Why do normies care about wearing the same outfit more than once...

Why do normies care about wearing the same outfit more than once? I've been wearing the same shorts and shirt combo for years without any problems.

I do wash them by the way, I have doubles of each item so I can wear that on washing days.

Are you Doug Funnie?

It's a status thing.
If you can afford to have a good and well maintained wardrobe that is always in fashion it gives the impression that you are quite well off.

I see.. well they would be more well off if they didn't spend all their money on fashion..

It's just one of those things that autismo's don't do that makes us weird.

I do the same thing, here's my shirts

Not sure if I secretly admire or just take pity in you.

Saying "fuck you society, I won't waste my time for this" has its ups and downs.

uhh if he can afford multiple outfits, as op suggests, he can afford to at least buy a different outfit to at least look different every other day or something. but if that floats his boat, who the fuck cares. good luck getting laid

Of course it does. But I don't deal with decision fatigue for what I consider to be a petty matter. I would rather pay the price of being the guy always wearing jeans and a black shirt and just not have to deal with "oh fuck, I have X going on today, what do I wear???"

>I do wash them by the way, I have doubles of each item so I can wear that on washing days.
Do you explain that to people, or maybe they just think that you never wash your clothes?

If he never washed them he would smell bad

>good luck getting laid
if getting laid is your goal in life, you could spend money on hookers and get laid more often than you would with your special outfits

I just wear whatever's clean.

Maybe he does? I would assume that someone who doesn't bother with owning more than two sets of clothes would bother a lot with personal hygiene and grooming either.

Not the guy you're answering, but getting laid is not solely about the sex. It's also about the sense of conquering another female, making her surrender her sexuality to you, some random dude she just met a couple of hours ago.

does whatever mind that you are wearing his clothes?

is that after you spend X amount of money on your outfit, taxi rides and buying her drinks and investing X amount of time in preparation and conversation?

..or after you spend X amount of money paying her directly for sex and X amount of time on the phone telling her where you live?

I never pay for others' drinks (they still sleep with me), and I happen to find conversations fun and interesting. I guess if you're some shy introvert, you would find making conversation tedious and boring, but I don't. I find it highly enjoyable, even with people I don't end up sleeping with.

Also, in my country escorts are crazy expensive. 1 hour with an export is the same amount of money I spend on clothes for two months.

>I find it highly enjoyable, even with people I don't end up sleeping with.

sounds like getting laid has nothing to do with why you go out then, you just like socialising and getting to know people

my first point is still valid to the other user

>sounds like getting laid has nothing to do with why you go out then, you just like socialising and getting to know people
I do, but I also rarely go home without someone either, so there's definitively a duality to it.

Other user here. I have a fiance, been together for 7 years.

wow look at this Chad over here guys.

I'm not a Chad, user. I'm fairly sure that this is what 99% of normal people are like. The reason why some of you are incels is because you hate spending time with other people.

>rarely go home without someone
>not a chad

> because it makes you look Autosticker
> because its strange
> because people will think you dont wasH
> because normally you have different Outfits for different situations
> because normally people like change and new Things
> because people develop over time and start changing
> ...
> Why arent you doing and eating every day the same? die

I don't think they really do, they just don't own duplicates, because that would be fucking weird unless you're a cartoon character or an autist.