Have any of you guys here gone through basic training? I'm enlisting soon and want to know what i'm in for

Have any of you guys here gone through basic training? I'm enlisting soon and want to know what i'm in for.

Get ready to be the defacto janitor of the barracks.

Also, learn to suck dick and lick boots if you plan on going up.

By the way, forgot to ask, which brand?

best advice I have got (I am serious btw):
Don't draw attention to yourself, not even positive attention.
Best case scenario: The drill instructors don't even know your name


This is extremely branch specific. For example Air Force basic spends about 4 days on rifle training. Marine boot camp spends 3 weeks on training with your rifle. Marines have to pass a 5 day landnav/war fighter mission to graduate. The Army does a 3 days landnav course to graduate

Yeah, this.

The "positive" attention drawn onto you puts expectations on your performance. They'll get picky.

Also, remember you need an "Improvement" on your performance when you are being recruited and selected. So, if you are a sport athlete keep it shut and hide your 'powerlevel' until you have signed your first contract.

Ghost recruits. It's all a mind game. Let them break you early and don't be a guy who slips through the cracks.

This advice is as old as the US military itself

Never come first, never come last, and never volunteer for anything.

A close second is

Never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lay. Never lay awake when you can sleep.

>This advice is as old as the US military itself
I am the user that gave the advice. I'm not American and wasn't even in the American armed forces.

Seems to be a bit of a universal truth, I guess

Question, is it common for officers to be 'forced' into a 10 years contract?

I had already asked here but didn't had time to explain. I'm graduating this years and apparently I will have to attend a 2-3 years course to become an officer.

The great 'but' is that I'm supposed to sign them 10 years of service. Are they legit or are they making one of their made up bullshit to make me sign some bullshit?

These are as old as war, not just US military.

The only time it "pays" to be "first" is if you are what is referred to as a "flag carrier". Its basically the best recruit from each class. You get to run at the front while your DI calls cadence. The benefit being, when you graduate, the flag carrier is automatically "promoted" to PFC while the rest of the class are just P1's. Its not huge, but it means you are 8 months to a year ahead of everyone else you graduated with.

Cool pics bump.

US military?

Officer school depends on what your MOS is going to be. First you have to pass BOC which is 26 weeks. Then attend your follow on school (this is where a lot of time can be spent depending on MOS) For infantry officers this is 12 weeks. Pilots and the like can be up to 2 years of school.

Length of contract is usually figured as BOC+Follow on+ 6 years. To sign a 10 year contract you would need to attend a very lengthy follow on school.

I have no idea what you are talking about with the 2-3 year officer course. You either are an officer, or you are not. To commission as an officer you must have a BA/BS... are you 2-3 years away from having enough college credits from an accredited university?

No, not US. But my country copied the US standards and regulations to pretty much everything.

I just have to present my thesys and I'm done with my career.

So am left wondering if they are trying to bullshit me into signing 10 years or if the program itself takes that much to repay.

What would be your Military Occupational Specialty be? Very very few MOS's have 3+ year follow on schools.

Ask an active duty pog 5831 anything

Get ready for some bullshit rules that are plain stupid anything can get you in trouble and then you'll have a page 11 on your head. Next is say goodbye to your sleep because you will not see him in awhile there's this thing call firewatch it may sound cool but it sucks. And let's not forget the fucking annoying rude people that don't have no self respect for anybody. And everyone in the base is a bitch because they are all snitches and no one can keep a secret for their life and it's always gossip when men talk to each other

I don't have that much options here, but apparently, right now, I have the points to go to either of these:
- Naval Mechanical Engineering
- Aircraft Mechanical Engineering
- Aircraft Pilot for Fixed Wings
- Aircraft Pilot for Rotatory Wings

The rest are bullshit to me. Military police, infantrymen, naval gunmen and aircraft gunman. All of these which doesn't interest me.

... somewhere along the line I have a feeling you dont have all the correct information. School for naval engineering is 9 months.

However to answer your question exactly, no, a 10 year contract isnt unheard of in the US military. Its not common, but its not unheard of

Are you going navy or what? I'm assuming you're American.

Will all you faggots shut the fuck up about Basic/Boot Camp, that shit is easy and you'll forget about it 6 months after you graduate.

Being in an actual line unit is far more difficult and where you will actually learn.

