

who cares?

be who you want to be.

remember: your freedoms end the moment they interfere with mine. :)

>gender is just a social construct
>clothes dont have gender, you can use whatever you want

>im a girl, and this dress proves it

Gender is a biological construct, gender identity is a social construct. That distinction is important, other than that I give no fucks about what you call yourself

Language is a social construct, you can try to twist it, but at the end of the day you are a guy with a dress.

honestly it should just go by what your chromosomes say so male or female and there are others that have abnormalities but its so rare that it isn't considered a different sex

A man is a man, and a woman is a woman. Nothing will EVER change that. Anyone who seriously thinks they're the opposite gender has a mental disorder. Society needs to stop pandering to these social justice warriors. It's getting ridiculous.

SEX is a biological construct, Gender is social.

You forgot the LGBTP.

Very important.

gender specific clothing is a social construct. KYS, you nigger

Explain religious tards then


Religious tards?

The point stands, don't start a fucking semantics debate you clearly knew what I was saying

Anyone who believes in a deity or whatever protector in heaven, surely has a mental disorder aswell

If you think you are a girl, that doesn't mean you ARE a girl.

You need to learn how to draw

If gender is a social construct, then by definition, it is meaningless and entirely up to society to define what it means. That means since I'm a member of society, it's also up to my own interpretation. Thus I am perfectly valid if I say that there are two genders and they ALWAYS coincide with your birth sex.

Why do deviations have a movement? Why should I support them? Why do I become a villian if I don't agree with them or support them?


Pls hang yourself


If you think you are normal or sane doesnt mean you are. Git gud

I'd agree but I don't have autism. Gender is a synonym for sex, and despite people wanting to change the definition to "whatever the fuck I feel like", it doesn't make any sense, and nobody I've come across who believes there's more than two genders can explain what the fuck they're talking about. They just sit there and flounder like a retarded fish, trying to piece together a logical thought

I don't think I am a girl. I want to be one.

I don't get why they are implying social constructs are supposed to be a bad thing. Laws and rights are social constructs and we are better off having them.

You are even proving my point.

I sort of agree with that, I'm fine with LGBT people existing without being persecuted but this overemphasis on forced inclusion and pandering is stupid when they make up a fraction of the human population

You see, the problem is, they want you to believe it is a good thing.

A calendar is just a social construct, but civilization would crumble without it. Nobody would be on time for any of their appointments, people wouldn't show up at work, they'd miss their regularly scheduled dental checkups: it would be nothing but chaos and cavities.

Gender is the same. Society needs this to function. You get to pick who you fuck, but nature gave you a gender that you're stuck with.

Sorry, faggot, that's just the way it is.

Yes, so why the hate for only lgbt? Stop deluding yourself and let people live peacefully if theyre not rapists, murderers or other hateful/stupid shit that invades others rights to exist.

>gas them all

>wanting to gas children

Oh, please. This is Sup Forums. We hate a lot of people.

they are being purposefully ambiguous in the use of the word gender, they mean gender roles and refuse to clarify their position in order to misdirect people and play the victim role.
otherwise i don't care who's genitals you play with as long as everyone involved is into it

The problem is that they just want to say stuff and have it be true. Fuck if it actually makes sense or not.


gender is sex, gender roles are also gender, stop being purposefully ambiguous

Gender doesn't exist, the only scientific experiment in the field ended up horribly. Nobody gives a damn about what you made up.

Gender is NOT a synonym for sex. Most people are not as stupid as you are, they consciously use gender BECAUSE it does not mean the same thing. Gender is masculine or feminine among others. Sex is male or female period.

It's odd when I was a kid, people differentiated themselves from each other by having unique and interesting personalities.
Now they seem to be collecting genders while saying the same things and being rather boring to be around.
We still had all of the different ways of being, described in the 70 something genders, but they were considered personality traits and not a checklist to figure out your standing in the oppression olympics.

I can see what you're trying to convey with that comparison. You're calling them tards for something they believe in that you don't believe is real right? Something that isn't real. You're insulting their mindset, their belief. To be honest with you, I don't believe in god either. But see, the difference is the "religious tards" as you put it don't go around claiming that they are something they CLEARLY are not. So using your phrasing these trans tards go around boasting they are whatever the fuck they decide to identify that week and anyone who doesn't believe them and pander to their "special" needs are intolerant or sexist or trans-phobic or whatever they decide you are. You cannot change your gender no matter what. Getting their penis cut and tucked doesn't change anything.

I generally support and accept transgender folks, but this does stick a little with me. I've always wondered whether the dissolution of well-defined gender roles would reduce the number of people who feel the need to go on hormones.

I'd argue that LGBT ia not letting human beings live peacefully.
Wanting rights that suit your faggotory is one thing, but forcing your degeneracy on others is a big go fuck yourself, faggot.

penis = man
vagina = woman

If you are a biological guy, im okay
if you are a biological woman, im okay
if you WANT to be the opposite gender, im okay
but anything other than cis/transgender (like demiqueer or some bullshit) im not okay.

When you draw like a 5 year old

y'all postin' in a troll thread

More specifically

Testicles = man
Ovaries = woman

They dont claim to be something theyre not? Wut? They claim to be gods children or even his messengers and more lol. They claim to be special and righteous and some will use violence to prove that. Theyre worse than lgbt

rights are not a social construct, they are natural, therefore there is no such thing as LGBT rights, just rights.

