This waitress should be shot, trying to steal from honest people

This waitress should be shot, trying to steal from honest people.

I've had similar experiences

when out to eat with my co workers and the waiter handed out hand written recipes with inflated prices

I guess its a common scam

when I see these, why get mad, any tip payed with a card is automatically reported as taxable income and comes out your check, only real money to be made is cash tips which you "wouldn't" report

i like how the waitress thought she was in the right for stealing, sure not tipping is mildly shitty but that bitch can go fuck herself for taking what isn't hers
glad she was fired

Nice dubs.

People should not have to fear not-tipping. "Get a real job."

i don't feel bad for someone who didn't leave a tip at all. it was less than $9. if you're crying over $9 you reslly need to get a life. Regardless if in principle it's wrong, not leaving a tip iis a cunt move

>optional social graces are more important than stealing

She probably did it to more than 1 person seeig she thought it was justified.

She's fucking up the whole establishment.

10 today, 20 tomorrow, 100 next month.

It's annoying when waitresses or waiters complain about not getting tipped enough or not getting tipped at all. If it isn't mandatory then don't complain if you do not receive one. The waitress is a cunt who deserved getting fired and needs to be in jail or get hit with community service. I don't care if it was just a few bucks she was stealing, you don't take what isn't yours.

I didn't realize that a legal, taxable job was fake. The things they don't teach you, huh? How can we help other people realize the dangers of fake jobs? I'd hate to have to work one, or have an unlucky friend stumble into one. That'd be terrible.

I hade places that expcet tip

it should be included in the price


When I worked at pizza hut my manager told their use to be a guy that did this.
By the time people had found out though the dude had OD'd and died.
So my manger basically told the people there was nothing he could do.

By investing your time getting an education that will yield jobs in the future.

Instead you see art college degree kids working these jobs.

I disagree with most of you, tip is based on service received. The money for the food goes to the restaurant, the tip is the money for the quality of service. Unless your dumb ass went and got your own food, poured your own drinks, and cleaned up the dirty plates then you leave a tip. What kind of Jewwy poorfag are you if you can't manage at least 10%?

In FL, you automatically get taxed for a 10% tip whether you get one or not. Considering that tipped employees have a $5 minimum wage, it's pretty easy for them to lose money on a shift if nobody tips.

>Unless your dumb ass went and got your own food, poured your own drinks, and cleaned up the dirty plates then you leave a tip
Why? They're already getting paid and I pay for the food at an already inflated price because of the convenience, so it shouldn't be up to the customer to supplement wages. 3rd world America the only place on the planet outside of Africa with a tipping culture

Shit tier employment laws in your shit tier country are not the fault of the customer

If the price was inflated for the convenience it sounds like you wouldn't be able to afford it you cheap bitch.


10 bucks for pouring me a drink and carrying a plate? Get real, you act like he performed cpr, blew me and did a barrel roll at the end.

A monkey could do his job and be satisfied with a banana.

Gonna start tipping bananas.

Their job is to pour drinks, take orders, clean up, and deliver the food to the table. It's not my job to do it and it's not my job to pay them, I do tip though but if I didn't I wouldn't really feel bad about it. If they want more money then they should find extra work or a better job because it's not my responsibility to support them, it's the responsibility of the place they work at.

Fuck that cunt.

Calling it an optional social grace is what cheap fuckers do, but only tip proper if they're attentive, good, and or you're a regular. If you come in regularly and don't tip expect bad service.

The funny thing here is that she should have just told the manager and the police. Instead, she goes to the media to say she didn't tip an $80 tab. Not the kind of thing you want to be made public unless you want to get shitty service whenever you go out to eat. Not saying the waitress did right, but that lady fucked herself and doesn't even realize it.

I've been a server and know the pains of getting stiffed, but some of my coworkers were so fucking entitled about it. I'd just suck it up and move on to the next table. One coworker complained to me that she only got $10 on a 90 dollar tab but goes "well I did spill a drink on the lady's son," and I just laughed at her. Some think they're so fucking good at serving when that's not the reality.


