Asking the stoners of Sup Forums for some help!

Asking the stoners of Sup Forums for some help!

Haven't smoked weed for about 3-4 months or so, and before that smoked it like 8-9 times during the past 4 years. Well, yesterday i got it from a friend for doing him a favour. 4g's of brown hash, dont know the strain or strenght but its strong shit.
Yesterday after smoking half a joint, packed with like a gram of this shit, i got fucked up. I was out in a forest with a friend, finished my part of the joint, and got sick af. Felt as i was going to vomit, then nothing made sence, i got really light headed, vision went black, ringing sound in my ears, like rain or that TV signal lost sound. Then i fucking fainted, after that my legs didnt work, they were total jello. Same with every other bodypart, unusable! This freaks me out af, but i still have like 4 joints left.
What to do?

smoke them up you pussy.

That is just shit in a bag fool.

Smoke less. You just had an overdose, which caused these symptoms. Sounds like strong hash.

It smells like heaven

1 gram of hash in one night? It's way too much even for a regular smoker.
You a wasting good stuff man

Mate that's wombat shit, ya dumb cunt.

I've had all those symptoms except the fainting part, but man were those some good hits or what. Suck it up, smoke them and then proceed to chill out. Just get over the initial symptoms you pussy

boil'em mash 'em stick in a stew

mix weaker

>a gram of hash
You took too much, lightweight.

Put the remaining four joints in your mouth and inhale all of them all at once to assert your dominance over the rest of your stoner herd.

Sounds like you greened out mate hahahaha

Pro stoner here.

Good hash is 3-4x stronger by weight than weed. Just do small amounts.

Don't worry , your body isn't used to it anymore, 1g is way to much for a first time after stoping for a while
That happenend to me a lot , just don't put to much in your joint ´cause its waist
Don't smoke to much too quick !

nigga you smoked too much weed slow the mother fuck down you underageb& cunt

You probably got dehidrated or had low blood sugar
Make sure you eat and drink properly

You had a whiteout. Basically you smoked too much too fast and got overwhelmed.
If that is strong hash, putting 1 gram of it in a joint for 2 people is way too much.
Try going for half a gram and smoking it slowly, once you figure out how it affects you, you can smoke more as needed.

4 years heavy hash smoker here

Hash is dirtier and stronger than weed
You easily can smoke a 2g weed joint when you only can smoke a 0.4g hash, for exemple

Thanks, gonna try to not rush trough the joint tonight. I guess me beeing a pussy lightweight is the natural cause.

Having no tolerance because of having been on a 3-4 month break doesn't make you a pussy, just a lightweight.
If you can maintain your tolerance in the low end, hash will last longer for you anyway.

Take your time to smoke, I sometimes spend like 30 40 minutes only for a single joint

I wish my dealer sold hash this strong.


Stop right there. 1g. It's a waste.

Get a pipe. Load very small amounts in pipe. little balls that burn in a hit or two. Wait before hitting again. It takes 8-10 minutes for the full effects. Chances are, you're wasting it.

4g is not 4 joints. It's much much more. That should last you a while.

gtfo underage


Smoke that shit man. I practically live of this shit

Different user but, you can overdose on weed, just like any other drug. Overdose doesn't mean dying you dumb faggot it literally just means dosing over your body's natural tolerance to where you start feeling more negative side effects than positive.

Anons im moving to Oregon October and need too know how to get bud im 19 so can't buy from dispensaries and not good at making friends. Should I hit up obvious stoners or look on Craigslist.

Im from Tejas and get all my current good from some dudes in my apartment but he ain't willing to ship.

Shit happened to me when I was 16, lost all feeling in my throat and couldn't feel myself breathing. Suffered horrid panic attack and had to sleep it off.


Spot the australian

There's been no recorded overdoses of THC. He just had a whiteout cus he smoked too much too fast. It's like eating too fast. You'll not be able to eat as much because you stuffed your maw with food without shewing properly and now it can't all fit in your stomach. That's what he did. He smoked too much too fast and overloaded his brain. This isn't a bad thing but it does mean you need to slow down and smoke less. That, and he did say he stopped for some time and this was the first time in a while.

I read somewhere that you'd have to ingest about 75 kilograms of pure thc within an hour, in order to truly OD on it.
You'd die of carbon monoxide or a burst stomach before being able to ingest it that fast though.

I wouldn't even say your a liteweight.i smoke nearly 2grams of headies everyday for like 4years and I know a gram of even mediocre hash would smack my shit

>I smoke every day
>0.3 is like "I wanna fucking lax"-dose
>Lightweight smokes 1g in one go
>Fucking idiot

Are you dumb or something? Overdose means just you take to much and have undesirable effects from that, not that you die.

strewth cunt how'dya know?

Lol you mixed it with pot. Try smoking the hash alone. The high will be more enjoyable. Smoke it with a pipe

I'm a stoner, I even have that sometimes. I've had it like once or twice in the last year, if it happens often you should be careful.

It's generally a result of getting really high while not having had enough to eat/drink. Maybe you hadn't slept well?

Smoking a whole gram of hash is a hard task to begin with, let alone someone with zero tolerance. If I were you I'd use a lot less hash. Maybe add some tobacco to fill the joints up. Take it easy, smoke slowly, see what happens.


I didnt eat nor drink much that day, and slept pretty bad for the last week, may be some truth to that.

I just smoked a herbal cigarette w/ raspberry leaves, chamomile, and peppermint, and got high off it.

Maybe it's because of the weed I smoked yesterday or maybe there's some psychoactive compounds in those herbs. The herbal cigarette tasted better than normal tobacco. Feels kinda like lowkey opiate high.

The high even comes with a visual slide. Lol.

Forgot to mention that I'm sipping on an alcoholic drink in case it makes any difference.

>Asking the stoners of Sup Forums for some help!
>Haven't smoked weed for about 3-4 months or so, and before that smoked it like 8-9 times during the past 4 years. Well, yesterday i got it from a friend for doing him a favour. 4g's of brown hash, dont know the strain or strenght but its strong shit.
>Yesterday after smoking half a joint, packed with like a gram of this shit, i got fucked up. I was out in a forest with a friend, finished my part of the joint, and got sick af. Felt as i was going to vomit, then nothing made sence, i got really light headed, vision went black, ringing sound in my ears, like rain or that TV signal lost sound. Then i fucking fainted, after that my legs didnt work, they were total jello. Same with every other bodypart, unusable! This freaks me out af, but i still have like 4 joints left.
>What to do?

You had an Out of Body Experience, do you remember at least something what happened?

I know this phenomena, its rare but when it happens you get lifted out of your Body this has happened to me about 3 Times troughout 5 Years of smoking, your Frequency starts to vibrate really high and you can roam freely around.

Next time it happens to you try to stay awake mentally man you missed a fucking rare cool experience.

Try breaking off a piece and putting it on a heated knife or spoon and inhale through a straw.


How many times did you did this?

Are you fucking stupid?

wtf i had an out of body experience and it fucked me up real good. I was a zombie for weeks..rare cool experience stfu