Technically, it is correct. Gender and sex are not interchangeable. Gender is our social norms that we apply to people who are male and female. However, that doesn't mean people can just fucking identify as random shit and have it be legitimized because of this.

You know there are mistaken peoole who weren't born the right way and they say it's completly normal. It's basically having a mental illeness and nowadays it's somehow accepted.

Go out and have a smoke you cancer fag

as long as you go in the right bathroom

Religious people are claiming there's something else. These trans people are claiming THEY are something else. See what I'm conveying?

>Gender isn't a synonym for sex
if there's more than two genders, then explain how. Literally just, how

A faggot would say "it's a spectrum"

You dont understand that what I wrote was same as what you just wrote. They believe in something yet they believe the same about themselves, that theyll go to heaven or whatever, its they that are special and not, for example, atheists.

You sure showed me with those great arguments
>inb4 not my dictionary

You definitely either have a penis or vagina. Fucking who even started this bullshit the LGBT community is SUCH a small portion of the population. (beside legalizing gay marriage) WHY are we catering to all this bullshit, with the racism too. You know guys im too lazy to finish my rant. peace.

If a guy wants to mutilate his dick because every time he looks in the mirror he sees himself as a girl, and society deems that with approval because it's how he identifies...
Then what the fuck are we worried about when bitches with anorexia/bulimia starve themselves because they see a fat chick in the mirror?
A fucking mental disorder is a mental disorder.
You're either XX or XY... or a friggin' mutant.

you're fucking retarded

they both mean the same thing, thats why they're synonyms fucktard


Autism is a spectrum, gender isn't

I am XXX hot. Please love me.

"That's not the right definition"- said the women's studies major

I personally dont care if you're a mutant, but when the lgbt community starts pushing their mutie agenda in my face I cant help but hope you all burn in hell

The ultimate gender! Hold on, lemme pop the cork on a chilled box of wine, an put on some 60's jazz flute. Oh... I should call my momma to ask if it's okay first though.

I think we both have a misunderstanding of what we're trying to convey. Think of it like this. A religious tard.. their belief is that something not of this world.. something imaginary. It isn't physical. It isn't in this realm of being, it's in their head. Where as the trans-tards are claiming that they (something physical that is in our realm) are something they aren't. It's a hell of a lot easier to disprove what they're saying. Religious people annoy me when they're pushy with it but when a trans does it, its just worse to me. It's like saying a rock is a piece of chocolate

>The world existed out of nothing

Alphabet soup

Physical things can change into other things.

You know, comparing this to religion to dismiss what I said really isn't valid. It's like comparing two wrongs to validate the others. The discussion is about transsexuals, not religious people or religion.

I don't think pedos will ever be accepted as a legitimate part of the lgbt.

I see what you mean and I have to agree that youre a worse person than hitler! Lol kidding I get your point but what really bugs me is that the hate comes from extremists being the majority of a select group thats most visible to people from other groups. So either extreme trans tards or religious tards are what create hate for their group. That bugs me cause not all in the groups are like that.

You can carve a rock into a statue, but it is still ultimately a rock.



Okay, true. I can see your point there. I don't mind, gays or even trans for that matter. It's when it's being shoved down the public throat that upsets me. When it's blasted all over the media and there's a big fight about it from both sides. If people would let things be, and the media would chill out the world would be a better place.

Make wine from waterand its alcoholic water that tastes like wine and has its alcoholic effects. Its still not water anymore, its wine. Yes you can break it down to the root which makes it water but thatsnot the case

That's your perspective user.
The idea of people having sex with prepubescent kids goes against the instinct of most people who aren't pedos and elicits a visceral reaction akin to seeing a tiger near your kid.
Now I don't think pedophiles should be demonized to the point they are, but I also lack any conviction that they will be accepted as legitimate lifestyle at any point in the future.

>support lgbt rights

That's changing it's chemistry. Changing science. Putting a dress, makeup, and a wig on a man doesn't do that. Even surgery doesn't do that.

gender is a social construct and has nothing to do with biology and genetics, but being fat is cuz of muh genetics and there's an evil social construct that needs to be stopped, saying we're unhealthy and shaming us


Why is Jack Skellington talking to that shark?

gender is not a social construct. its a physical characteristic of animals on earth

you fucking nigger


>Make wine from waterand its alcoholic water that tastes like wine

Holy shit shifu and oogway cut to the chase GOD FUCKING DAMMIT.
Dicks will never vaginas and a hole inplace of your removed dick won't make you a girl same goes for a shaft shoved in your hole. It is JUST MUTATION not TRANSFORMATION. This is not source to destination. This is source to fucked up source. Get the fucking hint already


I like LGBTs, but I think club sandwiches are a bit better.



I hated those fucking things. Most pointless Pokemon ever.

age is also a social construct; you should be allowed to date anyone. 15-45 love is love


11-45 and we have a deal

It is ok in certain countries to date 15-17 but they dont want to date a 40+ most likely.


look op, i think people should be able to fuck whoever they want, but i found the idea of that "gender is a social construct" really stupid,