Cringe thread

Cringe thread

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You're a cunt (and I don't mean that in a good way)

How the fuck is that cringe? He has PTSD, you troglodyte.

I want that 4 minutes of my life back

OP thinking veterans are cringe made me cringe

haha, fuck you.

>Imperialist Swine.
>Kills for money.
> Convinced it's for freedom.
>Imaginary Lines in the dirt.
> Can't handle it.
> Coddle me.

Sounds most veterans, tbh.

You realize a lot of them didnt support the war and were still sent anyway right? Youd have to be autistic as shit to think that the vietnamese war was about freedom

>>Thinking military service is anything but a cringey thing inbred idiots and ghetto negroes do to compensate for the shitty mistake of their birth.

I would fuck her

Well, first of all buddy boy, it's called the Vietnam War or Vietnam Conflict. Not the "Vietnamese War."

Secondly, the only reason anyone ever had sympathy for Nam vets was that most of them were draftees. Not the case with the floating turd in OP's pic. He volunteered for that dumb shit.

easy there shadow the edgehog

Yeah, that asshole was definitely in Vietnam, where he must have found the Fountain of Youth which made him look like a pissant millenial who sold his soul for a huge paycheck and some misguided notion of patriotism.

I would fuck him.

Scar tissue is reeeeeal soft.

to protect you because you're weak, cowardly, and incapable of doing it yourself?

Sauce for pic

Only edgy to Amerifats, homeboy. The rest of the world thinks your obese army of children of incest and/or crack are one of the most shameful organizations of garbage people in humanity's history.

Holy fuck dude. I can't even count all of your edges.

Protect him from what? A bunch of innocent people with a different religion, no access to higher education, no effective military training, and no ability to immigrate?

Tbh I just shoot a lot and fireworks spook me.

You just proved how retarded you really are. Well done.

Protect me from what, exactly? Some shoeless sandnigger with a 50 year old gun halfway across the world?

Oh... and remember, they got their asses beat by said ill-equipped sandniggers. And Vietnamese.

Actually, they've all failed incredibly fucking hard at doing anything other than making everything way more dangerous and fucked up for the past 70 years.

Pretty sure I can do without their help.

Nvm he dead now

Then go over and teach them yourself you xenophile.

Oh noes big soldiers! Please protect me from an open oil market where the Middle East can overproduce and drive down prices. My third home can't survive another hit to the dividends!

No the world does not cause thats not our army at all. Where are you at that you hate America so much?

Jesus, dude. Literally nothing in that post was remotely edgy... all pretty sound history.

Of course, Amerifats think Tom Hanks and John Wayne won WWII, so, not real strong on the ol' recent history.

The vietnamese wernt stupid it was like 1776 in reverse they had supply lines and china and russia backing . america just had our stupid fucking domino effect theory

I'm more likely to die from a Right wing terrorist attack than I am from a muslim terrorist attack.

check out the global terrorism index, genius. This asshole in OP's pic actually increased the chances of someone becoming extremist and seeking to hurt the West.

Thats some good leaf posting right there

You could almost say "created" rather than "increased."

Yes because the rise of rigbt wing extremist groups wasnt in part because of muslim extremist groups

>respecting a veteran who has legitimate trauma

back to 9gag you go, faggot

>>leaf poisoning

Is that a jab at Canada or pot?

remember the time those innocent people shot a little girl in the head because SHE TRIED to get higher education? lol, dumbfuck.

He just needs to know how to cover his face properly and he's good to go.

Spotted the shill

I havent slept in 28 hours im sorry if my spells fucky and yes im calling him a cancuck

*kills innocent people*
>just following orders
it's been long established that this isn't a valid justification for killing innocent people, just because they happen to be from your country doesn't mean they deserve any leniency. the fact that they didn't support the war but went overseas to kill people for it anyway makes it even worse.

bait to the max, no point in responding to him...

5 shekels have been deposited into his account its to late goy

Plenty of people have legitimate trauma from doing way more useful shit than breaking things and killing people like this shit stain. And I'm 100% certain you never give them a second fucking thought.

Uhh, no. They've been a major driver of domestic terrorism from the beginning. McVey was a Right-Wing nut, every single KKK incident is a bunch of right-wing nuts.

blaming muslims is just trendy- add it to the Irish, the Jews, Africans, Catholics, Native Americans...

Ok Australia go back to kick boxing kangaroos and shit posting on pol

nobody calls it the vietnam war or the vietnam conflict

for one, Viet Nam is two words, and for two, it was called Gook Shoot With Napalm To Boot


Good goy

how did he die?

Dude... you're talking about the Saudis at least as much as you're talking about Afghans.

