Hey oldfags, so after all this time, was this assumed as a hoax or a Sup Forums mystery? been awhile

hey oldfags, so after all this time, was this assumed as a hoax or a Sup Forums mystery? been awhile

what are these shitty old photos about?

was a post about 2 years ago of a dude claiming to had killed woman for pleasure and proceeded to post polaroid photos of the girl with time stamps to prove they were recent. never heard an update since then

Post pics

All the oldfags an heroed or moved on. Nothing left but us newfags

this happened like 2 years ago

it was too fucking weird to be real but I don't know if something else was found out

Post everything already

If I remember he did post again with her dead pics and then he had a male victim

2 years ago?
how many is that in summers?

Is this the one where it was supposedly a prostitute and he cut the head off her and made posed her as if she was fingering herself?

Those aren't polaroids.

nope, this is the post where OP has posted polaroids of different women. Anons should guess whats her name. If the name is correct, he has posted her rotten body and so on

well im still here, found some darknet sites back then but its true, there hasnt been anything new

The other user already said these aren't polaroids.

no thats the german schurmann or something like that

what else could they be? It was rumored, OP was by the police and these are crime scene photos

Polaroids have a white margin around them. These are film pics. Which means they would have to be develpoed somewhere.
Unless murder-boty had a photo lab in his house. Or access to one ... like in One Hour Photo.

How appropriate is this

It is real
He is still lurking around
Waiting for new prey


Do these scams ever work?

Yeah, those pictures were real. While that might not have been the woman in question, that was without a doubt, an actual dead body.

Anybody want to see my new project?
Currently cutting into sections

what do you got, neet?

>two years ago

get your shit straight, boy.

great underrate movie