McVeigh was sheep dipped

aka he was a black ops operator hand picked when he was trying out for special operations due to his intelligence levels for false flag operations and assassinations he was told to say he dropped out of selection but kept on covertly

he is still alive and nobody actually saw him die no autopsy was carried out on his body and a dummy hearse was sent to distract the public while his real body was whisked away he was given drugs that mimic the signs of death but then given medication to revive him he told death row

the Oklahoma bombing was done as a false flag to discredit the militia movement that had arisen due to waco and ruby ridge and discredit pro-gun activists

It would be easier to just kill him mate.

Timothy was used by the US government to squash the 1990s militia movement

But the government needed to use him to stop the 1990s militia movement

>sheep dipped
The fact that this concept exists is pretty unnerving

thats true but thats not what happened it was standard procedure to perform an autopsy on prisoners who had been given lethal injection

timothy campaigned against this and won no autopsy was performed

he was also covered with a white sheet when the lethal injection was supposedly administered and nobody can confirm they saw him die

Why only one person? It's not like the big government didn't ever have multiple agents.

They went for a hail mary, and got it

>Why only one person? It's not like the big government didn't ever have multiple agents.

are you retarded?

Where is the proofs putin?

why? its how i'd select black ops

timothy wrote a letter to his sister saying he was hand selected for black ops

the picture in the OP where he is in fatigues is taken on a military base after he supposedly dropped out of the military

>why? its how i'd select black ops
Because (to me) it implies that the operative is also "dipped" thoroughly enough to the point where he is able to integrate into "civilian" society while still carrying out his "black ops" duties.

Essentially you then get the theories about the Boston Bombing being set up as a false flag and what not to "practice" what a martial law-type deal would be like in a large-ish US city

>tl;dr: Muh freedoms

why is it called black ops?

this is how black operations are conducted are you retarded?

this is nothing new it happens in all levels of enforcement institutions see agent-provocateurs in the police force pretending to be protestors and shit like that

because its off the books matey

I don't get it though, if you're going to grab some guy and turn him into a bomber or whatever why would you grab someone from military applications? That seems pretty suspicious off the get-go. Wouldn't it be better to have some kind of selection process that doesn't involve the military at all?

You could just have a securities company or something, an "adventure" company, that selects fit, adventurous people. Screen through the people who come to work there/go do stuff and offer them jobs.

black ops need absolute secrecy and professionalism

there's no fucking way US gov would risk hiring a madman like Mcveigh and risk a huge shitstorm if his cover was blown out

Well military types are always supporters of gun rights, he was also seen at Waco selling anti government memorabilia, personally I don't thinks he's black ops.

because these people are not combat proven and cant be trusted to follow orders whatever the cost

>lol lets get some mountain climber to bomb a federal building i'm sure it will work out and they can be trusted to carry out this super sekret operation :^)


what the fuck are you talking about? he perfectly infiltrated the militia movement and facilitated them blowing up a federal building

are you retarded?

if you dont try to debunk and answer my post then you're the one whose retarded son

also good and itelligent person bein able to bomb shit not necessarily =/= madman

he was not fit for black ops by any means with that character

Right. It seems fishy to me.
Oh come on, most military personnel aren't "combat proven" to begin with. There's a minority of people in the service with actual experience, not counting those poor bastards they just send to Iraq like 6 times in a row. Obviously, they can't even trust those guys to "follow orders whatever the cost" given they are walking off base to suck jihadi dick and coming back as sharia law loving muslim women.

I think if you get a mountain climber who is in good shape, you can check out his credit history/socialpolitcal history. Then you plant a physical trainer or climbing partner with him who casually talks some shit about ops. If he bites, you reel him in closer. A few months down the line, "hey man, I got a tip on a cool job. Are you interested?"

By then you should have the psych profile to know if this guy is going to bail, or if he'll be all in. If he goes in and fucks up he's just a guy who got caught up in some fringe politics shit. If he succeeds, he's obviously career material. Way better than incriminating the US gov or a 3 letter agency by grabbing people out of the fucking army.

you just called him a madman? without backing up your claims so i called you retarded because if you make claims like that you need to back them up with some sort of subject matter at least on Sup Forums for anyone to believe you

otherwise its just an ad hominen attack on his character like my ad himinen attack on yours


>talks some shit about ops.

lol stop with your crackpot ideas

what if he then just blabs on your plant about his op stories?

>By then you should have the psych profile to know if this guy is going to bail

no you don't he hasn't undergone any psychiatric or psychological testing your just going on a hunch

where as when you undergo special forces selection you undergo all sorts psychiatric, intelligence and psychological testing

please stop being retarded

McVeigh being a madman is a fact that needs no backing arguments

Just read his life story and the reportts of people that knew him

You're the one that started a thread claiming smth stupid so you have to back up your fucking claims otherwise you're another mental case on Sup Forums for the reader

your still not backing up your madman claims up with anything yet? your just saying read derr reports lol what reports who said what?

i've backed up my claims with subject matter i claim he sent a letter to his sister saying that during his special forces selection process he was hand picked for black operations

>most military personnel aren't "combat proven" to begin with.

you do realise he was gulf war veteran and then was part of an attachment to guard a general in the sand box right?

what i'm trying to say is he was combat proven

>it wasn't me, it was Chad the trainer!
The fact that you think this is more incriminating than "I got picked by the military on the side" is startling.
>special forces receive testing
Are we talking about the same thing? I'm talking about a lone wolf crackpot that agencies who inject people with LSD without their knowing will use to blow some random shit up, and get away with it scot free. You seem to be talking about highly skilled units that are made up of people with extensive military experience.

I fully expect that the SEEL TEEM SICKS or whatever is going to undergo some testing. I don't expect that some psychopathic bureaucrat is going to necessarily be that thorough. It's a matter of public record that during shit like MK ULTRA they were doing all kinds of experiments that had no real controls, let alone practical purpose. There are agencies and programs out there that are basically slush funds for psychopaths who want to sexually/mentally abuse people "for the greater good".

That's fair. I don't know much about this guy to be honest. It's a little bit before my time.

>. There are agencies and programs out there that are basically slush funds for psychopaths who want to sexually/mentally abuse people "for the greater good".
i don't disagree with you but it was not the case for this reason

they didn't just blow up a federal building for shits and giggles friend

Alright alright ruskie. You win this one. Just stay out of the north, we have 6 new boats and we know how to use them!

i have no qualm with you flip just stay out of syria and the ukraine and we will get along great

just letting you know that i rekt you pretty hard

According to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, back in 1995, when Eric Holder was Deputy Attorney General under then-President Bill Clinton, Holder authorized members of the FBI to provide explosives to Oklahoma City bombing criminals Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols immediately prior to the April, 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building. This was ostensibly in conjunction with a Clinton Administration undercover operation named PATCON, an acronym for “Patriot Conspiracy.”

during the Clinton administration, fear of “right wing militias” was all the rage. PATCON was designed to infiltrate and incite militias and evangelical Christians to violence so that the Department of Justice could justify draconian measures against them, as well as compromise Americans’ personal liberties in general.

Apparently, instead of entrapping McVeigh and Nichols and charging them with conspiracy, the DOJ allowed their Oklahoma City attack to be carried out. After all, a few hundred dead bodies speak a whole lot louder than the government railing about the danger of right wing militias.

This is all convoluted bullshit. The government didn't need Oklahoma City to discredit a bunch of already discredited retards running around with camo playing Army.

i was in the same basic training batallion as Timothy McVeigh

A 2/19

I went to basic 20 years after he did but still...
made me interested in finding out the truth about this guy and ruby ridge

i wonder who's behind this post