G'morning user

g'morning user.
hope you slept well.
tell me why you will not KILL YOURSELF today.

living isn't so bad.

It isn't looking great

why not ?

Today's not such a bad day. I'm already unemployed and kicked out of school. I don't have anything to do. Just ran out of wax yesterday, but I badly needed a break. I think I'll play some music while I figure out where my life is headed.

have fun with that.
hope you find a job soon if you want one.

i have to goto work

Only reason I'm still trying to stay alive is BC destiny 2, after that im done~

too cowardly

are you enjoying it so far ?
you have the courage to live.

Because I need a sauce for that gif.

there is still work to do.

Because jm passable tran and chasers giv me free hugs
Also I made it to college so im gunna be a good productive member of society and mommy will be proud :D

Have to wait for PC release :( so I'm just stuck trying to keep doing uni with 0 interest or motivation

occupy your time until then.
enjoy school. why not.
nice trips.
indeed there is.

Working with idiots sucks, it's so boring and painful to do, yeah ik it's like that for everyone but idk how everyone manages to keep going :/

Thank you for being kind person on Sup Forums you are good guy I wish you well

just ignore them.
i wish you well too.

life is a gift.

Because its beautiful outside today theres a new todies album and the new it movie is out today and i get paid today. Its gonna be a good

enjoy the album and the beautiful day user.