I'm sexually aroused by triangles

i'm sexually aroused by triangles.

post hot triangles





What kind of triangles? Equilateral? Isosceles? Scalene? Right? Obtuse? Acute?

i'm equal opportunity but i have preference for equilateral. it's so perfect.
nature doesn't lend itself to perfection always so isosceles shape is my second favorite.


damn this thread is pretty hot, i'll contribute some sexy fucking shit



Square Masterace reporting in.

even numbers are disgusting
even numbers of sides are even worse

it's all good son, square's are just two triangles making sweet love.


that actually blew my mind


triangles are magic

favorite triangle from cinema : the tet



very distinguished post

i never noticed the eyelashes before.



Try finding the image

no i'm not gonna go fucking with that and unearth some eldritch horror
