Hey americans. how do you define the american dream?

hey americans. how do you define the american dream?


how come?

Enough money I don't need to worry about money.

2.5 children, wife, garage, vacations at yosemite

just having that money or is the way of achieving it important as well?

i get to kill the native of any land i want and claim their resources, culture, and women as my own so long as i help israel after.

why would you adopt a nigger?

>Want to discuss politics, get punched in face
>Want to have privacy, goverment spies on you
>want to make friends, people hate the things you like and vise versa
>most americans are uneducated
>want money because youre poor, get an education, cant get an education because youre too poor to afford one
>highest prison population in the entire world
I can go on user

reclaim africa then. they're useless

it's "vice versa" not "vise"

it's the dream of running naked in warm rain

but you still have enough freedom to do shit, no?

the ability to work and better yourself through work given by the freedom provided by our country

isn't the prison population only high because of blacks?

He said 2.5 not 2.6

To treat other people as badly as I'm being treated now, with the expectation that someday I'll be rich so it won't matter how awful I am.

Dreaming that you are American

The American Dream is, simply, that your children have a better life than you had.

you people sound miserable how can you still claim it's the greatest country

Just the money. I'd fuck a kitten for a million dollars.

what the fuck does that have to do with america. everyone wants that

Nobody who knows anything still claims it's a great country.

no longer possible

your children will be serfs

The point is that, in America, it's possible.

Liberals are doing a good job of ruining the American dream, so it won't be possible much longer.

it's possible in every developed country. what's the point

>hey americans. how do you define the american dream?

Living in a white neighborhood.

I define it as achieving the means to provide for oneself. This has been bastardized to mean that you must work for someone else to provide for yourself. The original intention was for each person to have their own property...land they could grow crops on and sustain themselves. This does not work as easily in the modern era due to the population. But originally it was "life, liberty, and property" until the government realized that they couldn't just allow anyone to have property.

In short, I believe the dream is to not need to be dependent. You are all that stands between yourself and starvation or a simpler life. These days government is passing more and more laws making independence illegal. From storing your own water to harvesting wind power. Homesteading is now even illegal in alaska, whereas just 60 years ago the goverment PAID people to settle in sparse areas. So I believe the american dream is dead, or at least being killed by the american government and by the american people who'd rather remain dependent.

Blind patriotism

If you have anything bad to say about this country everyone will just tell you "just leave then if you like it here!" "Someone here doesnt enjoy their freedom"

The American dream is for American citizens. That is why it's called the American Dream.

I'd be down for that
>be me
>lived in a mostly minority area
>crime rate high
>police sirens more often than not
>libs tell me how great minorities are
>get robbed 5 times
>find out where libs live
>under 1% minorities in their area
>move to another place with less minorities
>no police sirens
>drop my wallet
>white man runs after me to return my wallet without taking anything out
>everyone is friendly
I never want to go back.
fuck minorities you legit can't be left if you live with any amount of minorities around you. arabs and muslims are literal scum

tell me about it, someone was shot at the jack in the box across the street like 12 times, my neighbor is arabic muslim who doesnt speak a lick of english, but cooks for me and my mom every so often, though I cant let them know Im an atheist because then theyll try to kill me

thanks that's an interesting point of view.
as a non-american I think it's a damn shame what happened to once such a great nation everyone wanted to live in.
I remember my brother and friends talking about moving to america one day when we were young. nobody ever says that now.

ehm okay?

shit fucking infuriates me. I honestly despised Sup Forums for most of my life but in many arguments very respectable studies were cited. being me I checked them out and needless to say I can't see the world as I did before. everything about race I thought I knew was wrong.

how could we white people allow ourselfs to be cucked out of our own home