Daily reminder not to fall for the transhumanist singularityjew

daily reminder not to fall for the transhumanist singularityjew

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>jews want something therefore you should want the opposite
That doesn't logically follow.

Transhumanism is creepy as shit

>ban everything i dont understand!!!!
also, lem wasnt a jew. Get fucked op.

You don't have to contribute nor participate.

From the word,I just assumed "transhumanism" means modifying our genes/becoming cyborgs to become stronger and more intelligent. Is it actually some jewish trick or are you christfags just afraid of technological advancement because "muh playing God"?

In the end it just means that the ultrarich Jews will use it on themselves to become Demi-Gods. Do you want an immortal George Soros ?

I have nothing against such scientific research, but it should be done in an Christian European Monarchy under the supervision and funding of the Monarch / Empire / Emperor / King. Not in some stupid oligarchy republic where the rich can use it to alter themselves & become super humans.

Jews have high intellect and are forward and abstract thinkers. Not surprising that they're the leading transhumanists

Just how underaged are you though

transhumanism and stuff like that is just fancy fairytale than is nowhere near

100 years ago people believed that there will be flying cars and we'll be colonising planets, yet here we are, with social media and nigger/fag enabling populism politics

there will be no Ghosts In The Shell, but Children of Men

I cover royal history, which I have an interest in, looking at good times and bad. My goal is to aid in some small way in shoring up support for existing monarchies and restoring those which have been destroyed. I am a pan-monarchist, which means I do not focus on one country or one royal family or one monarchial tradition alone but on the world-wide monarchist cause. That is to say, I hope to foster support for what sociologists call “traditional authority” everywhere in the world. That includes supporting traditional figures in government and traditional values in society. For the vast majority of peoples throughout the world these traditional values are largely the same. I have very strong religious opinions (which I think are obvious to most people) but this is not a religious blog, it is a monarchist blog and I will and have discussed monarchs and monarchial traditions from any and all religious backgrounds. Just because I choose not to preach does not mean I consider the issue inconsequential. When it comes to religion, I will say that I consider almost any religion better than none at all since, again, the vast majority have the same basic social values in common and the vast majority support the same basic form of government, which is monarchy.

>what is the law of accelerating returns
A 100 years ago people based future predictions on estimates and imagination, not statistical facts and known growth rates.

I am proudly reactionary and counterrevolutionary. I support that which strengthens monarchy and traditional values and oppose that which weakens them. However, I also strive to be practical and realistic and that means never sacrificing a preferable present in the hope of a totally perfect future. I support monarchs having actual powers and more than mere symbolic authority but I will support and defend even the most purely ceremonial monarchies as preferable to an outright republic since there is at least a root from which the tree can be restored. No matter how stripped down and muzzled, any monarchy at all provides more to work with than a republic for history has largely proven the last German Kaiser correct when he said, “Monarchy is like virginity, once lost, you can never get it back”. That is not always true, but in the vast majority of cases it is and that is why a republic is a calamity that is to be avoided at all costs and I will defend even the smallest nub of an existing monarchy rather than giving up on it in the naïve hope that something better can come from the triumph of republicanism. I believe monarchists must be resolute, determined and loyal to the death, whether in good times or bad.

>Monarchies are dangerous! What if the monarch is incompetent?
The same question could be asked about republican leaders. However, rest assured, monarchs who are not capable of fulfilling their duties can be replaced and have been throughout history. Take two of the oldest and most stable monarchies; in Great Britain, when King George III became incapacitated the Prince of Wales was made regent and exercised his duties for him. Similarly, in Japan, when the Taisho Emperor was no longer able to fulfill his duties, the Crown Prince took over those duties for him as regent. On the other hand, even in the most successful republic in the world, the United States, only two presidents have ever been impeached and neither one was actually removed from office.

>Monarchy is an archaic throwback! It’s simply out of date!
Certainly monarchy is an ancient institution as it developed naturally from the dawn of time and the growth of human civilizations. However, democracy and republicanism is just as archaic. The Greek city-states of ancient times tried direct democracy and found it of very limited value, lasting only so long as people found out they could vote themselves the property of others. Republicanism was tried on a large-scale by the ancient Romans and yet they too found that it caused too many divisions, factions and civil wars before they decided a monarchy was preferable. The oldest republic in the world today was founded in 301 AD. How out of date is that?

Is it summer already?


Time and time again history has shown that the end of monarchy makes things worse for a country, not better. In France it resulted in the “Reign of Terror” that saw tens of thousands of people get their heads chopped off. In Russia, the loss of the monarchy allowed the Bolsheviks to take power who then created the Soviet Union which spread oppression around the world and murdered millions of people. In China the result was a chaotic period of warlord rule followed by the bloodiest civil war in human history and then a communist dictatorship that took the lives of 60 million people. The end of monarchy in Germany and Austria resulted in divided republics that allowed Adolf Hitler to come to power, devastate the continent and butcher 9 million people. The fall of the Shah of Iran allowed a radical theocracy to take power that has spread terrorism around the world and brutally oppressed its own people. These are only a few of the examples that could be cited and the facts are inarguable.

