Give me only one reason to vote for them not regarding refugees

give me only one reason to vote for them not regarding refugees

Other urls found in this thread:!/supplementaries/group/1

They will make Germany Großdeutschland again


Just a quick question

Which party are u going to vote for?
I am still not sure which one I am going to vote for but certainly not the AfD

DeutschMark ftw. Fuck Euro and fuck EU





dumme schwuchtel detected


god fucking dammit


Konzentrationscamps wiederaufbauen - ja
Frau in der Küche - ja
Die Armen ärmer machen und die Reichen reicher - ja
Cannabis legalisieren - nein
Du bist schwul - ja


Man you Germans are beyond pathetic.

The mudshits rape and kill your people, and you turn a blind eye and want to re-elect the person who has no remorse for what she has done. You all deserve to burn for allowing this to happen. Germany was just fine before the rapefugees came in, and Merkel has ruined the rest of Europe (except Poland) as well.


Go suck Putin's dick you Nazis--you know you wanna.

Merkst selber nicht, was du da für ein Quatsch redest, wa?

they want to stop the "muh gender identity" bs







I was like you but die linke works together with antifa cdu/CSU is still debating about a upper limit for refugees, SPD is 100% for Netzdg for me there is only the afd.

It's about the less worst political party and that is for me the AFD

I agree, Merkel has to go:
Merkel is
- against minimum wage
- against legalisation of marijuana
- against same sex marriage
- in favour of illegal deportations
- against women in the work force
- bogging down stricter environmental laws
- prioritises the economy over the consumer
- against investing money in infrastructure
- in favour of austericy policies (that destroy large parts of Europe)

therefore, vote for Die Partei

"Die Ausweisung und Ausbürgerung krimineller Ausländer hat für die AfD oberste Priorität. Für ausländische Straftäter sollen spezielle Haftanstalten außerhalb Deutschlands geschaffen werden, die unter deutscher Leitung stehen."


Schwachsinn. Leute wie Sie Dogmatisisieren jede Politische Entscheidung Moral wird verdrängt.....

kek, how on earth should this be done?
Sure, souvereign states will agree to give up their sovereignty to Germany.

because the alternative for the alternative is lying cancer that fro years on end plain ignored their campaign promises, and they have to be gotten rid of because they literally don't consider that an option which is the only reason why they can lie like bastards



A reason besides refugees?
Well, if you are part of the 1%, then I would vote for AFD for their economic policies.
If you are not part of the 1%, then there is no reason



Lieber eine Saudi Arabien Flagge, diese dumme Holzpuppen Fotze!


i have no fucking clue what to vote in this shitshow of a an election
i wouldnt even vote since all my choices are shit but my family would get mad if i didnt


You guys know the backstory of this incident, right?

East Germany, where Merkel comes from, used to be an one-party dictatorship.
But they pretended to be a democracy and had election (that were not free obviously).

Instead of a Führerkult (cult of the leader) like in Nazi-Germany, East Germany had a cult of the party. The governing party was the state and the state was the party. There was no seperation of state and party, no seperation of state and government, no seperation of government and party.
And this is obviously against all democratic principles.

Coming back to the incident with Merkel and the German flag:
In this clip she was just elected to the leader of her party with something stupid like 98% (which resembles the results of East Germany, even though in this case it was not a mock election).
But Merkel is wearing two hats: The leader of her party and the leader of the government. And these two things should be seperated, since this is a democracy and not an one-party dictatorship.

Merkel was afraid by waving a German flag (the symbol of the German state) after getting elected as the leader of the party while being the chancellor could mix up the three things (government, state, party).

What Merkel did looked really stupid but there was a reason for her to do that.
I am not a fan of Merkel, but she did not do this "because she hates Germany" but because she hates dictatorships

Die Partei
That's what I'll be doing

>Konzentrationscamps wiederaufbauen - ja
>Frau in der Küche - ja
>Die Armen ärmer machen und die Reichen reicher - ja
>Cannabis legalisieren - nein

kein Fehler gefunden

arent they just a meme

they are, but Martin Sonneborn is quite funny plus he's actually trying to do good stuff instead of just grabbing all the money he can get

Kenn' ich net, ist zu klein.. Ist die Rechts oder links? Am besten immer noch: AfD wählen. Alle rechten Stimmen auf die größte Partei: AfD!

There is the argument that polls should not be conducted.
Every poll says that Die Partei will not get over 5%, and therefore people will not vote for them since the vote will be thrown away. And when asked for a poll they will say that will not vote for Die Partei.
It is a vicious circle.

Yet, Die Partei has representatives in Brussels.

But yeah, I would not vote for them if there would be any alternative, but there is none.

Die kann man nicht wirklich rechts oder links einordnen. Sind aber gegen "Weiter so" ohne jedoch dabei völlig unwählbar zu sein wie die AFD


I'll vote the AfD. They won't win for sure and they probably would have no idea what to do if they win anyway but at least it's one vote more against the refugees.

that one reason is reason enough to vote for them, unless u like europe to become a criminal muslim shithole even more than it already is.
ungrateful subhumans are invading us and wannabe dogooder are allowing it.
the level of ignorance is pretty high nowadays.

>I'll vote the AfD. They won't win for sure
Are you retarded. They can still get into the Reichstag. Obviously, the chancellor won't be an AFD politician, but when they get into parliament they have "won"

Lengthy, convoluted explanations are generally preferable to simple, straightforward ones.

