What do you think about bullfighting?

What do you think about bullfighting?

idiotic and cruel

Why? Its entertaining. Stop being a fag

Being a cunt online is becoming less funny to me as i get older.

i don't think i'd be able to beat one up

Do you like to see a man in a tight suit slowly killing an indefense animal as get a boost ego from people like you?

I used to think that although it was cruel it was culturally important to people in that area. However I saw a video of it and it is exceptionally cruel. I have no interest in it and it honestly disgusts me.

I don't know if it should be outlawed. I'm not from Catalan/Spain but I certainly want no part in it.

recreational sadism, nothing more
i like seeing matadors get gored in the face/neck and thrown through the air

It's very gay.

I've seen the versions where they only use the cape and it's cool looking but great, a bull gets stabbed in the neck and back and spine for no fucking reason

I love a rekt thread...but this is being barbaric to an innocent animal

I like it when the bull wins, doesn't happen often enough.

it was probably a good time back in the days of gladiatorial games, before people had televisions, and there wasn't much else to do besides torture animals to death.

but these days it seems a little caveman ish. It's kind of played out.

I mean yeah it's entertaining when people get trampled or gored. That part is fun.


horns, hooves and hundreds of pounds. its also their culture, and once in a while if the bull shows exceptional bravery it can win its freedom, be spared and become a stud for the rest of its life

There's nothing wrong with it, and people like to watch spectacles like that and it makes money. It's fine user, go back to being a snowflake

Don't be an idiot. those animals are defenseless. They want to be in a field somewhere eating grass. Just fuck off.

Ok so either the bull wins or the matador wins because it's a fair fight, how is that inhumane?

Bread and Circus is for idiots.

That's what the bull told this pussy

Ok Ferdinand, that's not how bulls are. They're fucking huge and they can gore or trample several people at once, they're certainly not defenseless

Because it isn't a fair fight. But tell yourself whatever you want faggot whatever helps you sleep at night I don't give a shit

Love bullfights. I always cheer for the bull.

Do you even know in what kinda condition are those bulls before the show? i guess no by your response

Actually the bull can fuck up the matador a lot faster than vice versa, that's why you hear about people getting killed doing that. So yea, it's a fair fight

bullfighting is fucking gay, just look at the dude's clothes
gay. as. fuck.

Its an old tradition so your opinion about how they look is gay

I hope that every matador and every human watching it is killed by a bull, or any other mechanism of death.

It'd be cool if the bull weren't almost dead by the the those fags show up.
They are just pussies pretending to be super macho.

Pretty gay. Not much sport to it.

well, being gay is pretty old too
tradition or not those clothes are fucking gay

Jesus he got impaled

People in Spain love it, and it's protected by law from the animal rights faggots

If the show were fair i couldnt care,is just a borderline gay man fight against a weak bull(in some cases they put lard in the eyes of the bull) surrounded by hundreds of drunks

Super edgy bro. Farm animals are exempt pretty much everywhere. That's why we get to eat them.

A waste of doctors time