What's wrong with my hand Sup Forums

what's wrong with my hand Sup Forums

I see the problem. The shit poor quality. Thats whats making your thumb look all grainy

Looks like a faggot burn to me.

Sand on some razor blade cuts coupled with some shopping of the fingers proportions


90% sure it's cancer. Better get the knife Harry, it's operation time.

You're playing the guitar all retarded

Ima guess frostbite mixed with burns.

or you've dipped your fingers in sherbert

Go to the doctor.

looks like a burn, allergic reaction, or severe eczema user

thats what u get for fingering your infected asshole

did you put the tips of your fingers into a deep fryer?!


nice frostbite images

I'mma guess psoriasis


Strawberry sugar?


Is it from working with wet gloves?

If this isn't bait and you haven't gone to the hospital you're probably already dead. You just don't know it yet.

OP Dipped his Fingers in Pink Cotton Candy Sugar

Are you guys retarded? He dipped his fingers in something red, and then dipped them in something grainy. Sand or brown sugar. You faggots believe anything.

Looks like a ballsack.

Its tots aids sorry fam

you start off like that and in a year you become this

tastes good

Salt deficiency. Quick! Sprinkle some salt and lemon juice before it's too late

Weve got ourselves a hard man! Watch out boys!

You put something red and sticky on your hand, then covered it in salt.


You played yourself when you covered the nails, too.

Go to the fucking doctor now if thats legit.

u look like fucking trap, i bet your dick is the same as your fingers

How is anyone falling for such low quality bait?

looks like u dipped your hand into fundip or sumthin.

looks like cheeto powder when wet

it's scabies

Dip fingers in water.
Dip fingers in kool-aid powder
Wait to dry.
Bend fingers.
Take pictures for Sup Forums.

You're turning into a Sour Patch Kid.

you look like a trap or a man with girly face D:


Jello actually

propably a fungus infection

either peroxide/vinegar or go to a doctor and get the right stuff

Please stop

My hand feels tingly and it won't move

Is that kool-aid mix?

yes. you got me XDDDDDD

No it's not. It's actually Jello mix.

Please disregard
That isn't me.



It's fun dip
It would look believable if the finger tips weren't covered

Doesn't look fatal but you should probably cut your dick off just to be safe.


Ok if this isn't a copypasta than I salute you. This got me for a second.


Looks like frostbite.

Wait a minute! Tits or get the fuck out!

Allergic to ky jelly.

Greyscale. Should have cut your arm immediately. Now you're fucked.

looks like youve been fingering your kool-aid

Well its clearly fucked