He is not. I have a feeling he is Panamanian as their military is an almost carbon copy of the way the US military is organized

Maintenance when I went through hated their fucking lives 16 hour work days and then the occasional night flying, have fun not having weekends, holidays and respect for your leadership as they whore you out to different shops, while they are back at home with their family (or sleeping with yours)

Can only speak from my own experience, worry more about the other guys than the drill instructors, blue falcons hatch early. Do as your told, nothing more nothing less, and eat your food like it's your last meal because you never get much time to eat.
That was marine corps.
My cousin went through Army, you can have a phone, stress card and talk to the drill sergeants so pretty chill.
If you go to Marine basic and want to switch branches in the future you don't need their basic, if you want to go Marines and have been in any other branch for any number of years you still need to go through basic.
Hope that helps, don't go Marines if you don't plan on going that full 20 and NEVER go infantry.
Promotes very slow, very political, constantly in the field, hike non stop and opens up to be a security guard, cop or middle management if you make it into a billet.

>fighting for your jew controlled governments

get real

But what about the longest program from that list in your country?

Yeah, it's pretty much the Navy of my country. But am not american. We simply copied all their military structure.

MV-22 Mechanic here, I can certify everything he said. Once clocked 90 hours in a single week.

Awesome, so we have a little fame for something, even if it's copying Uncle Sam bussiness but still, we are known for something besides being assholes and peeing on an expanded watercourse.

Was stationed in Korea for a year. I've been back home on leave for almost a month ask me anything. Also retards he said basic training not boot camp implying his branch is army not marines.


Went in as a tank mechanic, your pic related

First week is the worst week by far. You are stuck cleaning while you get your shots and shit.

Basic training starts 4-10 days after you arrive, then its fine. If you make it passed the first couple weeks you will finish. People who drop out do it really quick. If you are in shape then its kinda enjoyable. I was in great shape and spent the entire time in the back laughing at the fat kids who were always crying doing push ups. If you are out of shape it might suck. Idk. Just focus on being there, don't think about people back home or miss anything.


If you're coming into the Army taking advice on not doing your best at everything, not drawing attention to yourself, or not wanting to be first to volunteer, then don't bother. The last thing the Army needs is you lazy millennials with ZERO initiative. Afraid of responsibility. Here's how the Army works- you get out of it what you put into it. Period.
You lazy fuckers trying to slide under the radar cause more headaches than anything, because that mentality doesn't go away after basic. I watched one of my Soldiers pin E5 from E2 in 3 years of hard work and stepping up to the plate. While the lazy E4 mafia sat complacent and bitched about it. If you want to spend your contract being lazy and sucking ass, you can- but you're not contributing shit and your service will mean a lot more to you later on down the line if you actually try, at everything.

ITT: fuckin POGs

>E5 from E2 in 3 years
As some other user deduced, here in Panama we have a nearly exact copy of the US military systems.

But I haven't got any insight about the promotion system. Everytime I ask the little guys I know that are in they say that you gotta STFU and wait your promotions patiently.

But, there was this one Sargeant that told me that based upon your work you can be promoted.

So, hard work pays off in the military or not?

I was the PL, every month I check off on Soldiers deserving of on early promotion waiver- early promotion by 6-8 months. He hit the waiver every time for being excellent, even though his peers gave him shit- the kid was on point. Top PT, volunteered for everything, stayed late to accomplish the mission, spent time learning his job and other Soldiers jobs. Completed all the required training to hit E5 and I submitted his packet and he went off to school, came back an E5 after 30 days and promoted out to a new unit where he will be a squad leader. Meanwhile I had E4s in the unit who just sat and watched it all unfold. Hard work will get you recognized. He also received several awards throughout the process.
Future CSM right there.

There is a difference between drawing attention (even positive) and not bothering.
But you are probably too entitled to know the difference

You're confusing entitlement with obligation when you sign the contract. If you've served any amount of time, I know you'd completely understand where I'm coming from with the "below the radar" mentality. It's a plague in the military, and hurts unit integrity and effectiveness, it's like a disease that results in E4s staying E4s for 8 years.


Thanks for the info Sup Forumsro.


Whatever I fucked that up. My point is that go to /k/ because they have military enlistment general or MEG threads constantly. It's a better resource than anything you will find on /b

>E4s for 8 year
Is that even possible? Fuckdamn they sure as fuck are lazy.

But, to be fair I remember this one Sargeant that hazed a Private over this exact thing. Since he was promoted faster than pretty much everybody else the Sarge apparently took it upon him to make him quit.

Does this shit gets uncalled and unpunished?

Women complete it. So expect nothing but bullshitting around for 9 weeks. Have fun.

Sadly, officers are responsible for the morale, welfare, and discipline of the unit- and there are plenty officers out there who don't care or don't know how to handle their Soldiers. I had one incident where an NCO was hazing lower enlisted, I suspended his rank/ pay and had him transferred out of the unit. If you have a chain of command that isn't involved or doesn't care, it's entirely possible that it will go unpunished. That NCO should have been slammed by the PSG and taken out of his leadership position, moved to a new unit, or stripped of rank. There is a difference between playing games and hazing, your leaders need to know where the line is and hold that standard.