What do you think of this painting i did?

What do you think of this painting i did?

What does it make you think of?
What does it make you feel?
What do you see in it?





is good

nice get

why worried


Looks like something I had a dream about last night o:

interesting! tell me more

What did YOU think about while creating this? Awesome job btw

Well basically I had this dream where I was hanging out with some friends in a random town. We were just being ourselves as tho it was real life when in the distance I saw s slender looking, black haired woman.
I just sorta continued to chat with my friends and mind my own business but she kept grabbing my attention, moving from one side of a street too another then going away and appearing somewhere else around me.
She started making me feel uncomfortable and I started moving off with my friends and I looked behind me and she was following us
except it wasn't s anymore because I was suddenly alone.
I kinda froze in place when I noticed I was alone and she came up behind me, put her hand over my eyes
I see nothing
She whispers in my ear " tie the cord then kick the chair"
I stood there breathing heavily for awhile while she stared at me from a distance

Wasted effort.

soz op linked wrong digits

Very interpretable dream.
there's a lot to learn from it. Think about it and apply it to your life

Looks like an abused chick.


What is there to learn?

Your painting told me to hang myself???

The woman isolated you from your friends. Once you leave your friends (the people you care about) behind, the voice inside you that tells you to harm yourself becomes stronger and overpowering. Don't let her lead you away from them.
If you do end up alone, don't listen to her.

I don't know much about your life, but think about it. Dreams are messages from the unknown. There is wisdom in them.

Good point user, Will look more inward from now on. Thank you.

For the record the painting looks superb, it just spooked me.

Do some research on Jung and his thoughts on dreams. They're very enlightening.

Glad you like my painting

its good and you should feel good about yourself

Its sexual and violent, I love it.


I don't really make art for myself though. I make it for other people. That's why I post it here. I want people to see it and I want it to effect them and bring out emotions in them.

It's good. Right amount of blending and letting the paint be paint.

It seems really sad to me because of the expression as well as the ghastly red and white colours and the way her cheeks look gaunt. Kindof looks like she is starved, but also perhaps apathetic.

I really like the relation of the light on the neck to the face and the negative space where you cant see anything but my mind creates the lines where i imagine the neck to be.

I didn't mention this in my post here but i agree 100%.

Awesome to hear.

Thanks for looking at it