
>In a shocking interview, Pope Francis likened Jesus Christ to ISIS and said Muslim migrants must breed with Europeans to counter “declining birth rates.”

>“Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam,” he told French newspaper La Croix. “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam, however, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”

>The Pope also said he “dreaded” hearing about the “Christian roots of Europe” because, to him, they take on “colonialist overtones” and he called on European nations to “integrate” Muslim migrants into the continent.

what the fuck is wrong with this dipshit

Other urls found in this thread:


>Christian roots of Europe
So Europeans colonised themselves?

infowars is not a valid source user.

>this cuck is making the rest of the Catholic Church look bad
Fuck why can't the mob just poison this nigga Jesus.

>ahmed criticizing the pope

God this guy is fuckin cringe worthy

He will get his in the end.

God judges each man according to his deeds. This "pope", I would only imagine, will get a punishment that he deserves. As he has diluted and twisted the teachings of Jesus, the Apostles, the Saints and the Church Fathers, I can only imagine that this punishment will be most severe...

The Swiss Guard needs to assassinate him


The worst part is he's the Pope, he's not just a regular guy doing this.

Are you a priest in the catholic church?

I'm not religious, but seriously, how did this fucker became Pope, and why hasn't he been removed?

>tfw italians retards are following this shill

In fact antipope Bergoglio have italian ancestry, this must explain why he is such a retard

Luther was right all along.

I know it's fucking hard to click on a link and find the source, so here ya go, shithead:




Why are you assuming most Cucktholics (in the first world anyway) disagree with him?

The pope is infallible. I don't think you understand how cucktholisism works.

This pope needs a bullet to the head or stay out of politics. What a piece of shit.


write AMEN if you agree and sola scriptura and protestant work ethic will come your way

Nobody I know likes him except atheist liberal SJW

It's a french newspaper that reported it based Singapore

Join the true church, join the Orthodox

He's a South American commie like the vast majority of South Americans.
It's nothing to be surprised by.

Obviously he is not a christian.

Its wierd because even though a catholic, i have become intrested in Wicca spirituality.
And i would want to import a muslim gf from north Africa.

These two aspects of me are very concious and deep rooted. It is what i love and what i am intrested in and what i rationally think is the best thing to do. It has nothing to do with any of the popes advices.

Even though i totally hate the Pope for being such a sellout. I am exactly going to do what he advices. Not because i like the advice. But because that is who i am, and nothing i can change about it.


I went to an Orthodox Church with my friend once for Easter, everyone just went downstairs to the bar and got drunk is this normal?


>I don't think you understand

Goes on to spew uneducated shit, pope isn't infallible on all matters dipshit.

>All the Protestants getting uppity
>All the while their religion has been cucked for over 25 years


The whole catholic church is like that
>cathocucks trying to build secret migrant reception facilities in Romania


Yep and the next day we visit our closest family members

>literally admits to being ignorant of actual church teachings

And this is why the protestant heretics on here will get their just dessert.

Follow the source and you can see infowars is spreading disinfo. Same guy keeps posting hte thread.

It was interesting, we made fish on the barbecue and got drunk

>"I told you bro, I told you. Why do you think I nailed that shit to the door?"

You don't have to be a priest to know the Church's teachings you fucking cuckold.

Pick up a book some time, Christ!
I'm not even Protestant.

>claims to know the churches teachings
>uses the lords name in vain

here's your (you)

Hey it worked in the 70's they could do it again.

Merkel and Gauck are both protestant. So are the most of our political establishment and people likke Margot Käßmann. I'm really tired of protestant fags pretending they are somehow "based". Ridiculous idiots who don't even know their own Christianity!

>not criticizing this blasphemous price of garbage


>Not being a reformed

Cucktholicism is cucked since the late 16th century, now, the only christians who are based are the reformed.

Those few days are the best for us..

Please tell me oh great knowledgeable one of the Catholic church that knows more than the Supreme Pontiff, how has he blasphemed. I would love to hear your criticisms of this pope in terms of applying church doctrine.

>love to hear criticisms
Holy hell do I have a list, first off, female fucking deacons? You can't do that

>g-god surely will do something about this faggot thats ruining my ancestral homeland
>if I believe strong enough maybe it'll happen!
>anything just so I don't have to do it myself

There are no female deacons. He literally created a commission to research the effectiveness of it actually being applied. Where's the blasphemy?

The definition of blasphemy is: impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.
Comparing the mission of Christ and the church to the barbaric, merciless slaughter that these towel heads are on seems pretty blasphemous

I read it. He never says anything about likening ISIS to Jesus or about Europeans needing to breed with Muslims.

Pope Francis is more conservative than you retards think. He focuses on the dutiful part of Christianity, that one must take in refugees of war. He is also clearly Leftist in many aspects.

I'm not saying he's right. He's not. There are several things he says in that interview that are incorrect. He simply believes the migrants will soon integrate into western society, which they will not.

>seems pretty blasphemous

Come back and talk to me when you're a priest in the catholic church who actually has knowledge about canon law and the cathechisms of the Catholic church.

this is the end

atheism and satanism are the only options

I'm pretty sure this is regarding theology and not modern-day geopolitics.

Keep in mind, the self inflicted suicide by immigration is barely over 25 years old.

Well, good for you. I didn't read it because I don't care. This is the last Pope.

We told you about Argentinians, why didn't you guys listen

If he isn't the last pope then Saint Malarkey isn't a Saint, and Popery is humbug.

If this brings down Popedom then Saint Malarkey was right! If it doesn't then it will bring down Pope-ness forever!

im sorry pol
either way pretty sure the jews are behind this

The whole interview isnt as SHOCKING as infowars clickbaiters say

Yes it is, he compares the Great Commission to Jihad by saying they are similar brands of conquest.

>shoot teetering object close to slipping on angled slope made of loose gravel
>hit it
>it fucking MOVES
>all this from a gun shot
>the object i struck with a solid hunk of metal traveling close to or beyond the speed of sound actually fucking moves
>and falls
>knocks other loose rocks on slippery ground as it falls
>MORE ROCKS start falling
>all of this from a fucking GUNSHOT
>a cascade of many rocks slides down the loose gravel pile
>literally cannot comprehend what is happening
>all of this done from a fucking GUNSHOT


>>In a shocking interview, Pope Francis likened Jesus Christ to ISIS and said Muslim migrants must breed with Europeans to counter “declining birth rates.”

Nothing like this is mentioned in the article.

Feels good to be an atheist.

Go kiss some niggerfeet christfags.
Go and fuck your goats Ahmed.

Degenerates, all of you.

>being a Protestant
>thinking Luther > Erasmus

>meanwhile, with the Orthodox, a couple of weeks ago



pope francis
convincing christians to become atheist one statement at a time

this is pretty much proof that hes the antichrist

Francis is misquoted all the fucking time. It pisses me off how often the media puts words in his mouth, like that ordeal with Trump and the wall. He's still a shitty Pope in the end but he's not the cultural Marxist he's made out to be.

>appeal to authority
refute his points and not defer to the church, which isn't universally accepted as the universal church anymore :')

The Catholic Church has always been total shit, mate.