Out of weed so smoking the crap I filtered out of my bong. Tastes like absolute shit, but it works

Out of weed so smoking the crap I filtered out of my bong. Tastes like absolute shit, but it works.

Oh buddy. I left earth from some resin earlier. It most definitely works. True stoners never waste their resin.

Looks like rusty gold to me user

It just makes me super sleepy.

schmocke......in germany we call it schmoke.........it is pure cancer..g

Not much thc left as bong water resin consist of mainly ashy burned weed.

Probably still do the trick though.

I remember those days. Have 2 pounds here at the moment, though. Good luck.

yeah. been there.

Damn, user. Do you grow?

Broke ass rookies smoke resin. Cheers.

Dude how old are you?

2 pounds of resin? wow.


I do

are you addicted to weed?

>2018 & can't get weed.

There are still some green bits in it. My fault for not using mesh. Some ends up in the water.

I'm on hard times at the moment. I smoke whatever I can find. Few more months and I wont have to worry anymore since I will have the money to keep myself supplied. For now though... :(

Faggot, tou can't be addicted to weed. The fuck outta here.

I am. Not gonna hide that.

Haha get your shit together op and live within boundaries. Ration your weed so you don't have to smoke bong snot

You can. You can be addicted to any substance. Just not quite physically.

Desperate times. I get it.

The only side effects are couch lock & mild headache after a good amount.

Is your marijuana habit debilitating?

Sure you can. Anyone who says you can't are clueless. How do I know? Because I am addicted. When I have none I have trouble sleeping. When I have none I feel off. Like something is missing. I hate it.

Sure it's not addictive like opioids, but it's still there.

Stop it, would you please? We are trying to enjoy ourselves here

I wouldn't say that. Might be heading there though :/

Once I can afford an endless supply for myself all will be well.

Sucks living in a country where legalizing it is still a pipe dream.

Meh, I stop all the time for extended periods without issue or regret. I don't buy it. I suppose it's subjective.

Yeah, it sucks. When I was a teen, and daily/heavy smoker, running out of weed was awful.

I used to fiend hard on some resin. After getting that wet shit out of the bong water it would be too wet to smoke. Would always just melt and clog my bowl. Using my stoner genius I came up with resin dabbing. I would heat up my dab nail like normal then drop that shit you're smoking onto the hot nail. Would not get me very high at all if any. Pure addiction forcing me to smoke cancer garbage.

I think it has to do with my being anxious and depressed. While smoking that goes away. Once I run out though, all those horrible feeling coming back much stronger.

I'm done. Just wanted to address the marijuana epidemic that's ruining people's lives.

Even with myself resorting to this, I still think it's good. I find myself laughing at thing I wouldn't normally. I find myself crying at sad things that wouldn't bother. Weed bring all my emotions out which I love since in my normal life that doesn't happen.


people have lives too, you selfish animal.

Heavy marijuana use helps cause the depression. It's accurate to say it doesn't kill you, but that doesn't mean it doesn't mess you up in certain ways. The chemicals weed release help control your enjoyment so to speak. Heavy use can cause you to perceive life as disappointing when it's really just the smoke.

That is most likely true. I was depressed for years before I started smoking though. Only been at it for about 2 years and that is because it was recommended to me since none of the 'legal' crap the doctors were prescribing helped.

Just to add,
weed causes dopamine release in your brain. Now while that's all well and good in the short term, long term use of marijuana can make your body stop producing dopamine by itself. Its not a necessary addiction, but a psychological dependence.

user if I can give you a piece of advice, stop avoiding your depression. Accept your depression. That is the only way to rise from it. Medicine wont help. Weed wont help. Replace all of your shortcomings with acceptance of your shortcomings and the depression will subside.

I'm only speaking from experience, take the advice or not.

yeah bruh ppl been smoking resin from pipes for years you fool get the fuck out beta 420 homofag

Thanks for the advice. I am currently looking into free programs to get me active and social. Waiting for people to get back to me.

Has only been in the last month I have started thinking of how I am sick of feeling like this and how i want to change.

Cool story. Like I said above, I only been smoking for a few years so I really am I newfag to it :)

30yo fyi.

Exactly yes. Your body craves a dopamine release that it can no longer produce on it's own. This is what makes marijuana "addicting". It's similar with other drugs too. The addiction is always on a psychological level is the belief. There are some great Youtube videos you can watch about it. Really interesting stuff.

Again, man, this is only opinion so don't take it as a personal attack, but you will learn nothing from a program or activities. You need to find yourself. Don't worry about other people or their lives or friends or anything else other than yourself. Focus on realizing who and what you are. Then make the conscious effort to seek out companionship. This program is going to forcefeed you through their shit until youre sick of it and end up a miserable wreck again.

I know this isn't a self help thread, but you don't need anything but your own will to overcome depression and if you don't think youre capable of overcoming it through sheer will, then overcoming it will become impossible.

>poor fag
>weed fag

im sure its just a coincidence.

Oh it is. Would be poor without weed too.

As much as weed is messing with me at the moment, I used to be hooked on alcohol. Once I started smoking it was only about 2 months and I was not drinking anymore. Been free from the booze for almost two years now.

I think I am better than I was on the booze.

can someone plz send me some weed im so fking depress without it

We call it Schmand in Germany bw.