If you can stay alive forever you can be tortured forever

>But muh Hereditary monarchy just isn’t fair!
Why not? How can any system for determining national leadership be absolutely fair? It hardly seems fair that one person should receive the top job simply because he or she is more popular. Surely the correct criteria should be how qualified a person is rather than if they are good at making speeches, more photogenic or being more gifted at graft and deceit. In a monarchy the top job goes to someone trained from birth to fill that role. In a republic, even under the best circumstances, an elected president will take half their term learning to do the job and the other half campaigning to retain it; hardly a model of efficiency. Hereditary succession seems much more “fair” than granting power to those able to swindle enough money and promise enough favors to the powerful to obtain the highest office in the land.

>But muh Monarchies are too expensive!
Not true, not by a long shot. Some monarchs (such as the Prince of Liechtenstein) cost the public nothing at all. In the United Kingdom, the money the Queen grants the government from the Crown Estates is considerably more than the allowance she receives from the Civil List, so Britain effectively makes money off the monarchy. Republics often spend more on their presidents, past presidents and first families than monarchies do on their royal houses. Many countries (like Australia, Jamaica or Canada) share a monarch and pay nothing and monarchies do not have the constant, massive expense of elections and political campaigns for the top job.

how so?
there's literally no way you could not be transformed into hulk and literally genocide the kikes one by one

heehee that's right goyim, just implant this computer chip in your brain that does everything for you, it'll be great, it's just the next step of social media and smartphones, you love them don't you you stupid goy cattle?

opinie op willy en max?

>But What about cruel monarchs like Nero or Attila the Hun? Surely no benefits could be worth risking leaders like that!
Actually, far more people have been butchered in wars or massacred by those in power since the start of the revolutionary period than in all history previously. Nero or Attila the Hun were unsavory characters but nowhere near as bad as republican monsters like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong or Pol Pot. It has only been in the post-revolutionary era of mass politics and political ideologies that governments have taken to killing their own people in huge numbers. Nero was cruel to his own family and later persecuted Christians who were still a tiny minority and Attila the Hun, as ruthless as he was toward his enemies, ruled his own people well from what we know and with justice. No monarch ever wiped out as many of their own people as the communist dictators of the Twentieth Century, all of whom did so in the name of “the people” and “fairness”.

>But Royals are too out of touch. They have no idea how regular people live.
Some people believe this, but it simply isn’t true. Queen Elizabeth II was a mechanic and truck driver during World War II, the King of Thailand is a renowned jazz musician and composer, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark has painted illustrations for several books, including the Danish edition of “The Lord of the Rings”. The Emperor of Japan grows his own rice, the King of Cambodia was a practically anonymous dance instructor before coming to the throne and many royal heirs take ordinary jobs, often in obscure places where they are unknown, after finishing school. Despite what people think, royal life is not all champagne and caviar. Compare this to many presidents who have often never worked outside the public sector in their entire lives, never served in the military (as most royals do) or ever known any other life besides making speeches and casting votes.

you forgot to add Rachel haywire. she's a kike too.

Abolish the parliamentary democracy and restore the Dutch Kingdom under the rule of King Willem Alexander.

monarchy revival trads are the ultimate in LARP

>Jews have the highest IQ's and are therefore likely to be involved in technological innovation

Could Stormfags be any more nigger tier?

Transhumanism is the ultimate conclusion of liberalism.

>freedom from group identity
>freedom from male/female binary
>freedom from human identity

We're gonna need a butlerian jihad unless we want to lose our humanity.

Abrahamicfags are free to become the new Amish, until they die out that is

Mentat goy, pls go.

>>Jews have the highest IQ's
First of all, I am not a stormfag. I despise Hitler and the way he abolished the monarchy. Hitler was a republican. He had no right to call himself ''fuhrer''. He destroyed Germany and the German Empire.

Second of all, anti-semitism isn't inherently the same as nazism. It was common in Europe in all branches of politics and life. Many people who were not nazi's, where anti-semites (Ford, Luther). I don't consider myself an anti-semite, but I do consider myself an anti-republican, and Jews have been at the forefront of all the ''pro-people revolutions'' of the last 300 years.

Third of all, only the Ashkenazi Jews are said to have high IQ's, but even this is not necessarily the truth. And if so, it is only in certain area's they do well in. Hasidic Jews are much less intelligent.

That's a load of horseshit. The history of Europe is tied together with the Monarchical system and Europe still has many aristocratic families and most countries are still Constitutional Monarchies. Please watch the following video. youtube.com/watch?v=KBvHBmpfXHM

LMAO kk mongool

thats only becase nigger degenerates won ww2

Not an argument. If you want to see our side of the perspective, please listen to the following conversation: youtube.com/watch?v=KBvHBmpfXHM

I only serve the King and will die for the King be it needed. In a monarchy the top job goes to someone trained from birth to fill that role, under the best circumstances, where the Princes learn ethics, law, philosophy, history and all needed qualities for a King.

In a republic, even under the best circumstances, an elected president will take half their term learning to do the job and the other half campaigning to retain it; hardly a model of efficiency. Hereditary succession seems much more “fair” than granting power to those able to swindle enough money and promise enough favors to the powerful to obtain the highest office in the land. Next, the only priority of the democratically elected party is staying in power, while a King does not have to worry about such trivial matters and is thus not motivated by the idea's of letting millions of immigrants in who will vote for you. Instead the King can rule the lands with the best interest of the Country at heart.


Any monarchy related posts can go in this thread.

Daily reminder to kill yourself

Would it hurt to use that technology to make everyone else a demigod? Is there some kind of plan to be malicious toward all non-Jews/elites? If the singularity actually gets here then we could make all humans immortal and powerful all at once.