially for those who don’t have it; where the domestic labour of ‘lonely housewives’ never ends, where shiftless men bred for work in factories that have closed down forever sit morosely on hire-purchase sofas they can no longer afford, in endless grey afternoons that promise only more of the same, forever. It is made just about liveable by the anti-depressants and the alcohol: scores of clone towns descending into a stone cold dead downer haze, softened up for wave after wave of neoliberal shock doctrine ‘reforms’, as mass culture degenerates into comfort food lowest common denominator entertainment."

Holy shit you are a moron. I dont have time for this, i got to go fap.

This, young people in eastern Europe hate communism because it was responsible for the death of their nations and their people. Young people in the west hate capitalism because they can't get free college.

Also this, being free to call someone a fascist means you're not in a fascist state. Trump's a cunt but you're an idiot.

Now look at poverty in America
>Sup Forumstard presented with argument outside echo chamber

I dare you mouth breathing neckbeards to try and have a political discussion without using the following words:

>cultural marxism

You wouldn't get 10 replies in a thread.

romania poland and bulgaria are just nations of drunk retard gypsies
czech is doing as good as greece
hungary is shit because of their fascist government

>no good music came out of the USSR

It was actually going pretty good for awhile but it's degenerated.

>stating one's political views is the same as peddling a political agenda

Shut the hell up dude
Reactionary scum

>reactionary scum

Thanks, guys. Missed these two buzzwords as well.