If you were born on the 7th of September 1987, you have lived 1560 weeks

If you were born on the 7th of September 1987, you have lived 1560 weeks.

One year is 12 months

1560 weeks divided into 12 months = 130 years

well not even one part of that is correct. learn to math. then learn to troll/bait/whatever you tried to do here

Umm wat

nigga what you smoking?

Go get some sleep m8

there is more than one week in a month you goon

If this is representative of pic related's mathematical skills, then we're perfectly fine.


Every year has an extra 4 weeks, as there are 4 months with one extra week every year so your math is wrong.

>ITT: OP being retarded again

Ok, i accept this

>>grayte beight mate

Not even a little effort??

WTF am I reading

>1560 / 12 = 130 so it mus be 130 years...you faggot

Somebody failed Algebra

if ur 1 year old u live 52 weeks

52/12 = 4.3333333333 yeares

holy shit

Put me in the screen cap.

>Dumb as rocks
Hillary supporter detected

>1560 weeks divided into 12 months = 130 years
kys retard


>Hillary supporter detected
Virgin detected

>1560 weeks divided into 12 months = 130 years

12 months = 1 year = aprox. 52.143 week = 52 weeks

1560 weeks / 52 weeks = 30 years

Its like physics you can just divide same units (weeks / weeks etc.)

OP stupid as fuck of master troll

>Virgin detected
Cuck detected

>Cuck detected
lol dude you're a typical virgin idiot who hates women because they won't fuck him

>projecting this hard

