In early August I started smoking weed alone (no friends) and didn't get high the first few times...

In early August I started smoking weed alone (no friends) and didn't get high the first few times. But when it finally hit me it sent me into an extreme panic attack. That was after I'd been smoking it every day for just over a week. I took a day off and the next day I just took 1 hit of a joint and it caused another (milder) panic attack.

Since then I haven't smoked because it made my anxiety really fucking weird while sober. That stabbing anxiety feeling became overwhelming and it just filled my whole spirit while sober and it was horrible. I won't drone on but basically it made my life worse for a few days after.

Now I'm wondering this: are weed panic attacks something to press on and eventually conquer, or will it fuck me up further if I continue on with it? Should I keep smoking or no?

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There's studies that say it increases your chances of sichitzo by 500%and then suicide rate isnsky high. Panic attack is your body trying to warn you about what lies ahead

Try smoking an indica and not a sativa. Also if you can find a strain high in CBD, get it. CBD offsets the paranoia. Also, it helps if you just do not give a fuck.

stop smoking that crap your brain will never be the same

Try some LSD, it's real good at helping with anxiety

For me pot just heightens whatever mood I'm in. If I feel like I'm going to be paranoid after I smoke, I'll end up being paranoid. Just make a cup of tea, chill out, make sure everything is in place so you don't have to look for things after you're high. Late at night is usually best when it's quiet and no one is going to bother you.

Also this

idk if youve got panic accounts from weed you probably got anxiety problems anyway, normal people its the most relaxing shit in the world

i had the same thing. i started smoking daily for 6 months and it deeply afflicted my spirit with depression and anxiety, even while sober. i stopped smoking completely and about 6 weeks later i felt normal again. my advice is to put it away. its fun and exciting but if its hurting your mental health it only gets worse

Yeah I'm extremely lonely, and isolated. I have severe anxiety and depression. I was told by a psychologist I have "extremely severe social anxiety and depression". I have no friends, I'm a 22 yr old virgin with great difficulty expressing myself to people. I'm suicidal sometimes.

I really hoped weed would help but it didn't.

I get paranoid when I don't fucking have weed, kek.

Weed can still help, but it's not the cure or answer to your problems. You need to find out the root of those problems, because the weed can and will just compound the emotions you're already going through.

Weed is just a band aid for depression/anxiety and will only make things worse.

Drink a beer or two before you smoke. It will offset the anxiety. 33 year old anxiety fag here. It works for me. Just don't fuck around and become an alcohol.

going to agree with this user.

Look, i'm all for legalization because i belive a person has the right to do whatever they want in life, but you have to recognize when something is just not right for you, and smoking weed everyday just might not be something your body can take. I smoked everyday for 3-4 years, then one day I had the panic attack that sent me to the hospital, not to mention the times before that i would break down and take hour long showers to calm down. But my girlfriend on the other hand, smokes it all day and has no problems.

Put it down for 6 months, smoke a join with a friend maybe every once in a while, but don't believe it has to be something entrenched in your life when you don't want it to be.

>citation needed

your brain will never be the same no matter what you do, you fucking moron, people change all the time

I'm in the same boat as you user. Tried pushing through it for months. Even tried xanax while high and that didn't help at all. People like us just can't enjoy getting completely baked.
The only thing you can really do is maybe smoke really small amounts to get a little buzz going, but even then your anxiety will be heightened

but hey, maybe a few years down the road you'll be able to enjoy it again. your brain and body chemistry changes over the years

The weird thing is, when that massive panic attack hit me, I flashed instantaneously between feeling terrified and feeling the most overwhelmingly intense euphoria ever. It would switch between the two as fast as a light being switched on and off. Like it was the exact same feeling but my body didn't know how to process it. I'd be in hell for 10 seconds and heaven for 1-2 seconds.

Did you guys ever experience something similar?

God I hope so. I remember a few times when I was younger and less anxious how good it made me feel.

try jerking off when you're high, i don't have anxiety so i can't speak for that but when i jerk off high it usually crowds out any other feelings i might have. otherwise try drawing something, usually focusing really hard on something makes weed much better

good luck in your endevours man

Not really for me. I was either extremely nervous and paranoid or slightly anxious and euphoric at the same time

Thanks dude

Holy fuck, how does nobody know the answer to this. Go to your room, or anywhere you can smoke and feel alone/safe/comfortable and cheif down. Smoke smoke smoke. Get fucking baked. Then get fucking comfortable. Realise life is utterly meaningless and you will die. 100 years fom now nobody will remember or even give two shits aboutyou, what you've done or anything else. Come to the realization that it's up to you to go/do/see/be/fuck who and what you want. Step out of your cage before you're too fucking old or rundown to do anything. Careers are a scam, who the fuck wants to go to Rome at 60, and not get super model level pussy.

