So youre telling me this shit is going to bounce off cuba like a fucking boomerang, do a 360 and walk away...

So youre telling me this shit is going to bounce off cuba like a fucking boomerang, do a 360 and walk away? Fuckikng U turn in the middle of the gulf? FUCKING RIGHT TRIANGLE OUT OF NOWHERE WHNE THE WIND IS PUSHING SOUTHWEST? FUCKING KILL YOURSELFS, ITS NOT HITTING FLORIDA YOU SENSATIONAL SHEEP CONSUMER MORONS.

I think you mean 180 because 360 would face the same direction.


If youre gonna shitpost, do it right, user.

Look.... It's really SIMPLE.
If this bastard storm DOES go up the
middle of FL it will do tremendous damage
The place where as a 9yo kid I got separated
from my parents and had to sit in a security
place with some old white guy in a uniform
who kept feeding me ice cream and sweets
while I waited for my parents to come by for
45 minutes. I was fucking scared this guy
in the meantime. They were like catamites
or something, all of them like robots
in this underground security complex that is
2 stories below Disneyworld and is like a
cross between Area-51 and the CIA HQ. (I was
in there, I saw it, it was fucking scary)

I hope Irma blows that place to shit!

Take your meds Henry



Eye wall might go right over me, wat do?

Same but we'll be fine by the time it comes up land a bit

I hear ya the track they predict makes no sense, since when do they make 90deg turns?

Already did. It's coming for Tampa.

(407) 939-5277



Bullshit. That angry dude said it was a librul scam.

I've been saying that it'll probably miss Florida for a week.

Then again. I'm not meteorologist.

what the fu?

oh because youre a fucking weather expert you must know more than the professionals

Thing is in this digital age everyone seems to have replaced the knowledge of past patterns with the bullshit meteorologists are calling science.

Truth is these things generally take the same patterns from season to season. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this thing hit Texas again.

Professionals are only called professionals because they are getting paid. Older people remember that these things usually follow the same path season to season. ( More or less )

Complete lack of discipline.

You don't deserve those trips, newfag.

Nice trips here's some tits

Well.. I mean, technically. It's a hurricane. It's constantly doing 360s.

Not sure if op is baiting or retarded

All hurricanes are blow out of proportion by liberal media global warming faggots anyway

Thanks for the congratulatory tits, user.

stfu cunt and die
thats what you get for climate warming

It's not rocket science, take a thermometer to a high altitude and the ground, find the differential, build a map out of it, you'll see where the hurricane will have to end up for the cold air to sink to the ground.

Directions unclear. Dick stuck under boulder. Send help.

The only way a 9 year-old knows about anal rape, is if he'd already been raped, so whodunit?

boomerangs don't bounce tho


wasting all these trips on a shitpost

Will be too weak by then.
>Cat 1 at best