I fucked up Sup Forums... Second time I've tried to fuck my gf, but I can't get it hard when comes to the action...

I fucked up Sup Forums... Second time I've tried to fuck my gf, but I can't get it hard when comes to the action. She's hot af, great bod, I don't understand why it dies!! when comes time to penetrate... She says "I'm too tight! It's fine. We'll try next time"... Like it's never gonna stop..
>Christian Bale unrelated

Take some cialis you fucking faggot

Youre just nervous itll pass. Just take your time amd try and get out of your head

stop fapping 5 times a day moron

tried fucking her ass while imagining she's a dude?

Its obvious you aren't attracted to females. Dumb faggot.

It's all in your head, just get some happy time pills one you do the dirty a few times you won't be so anxious and won't need em no more

I'm not gay. Stop... It's not true.

You're just having a hard time feeling comfortable naked around her, a few more tries and you will get over this


I'd say he's NOT having a hard time

this is it
you're a porn addict and you use a death grip as you fap three times a day
you've ruined yourself sexually
she's not too tight; you're impotent

I never had a problem getting hard but used to masturbate way too much and watched porn all the time so i could never get turned on enough to cum. if you really wanna make it happen quit porn and go nofap faggot. good chance you have penile cancer though. seriously

Happens to every guy, it's just nerves. If you can get a boner when you're alone, you don't have ed.



This, had this all the times with my first times fucking new girls. Then you get confortable and be hard af

>top kek

Just take your time... I came already when I put on a condom my first time....

This happens to me with every gf. With my first gf, it took me 7 separate tries over the course of 2 months to successfully have sex. Same situation as you baby. It'll pass, just keep trying and try your best to keep her chill.

Cialis wont help because its your scumbag brain. Want a miracle cure? Smoke some pot.

Just tell her to spread her pussy. We are evolutionary programmed to get hard when we see a stretched vuvla. If it still doesn't help, then you're pretty pathetic. Even people with ED get hard when seeing a spread vulva