Try Phenibut or Kratom man. They will both help 10000% more than weed. I have both those problems as well. I used to love weed, smoked everyday for years, then it started giving me anxiety every time I smoked.

Phenibut will make you a social butterfly, as will Kratom. Do not take Phenibut more than like twice a week, Kratom no more than like 3.

Kratom addiction will take longer to build and will be a little bit easier than Phenibut to kick, but if you got self control it'll be no problem.

this^ phenibut turned my life around

If there's something wrong with your lifestyle then weed will tell you. If you eat shitty food and dont' exercise you'll most certainly have bad time with weed.

I started eating really healthy and exercising, weed no longer gives me anxiety.

Where do you get yours from? I've ordered from Nootropics Depot and Smart Powders recently and they both fucking sucked. They both tried to blame it on my tolerance but I think that's bullshit as I never abused it. Just once i got the new order from Smart Powders it wasn't working. They both use the same supplier as well. Now i just use F-Phenibu

$40 for 3.5 grams. Did I get a good deal Sup Forums?

Nah that's shit

Same for me. Literally two hits of a joint and I start thinking about what might go wrong. The last time I even needed to get out of the room I was in to walk as fast as possible to calm down. Walked 15km around my town alone in the middle of the night. Never again


Glad you can relate.
I just keep wondering, if I smoke will it fuck me up further, or will I overcome the negative effects? I'm too scared to find out, so now I just had a jar of weed sitting in my room and idk what to do with it haha


Dope isn't for everyone. Try bourbon with a fine cigar, that is very relaxing.

>Now I'm wondering this: are weed panic attacks something to press on and eventually conquer
I'm just seriously learning about weed. Effects are really strain-specific. That's probably why you're noticing inconsistent effects--because you're smoking different shit.

E.g. Most recreational weed sold in my old city (Easton PA) were hybrids, 30% of the time indica-dominant hybrids. The indica makes it chill-weed, which most people (you included) like.

Up in Vermont, they have everything. My favorite is just pure sativa. This stuff is almost stimulating, and it speeds up my thoughts so much that they very often become anxious. One strain in particular was super speedy. I don't mind because I used to be a stimulant addict, and the anxiety is worth it for how much it speeds up my brain and the crazy thoughts it makes me think. I just smoked some of that in the woods a few hours ago and it was intense.

>Since then I haven't smoked because it made my anxiety really fucking weird while sober
Probably just psychological withdrawal. I think they call that "rebound anxiety" with drugs like alcohol and benzos. Can't tell you how long it will last, but if you don't like it then either smoke infrequently or smoke every day.

Yeah but I need something to pull me out of this pit of misery. Something truly soul/mind altering.

So you just gonna completely ignore the Phenibut/Kratom recommendation ?

Not really soul/mind altering, you're gonna need some LSD for that, but it will absolutely help you be more social and confident.

When the placebo effect be hitting extra hard on your 12 year old physche

Seconding this post. Hearing shit like
>I need something to pull me out of this pit of misery
is worrisome, but Kratom is "soft" enough in my limited experience that it could be a valid antidepressant.

i've been smoking for 6 years. ask me anything i think im quite experienced.

I'll definitely consider it Phenibut. Never heard of it but I'll hopefully be able to get some in Australia.

I've heard a lot about LSD so I'm gonna try that too.

Try MDMA or mushrooms. Not alone obviously. It helps you find your problems better than weed. You might need someone that is able to guide your high.

Yes please OP. Just drown your brain in alcohol. It'll be fine I'm sure.

Ah shit they actually just made it illegal in Australia recently =\ Believe Kratom is illegal there as well. Sorry dude, good luck.

Do you think I should press on and try to beat the panic or will doing so fuck me up?
What's your advice for someone with extremely severe social anxiety and depression?
Do you think I should continue with weed or not?

It affects everyone differently. Try a few other strains, and if the effect carries between them, then stop. If you like it then it's good, but it's not life changing.

Some people get this reaction to weed, and can't smoke again without having panic attacks. It happened to several of my plugs.

Damn well thanks anyway

You want CBD. You can buy it at a lot of headshops now and online.

He asked like a million fucking questions already bud

I don't agree with it depends on the strain, I think it more depends on the person. Had some anxiety relieving strain in colorado that I got from a dispensary, first night I smoked it was the best night I've ever had smoking. Second night, same shit, super bad anxiety.

