Deal with it!

Deal with it!


because trusting her is better

We all lost with Trump.

The electoral college happened

America dodged a big turd with her loss. The pussy's of America are still having a temper tantrum over it though. Hard to believe how the American male have become such ball-less creatures.

I don't know about you but winning is so much fun

This tbh I'm stiIl not tired of winning


>stopping people from fraudulently voting is now bad when my candidate loses



the pussies will not breed, and are Healthcare makes that happen

electoral college followed the mainline vote
not everyone was willing to throw elections for her highness

in poland 18% of votes is enough to legally choose a dictator

I thought that as well and then I saw this election and realized why we needed it


no room for libtarts! trump 2020!


Hillary Clinton happened.

She is the only person alive who could have made Donald Trump look that good.

Oh god..... that was the plan.... THAT WAS THE PLAN!!!


If you count the votes that went to Gary Johnson, (4,489,221) who ran as a Libertarian (conservative), the conservative value won over Hillary and the libs by over a million votes.


that bitch needs a better tan










Hillary's approval rating is lower than Trumps atm. She does not seem to understand that the democratic party doesn't want and/or need her.





>being so triggered you spam nigger dicks









It's really fucked how this bitch blames Bernie Sanders for everything, even after she cheated in the primaries and even after he aggressively campaigned for her. What a vile, ungrateful cunt.

This shit is genius. They rigged the election for her and she still lost.







I'm sure he thinks differently now

Haven't you guys hears? Don's a DEMOCRAT now





Chuck and Nancy run the show now, boys and girls!







Of course he does







>black privilege is being able to take pride in your race without fear of persecution
Maybe because black pride exists because of persecution and white pride is always reactionary and never genuine?


The last seconds of the webm; "Wait, what, it's an interracial scene?"

>Black pride exists because of persecution
>White people have never been oppressed


>whites spend thousands of years invading other countries
>cry victim when someone stands up to invaders
Did you cry about the Japanese getting bombed in WWII?

no, because they were brainwashed loons who would do anything for their king that they saw as a god

you're also acting like black people didn't contribute to the slave trade


>pulled out of job killing Paris Climate Accord
>Will continue Keystone & Dakota Energy Pipelines
>Eliminated Job Killing Regulations
>Border Wall Begins Construction Soon
>Supporting Law Enforcement Agencies in America
>Rebuilding America's Military and Supporting Our Troops
>Worked With Small Business Leaders to Help Our Economy
>Putting People Back to Work
>Protected Religious Liberties
really scraping the bottom of the barrel for a lot of these. half of these are totally unquantifiable and just fill up space so it can look like this do nothing president has contributed something while in office

>you're also acting like black people didn't contribute to the slave trade
Oh look, it's the "it's okay to buy slaves if you didn't enslave them" damage control.

Hope you like that shit.

>That labia


Donald Trump is a liar and a sociopath. No matter what your political opinions, you need to work as hard as possible to get him out of office.


Since we are posting random pictures and shit about presidential candidates



cool story breh


>If you count all the votes however you want anyone got the most votes
Deez Nutz got 100% of the votes guis!



This whole thread seems like opposing russian bots on autopilot.

how is stating what he did "Scraping the bottom of the barrel"? he did those things and guess what it helped.

they started the damn slave trade by trading us captured people for resources they were too stupid to get themselves and funny enough we ended it and they are still keeping slaves to this day