That's why I'm a geocentricist.

Yeah but they surely won't reach anything near 50% or get other parties to work with them to reach it so for me the point that they don't offer an all around plan / aren't capable of leading the country don't apply. I only vote them for one specific topic. A topic no other party covers the way I want it.

I know that is kinda retarded, but for me it's better than giving my vote to on of the established parties.

well, just do not underestimate their power, though, even if no one cooperates with them.

As the largest party in the opposition they have many privileges and can therefore shape the parliament.
I see where you are coming from, but that is playing with fire

So sieht's aus!


i just did the wahlomat test and got 60% with die partei and less than 50% with everything else
guess im memeing this election

erinnerung das jeder der für die AFD stimmt dem Land einen Dienst erweisen sollte und sich an am besten noch im wahlbüro umbringt. Danke für deinen Betrag :)

Du bist buchstäblich Autist.
Dann wähl doch bitte lieber Die Partei

Nicht vergessen den Wahlzettel zu unterschreiben, sonst zählen sie nicht!

wahlomat is trash:
AfD and Die Grünen: 52,6%

Ich würde sie ja wählen wollen, aber da gibt es ein Problem. Ich bin zurzeit in einer schulischen Ausbildung und um mir diese leisten zu können, bin ich auf bestimmte Sozialleistungen angewiesen. (Barfög und Wohngeld). Jedoch möchte die Afd diese abschaffen, somit kann ich sie mit gutem Gewissen einfach nicht wählen.

NPD 64%
>pic related

yeah its weird i have like 59% with npd and never considered them
is there anything else like this program thats more accurate?

trips speak truth

Don't fall for the propaganda. Go to their homepage and see for yourself what they are about.

You can't vote for any of the established parties. They're pure garbage. The greens want to practically open the borders, they're cucked beyond believe.

AfD should get 20 percent to shock those motherfuckers so they adjust their migration politics.

this doesnt seem right its just questions about students

sorry, wrong link:!/supplementaries/group/1

They want to get rid of the GEZ.


And replace it with media that is under the control of the governing party.
That is not very democratic, is it?

thanks a shame that no all parties i can vote for are in it
got 19 with spd as my highest wew lad

Schriftart stimmt nicht

It just shows that all parties this year are really bad

Vielleicht ist die Auflösung auf deinem Bildschirm nicht gut genug um das zu erkennen, aber da hat jemand (in echt) über das Plakat das drüber geklebt.

FDP for pragmatic reasons:
I don't want another grand calition so I shouldn't vote one of the grand parties. I'm more conservative so Black Yellow is better for me then red - red - green.
If i'd vote AFD both red - red - green, black - yellow (and black - yellow - green) would get less votes -> more likely to get another grand coaltion which i'm trying to avoid. Voting any other party: Vote thrown out of the window because of the 5%.

>I don't want another grand calition
so much this

>Alte und Naive für Deutschland
Not voting for best Kançler and minister Wölfi

Warum nicht einmal ein Türke?

Sag mal seid ih eigl. alle dumm oder so?

AfD wählen = GroKo wählen

Was meint ihr denn wieso sowohl Union als auch SPD jetzt im Wahlkampf wieder das Flüchtlingsthema aufmachen obwohl das Monatelang kein Thema war und auch kaum mehr einer zu uns kommt?
Die WOLLEN das ihr die wählt damit sie nochmal 4 Jahre lang so weiter machen können.

Aus Unionssicht: Wenn die AfD in den BT kommt ist RotRotGrün unmöglich und da eine 4 Parteien Koalition (mit FDP) zu instabiel wäre wird Merkel schonmal die nächste Regierung leiten.

Aus SPDsicht: Wenn die AfD über 10% bekommt reicht es nicht für Schwarz-Gelb, Schwarz-Grün und Jamaika. Somit darf die SPD wieder Juniorpartner werden.

Also schön blöd wer ernsthaft AfD wählt.

Es gibt da ein Plakat von diesen Deppen, welche ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen wollen. Die haben da extra eine Fläche freigelassen und daneben hingeschrieben: "Gestalte deine Politik selbst". Ihr glaubt gar nicht wie oft ich da einfach "Make America Great Again. Trump2017" hinschreiben wollte.

was dann?

Es wird eh eine Große kolation geben. FDP ist tot udn warum sollte mans ie vond en toten zurückholen? Erinnert sich keiener mehr an diese kleine schwuchtel?

Die Afd muss ind en Bundestag, so einfach ist das.


Wenn du GEGEN die Groko wählen willst:
Beine Volksparteien gleichzeitig wird man nicht los. Also hast du die Wahl ob du lieber die Union oder die SPD loshaben willst (dementsrechend die Linke oder die FDP) oder es dir egal ist wer von beiden Opposition wird (die Grünen)

Wenn du die AfD wegen ihren Inhalten wählen würdest:
Such dir eine von den Kleinstparteien die es eh nicht in den BT schaffen und die noch am ehesten deine Interessen teilen und gib denen deine Stimme (denn dann kriegt die Partei dafür Geld das du sie gewählt hast)

ich bin wertekonservativ, lehne nicht alle flüchtlinge pauschal ab, bin patriot, habe eine ausländische frau und bin für das leistungsprinzip,für soziale absicherung und eine harte justiz.
wen soll ich wählen?

They want to research Thorium reactors.
They want to establish TRUE equality between men and women, not this feminazi bullshit.
They are going to quit this corrupt private Corporation-government-relationships

ok danke