How are you smoking it? Try taking tiny micro hits. Some good weed and low tolerance can really fuck people up, tbh I think your smoking to much to fast getting high as fuck.

yes and no, if you live in a state with legal weed, you can talk to dispensory workers and they can give you probably a more CBD setiva, i would advice against indicas because they tend to trigger stress and anxiety, i have social anxiety and depression, i do too get small anxiety spells but usually the weed i buy is high in CBD and nothing under 25% thc, but if you dont live in a state were its legal and you dont really know what your getting, i would quit. its tough to get the right stuff and its also not for everyone, some peoples body chemistry doesn't react well with THC.

also i would experement with other ways besides smoking, they make stuff you can put in tea, or oils you can cook into eggs.

everybody is different and other peoples experiences and answers may very. im just offering my advice along with others.

Always a joint. I think I did that when I smoked too much and now no matter how much I smoke it reminds my body of the bad high and makes me panic even if I smoke a tiny bit.


yeah you need to not get so high then, smoke small moderate amounts.

Not the guy you asked. Smoking has a lot less to do with "tolerance" and a lot more to do with set and setting (state of mind. ) try to block out a any preconcieved notions going in to a session and if at all possible try to forget that you just smoked and go on with your day. Pack a bowl, take half a hit. Nurse it. And if there's something you KNOW you're gonna think about first, have it taken care of. At least have a plan so if it's going to be a source of anxiety for you you can tell yourself, I HAVE IT TAKEN CARE OF. weed is not the source of anxiety, it never is. And If you don't already know this: you're not too high, you're gonna be ok, your body doesn't give a fuck when you smoke weed, just your mind.

I got anxiety the first few times I smoked the wacky tobaccy. Now it's basically how I turn off after work. I found exercise and healthy food had an impact on my buzz, and would recommend both for a more relaxing high. Also sniff your black pepper shaker if it ever gets too overwhelming. Black pepper helps your body to stabilize after too much of the devil's lettuce. Good luck OP.

I've had situations where my heart is pounding, my body is freaking the fuck out, but my mind is totally fine. Like I know I'm okay and I'm not dying but my body doesn't get the memo sometimes and panics on its own.

Many people doesn´t know that if you have a genetical predisposal to developing schizoprenia or any other kind of psychosis, smoking weed or any other hallucinogen can detonate the sickness. The first warning sign is precisely that one, having panic attacks instead of experiencing any of the good vibes of Mary Jane.
My advice is that if there´s someone in your family that has a mental illness, you shouldn´t be messing around with any kind of drug, even cigarettes can detonate schizoprenia in vulnerable individuals.

By the way, I´m a heavy smoker and I´ve seen some stupid stoners that didn´t pay attention to the warning signs, now some of those idiots are really fucked up, some hear voices or see things, two of them ended up in nuthouses.

Can you add me on kik


I haven't gotten quality sleep in months. Feels like cement in brain. Used to smoke every day for years eventually started doing more harm then good. My brain feels fucked up constant brain literally won't shut off. Can't sleep. Anyway I can get ambien/lunesta without rx. Idk what to do

I know it's not necessarily a matter of reason or rationality when it's actually happening to you - you can't "logic" yourself out of it - but just know it's not your body doing it "on it's own." Weed does not induce panic other than the fact that it alters your mind. If it does make you anxious every time, then that's a self fuffiling prophecy- you know it makes you anxious, because it does. It's not too uncommon, and ive seen people break the cycle before, but i do believe it's a mental transition. I went through the same thing. I would recommend smoking when you already have plans, something distracting, as long as smoking itself isn't the 'plan.' It could be that you need to keep smoking until you have some tolerance and confidence built up, it could be you need to smoke way less than you have been, or maybe you should take a break. Whatever you feel best about, do that. Self-affirmation is proven effective- tell yourself, I DO have everything taken care of, smoking is what that cool kids do. And then move on. Weed has the power to block out everything from your mind except for the one thing in front of you. Try to make it a good thing.

>are weed panic attacks something to press on and eventually conquer,
yes, stop being a bitch, it's just weed, keep repeating that and you will conquer

Bro! me to man everytime I smoke weed I feel like I died and I came back to life it feels like a near death like experience made my heart beat like fucking crazy I thought it was just the ditch weed from the cartel that laced it or something I ended up flushing $140 worth of weed one night I was hell bent believing the cops were gonna raid me I even did a fucking video I can't even watch the video cause it fucks with me.

Check me out getting high