Are you really suggesting that restaurant food costs the same as home cooking


But if you get bad service then you just paid extra for no reason? Tipping gives you the control.

You've obviously never worked as a server. It's more than pouring a drink and carrying a plate.


If they do their job poorly, report them to the manager.

Believe me, there's plenty of these kids.

Just because you don't get paid EXTRA does not mean you are allowed to suck at your job.

Imagine if everyone had that attitude. Doc doesn't get paid enough? Your cancer can wait.

Come to Canada, we have technology. You don't hand write tip amounts and sign a receipt. They bring the mobile credit card terminal to your table, you insert your card and type in the tip amount. Remove card and go home. No fraud possible.

>literally thinking like a nigger
They're being temporary servants to you you cheap fuckass. Only poorfags think the way you do. I take it you've never worked at a restaurant?

Hey it happens, just don't let it get you down. Your coworkers are the ones I hate. Hopefully things work out for you and you can find a better job that isn't dependent on tips.

Maybe servers should bargain collectively for higher wages then instead of guilting the paying customer into paying more than the price.

It all comes out of the pockets of the customer anyway.

Fuck waitresses. Never tip. NEVER TIP.

Well why the fuck would I want to work a shit job?

As far as I'm concerned, that's all they did, I don't know/care what's going on in the kitchen, so why should I pay for it?

If I'm gonna tip anyone, it's gonna be the cook.

every min wage job is essentially being a servant, but most don't expect you to tip. I worked at a min wage movie theater job when I was younger that required more work and included bring food to people just like restaurant jobs and no one bitched about not getting tipped

they're all too big of pussies to try that, it's easier to just bitch and moan behind customers' backs

yeah it's also writing down food items and then telling the cooks what those items are.

>I pay for the food at an already inflated price because of the convenience

The food is typically around 30% of your bill with the rest going to pay the workers, keep the place running, and a typically slim profit margin.

I wish tipping the cook was a thing, I always feel the cooks are the ones who deserve the tips. It would definitely give them the edge to keep making better food.

Fuck yea, I'd tip the cook any day.
Requires skill, attention to detail and patience.

Meanwhile you tip the dumbass that barely managed not to trip over himself with the food the cook took his sweet time to prepare.

i've been at bars before and bought a $4.50 beer with a 10 sheet and the bartenders just pocket the whole thing assuming it's a tip. and then they act busy serving other people while you try to get their attention so you can get your change back.

The irony of thinking that fair wages and not having a system corrupt enough that no-one else outside of Africa uses it is "like a nigger"

And no of course I haven't worked in a restaurant I have an education

Your minimum wage in the theater is several dollars higher than a waitress gets.

>the rest going to pay the workers
>the rest going to pay the workers
>the rest going to pay the workers
>the rest going to pay the workers
So why should you have to pay them twice retard

I've seen a bartender try to kick someone out of a club for not leaving a tip on a drink. They are sad people.

>I wish tipping the cook was a thing

What I do is make sure that the server tells the cook that he did a really good job especially if I ask for something customized.

they can't lose money on a shift. If a waitstaff does not make his/her state minimum wage the owner of the restaurants have to increase the hourly rate for that person.

>I haven't worked in a restaurant I have an education

And didn't need a job while going to school.

sure kid

>ask waitress what's on tap, she hands me drink menu
>ask her about is there are certain allergens in a dish, she doesn't know and doesn't get back to me
>water glass not refilled during meal
>beer is served to me in a hot glass that just came out of the dishwasher

why would you tip in situations like these? the server is already getting paid at least $11.25/hr (min wage where i live) and if they've done nothing deserving of a tip then that's their loss.

No I live in a country that isn't utter shit

because that rest going to the workers is like $2, but if a worker doesn't earn at least minimum wage after tips their employer is obligated to pay them the difference. So they never make less than minimum wage but still feel entitled to tips

Lol, the restaurant is liable for any erroneous charges made. He's lucky he didn't get sued.

once again the millennials show they truly are a shit generation.

