Sup Forums is going to feel so stupid when Bernie wins. Just you wait and see!

Sup Forums is going to feel so stupid when Bernie wins. Just you wait and see!

Other urls found in this thread:

Better Bernie than Hillary.
At least he's against those corporatist trade deals.
And the SJWs would realize that even with their dream candidate in power, they're still fucking retards.

If Hernie gets the nom Trump might lose.

He looks like he smells like sweat and jew


He should atleast get those Kmart suits tailored, that is so embarrassing


If that were to happen we would be Berning just like venezuala and argentina, swedistan, yugoslavia, ussr, and so on and so forth.



Same result as hillary, just different depts and agencies larger.

I just donated my wife's son's lunch money because of this post!




Im personally waiting for something to happen with Hillary right before the convention, and the DNC nominate Biden. Bernie supporters will burn Phili to the ground in rage



Sup Forums will give zero fucks if bernie wins. half of Sup Forums isnt even american.

So... He advocates slavery?

God what a fucking idiot he is

