What are some good audio books?

what are some good audio books?

hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

could you be anymore pleb?

nice contribution tho

Milton's Paradise Lost.
The Bible, KJV.

Any of Robert Greene's main stuff like 48 Laws of Power.

Ready Player One is pretty good if you're into 80s pop culture

>pleb books

paradise lost is pretty good if you can get past the outdated language. i enjoyed listening to Mary shellys Frankenstein which is from a similar time period

underage b^

Stephen King "IT" read by Steven Weber

Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

The gentlemen bastards series by Scott Lynch. He's still writing the fourth book, but it's in my top 5 best series of any genre, and the guy who narrates the audiobooks is fucking amazing. The AUbrey-Maturin series by Patrick O Brian (master and commander series) is also great if you're into historical fiction, also has an awesome narrator who died a few years ago.
I could give more suggestions if you tell me what genres you're interested in.

I strongly recommend The Warren Buffett Way: 3rd edition and the Sherlock Holmes definitive collection narrated by Stephen Fry.


Oh, and Snow Crash is also a great suggestion, that book is SO GOOD

Well what do you like nigger

Dresden Files - Jim Butcher. Start with Stormfront

The Disaster Artist

His Dark Materials

A World Out of Time

Dr. Chuck Tingle - Domald Tromp Pounded In The Butt By His Fabricated Wiretapping Scandal Made Up To Redirect Focus Away From His Seemingly Endless Unethical Connections To Russia

One of the few audiobooks that I've found that has a cast of multiple people for different roles.

Things that will strengthen the mind and embolden the spirit.

pleb shit

Art of the deal is entertaining

Dune Full Cast is multiple voices.

World war z

Henry Rollins is one of the voice actors was a very interesting story alot better the than the movie

Iron Druid Chronicles, if you like the first there's 8 more.