Butt hurt entitled low skilled worker spotted

Yeah that's fine and all but I feel that them receiving a tip is something that they deserve and would truly appreciate

Should've invested your time wisely.

Not my prob you didn't, thus I'm not required to contribute to poor life choices.

how old are you

this is your answer?
truly a shit generation.

why? so you can cry about that?

I'm on the fence.

First, waitors are paid shit. Source? I work at a restaurant where the wait staff is making 2.50 an hour, the rest is wholly supplemented by tips. They bust their ass and deserve decent pay when they do their jobs right.

Conversely, a waitor inflating a tip is unacceptable and should never be tolerated. So don't steal, and tip at least %15. Can't afford the tip? Go to McDonald's, they don't need a tip.

I didn't think investing my time earned a degree in a hard science would be wasted, but I was sure wrong. One problem in college is that no one there tells you not to pursue whatever degree you're working on, and if they do most people just think they're the 1% of washed up losers that don't know what they're talking about

>So why should you have to pay them twice retard

Taxes. The government wants to make sure they get their share of the server's tips not just of their wage. So, they lowered the servers minimum wage and assumed they would get tipped enough (10% or whatever) and tax them on that 10% tip estimate whether they get tips or not. If all transactions were made via a card, no problem. Just tax them on their actual tips. The problem is the cash tips that never get reported.

Changing this is next to impossible because the IRS (obviously) and the restaurant would lobby congress to keep things the way are because it lets them pay their servers less.

People can eat wherever they want as long as they can pay for it. They don't have to pay you in tips if it isn't mandatory. Can't afford a better living? Go find a better paying job, they don't need tips to survive.

I'm an insurance agent dipshit, i just understand finances better than you.

Y'know who else is deserving?

Nurses wiping shit off old peoples asscracks.

Cleaning ladies wiping diarrhea stained toilets.

Construction workers slaving at 100 degrees building your home.

Nah but those poor servers got it the WORST!

Lol what? I'm just curious because a lot of people are in the millennial gen without realizing it.

sure kid.
funny how those with no life experiance think.

try acting like an adult.

Agreed. I just haven't figured out how to tip them directly.

Nurses and construction workers also get paid a lot more, but you're right about the cleaning ladies

Again, what? I just want to know how old you are

What do any of those have to do with tipping at a restaurant? Stay on topic now.

Maybe the employers should pay their Employees real wages and not try to force cucks like you to pay their employees for them

I'm 27.

Your generation is just pussified.

And that's a more than adequate rebuttal to "sure, kid."

No idea what you expected.

>no life experience
funny you say that when your the server.

he's saying that there are people doing worse things that don't complain about not tipping, so restaurant workers who do complain have to excuse to

That in no way explains why it should be up to the customer rather than the employer to pay wages. You don't tip any other shop staff

sure kid

stealing is a crime
tipping is stupid
pay them enough

they are both niggardly

sure kid

>, but you're right about the cleaning ladies

I always try to leave a tip to housekeeping when staying at a hotel.

oh got it, thanks for clearing that up

sure kid


Heres your fifteen minutes of fame CUNTFACE

You Americans are idiots all together.

Just pay the waitresses a decent salary and fuck of with that tipping shit.

I'm not him, but if a server makes 2.50 an hour and brings you everything you want and is pleasant, why the fuck wouldn't you tip them? That's not "extra" money. It's "pay my bills" money, you asshat.

Any far fetched degree is useless, just common sense really, no one had to teach it to me.

I always just try to clean the room myself so they don't have to do as much for at least one room

You're an astounding piece of shit.

maybe pay them a living wage lmao fucking third world shit country

can't comprehene anything but his shitty country.

Last time I was in Europe restaurant workers were tipped, but their tips were a part of the bill you had no choice but to pay

I'm 27, far from being a kid. I've worked in construction, retail, warehouse, military, and now I'm in college. Plenty of life experiences and one thing I always go by is to work towards your goals and not expect handouts. Maybe you should do the same kid.

showing everyone how stupid you are.