When did we go to war with them, hmmmm?

thx for the new word
Guess I'm less of a troglodyte now haha!

you're retarded. If you add up the injured/death toll from the multiple UK attacks, Multiple france attacks, Spain, Belgium etc... from the last 5 years there is no way it is equal to right wing extremism. Oh wait, you're talking about North America only... You're right, they don't seem to try that shit here. Could it be because of an armed populous and stricter immigration laws?

remember the time the US government armed the people who shot her because it lined up with their political agenda?
the US government doesn't give a shit about humanitarian or ethical reasons for going to war or they wouldn't have armed them in the first place, be allied with the saudis, etc. etc.
the US are like the british empire except they don't make the places they conquer any better, they make them worse.

I wish someone was paying me to throw facts at you idiots. That'd be a great job. Instead I just have to be depressed because you fucktards can't even do basic research.

Kkk has been an issue since the 1800s no argument there. Mc-vey was a very poorly thought out, well executed, attack on the government for, i think dont quote me, the presidents terrible handleing of that time the muslim school kids took an embast hostage back in the 80s

I hate the snowflake as much as the next guy, but OP's image is actually valid, this guy has seen action, he's got actual triggers (as in the structural damage to the brain, have massive panic attacks or psychotic breaks kind of triggers).

I wouldn't see fireworks off near that house, I'd go a few blocks down. Christ I hate the snowflakes for cheapening PTSD.

Herion and alcohol abuse or someshit him and hia wifu there broke up shortly after marriage

The Army disagrees with you, son.

Does it hurt to be this fucking stupid?

There are over 300 right-wing attacks in America alone each year. Far outweighs even the recent surge in Europe.

this, safe your sympathy for paramedics, firefighters, police (sometimes), people who actually make their communities better at a great psychological and physical cost.

> be uneducated, simple sort of guy
> hear about muh terrorism and the fight for freedom
> sign up, get told you're fighting for freedom and to protect your family 24/7
> physically taxing work and little sleep keeps your mentally faculties too occupied to question it

> some shithead college student dismisses your trauma as an imperialist getting what he deserves

The soldiers are victims, you fucking mouth-breather.

Literally fell down getting the mail.

well the army is wrong

Just citing openly available statistics from the FBI and CIA. But whatever, we're the ones who are being influenced by faulty reporting.

>soldiers are too retarded to know any better so they deserve respect for some reason

Why don't you learn how to be a man, you fucking pussy as bitch.

That's strange guy, I have always called it the Rooty Tooty Gooky Shooty.

I hope an ex vet flips out on a episode of ptsd and wipes you clean out.
You clearly have no fucking idea what it's like

>Not smart enough to do even a small amount of reading.
>Every piece of culture sucks soldiers cocks, repeats line about "defense" and "freedom"
>Willfully signs up to invade another nation.
>Is a victim.

No, those fucks need to take responsibility for their actions.

what it's like to kill innocent people?

I don't remember reading an article about the Saudis shooting a little girl, but I do remember the Taliban doing it and much more. I see what you're saying the Saudis have terrible human rights so why do we work with them. It's a necessary evil. They're one of the strongest powers in the region and one of our few allies. Should we just try to conquer the whole world?
Or should we ignore the outside world and never intervene?


stay frosty oscar mike

Yeah, I'll give you that. The army is full of retards, meth heads, and crack babies.

You can't exactly say the same for these fine folks, however.

Now, I suppose they could all be wrong and you could be right. But the much simpler and much more likely answer is that you are a dumb shit the best part of whom dribbled down his mother's leg at the tractor pull.

Well, no, because I'm not the kind of fucking moron who volunteers to be a hired goon to go kill people. Nor if I were would I be too much of a pussy to swallow my decision and not bitch and whine about it expecting hugs and handjobs from everyone I meet.

lol we did it to stop Russia from ruining their country. Sure we did it without foresight and because it lined up with our agenda at the time, but what other option was there?

It's actually kind of fun watching keyboard Warriors makes excuses why the were too cowardly to serve by making fun of actual soldier. I'm met tons of waste of oxygen like op, "army wouldn't take me cause my flat feet" or "my asthma kept me out". Disgraceful.

Have you ever argued with a college student who's convinced communism can work despite its clear, obvious track record of failure and destruction? It's the same principle. These guys have been effectively gaslit and had their emotions played on until they were convinced that they were fighting for freedom and protecting their family. They're drones, same as the AntiFas.

Nobody goes into the army thinking "I can't wait to cause worldwide chaos and watch my friends die for Israel!" You seem to be assuming these people think rationally.

It's good, even better when you go in to clean up and see greaving sand niggers with dead family members all bled out.
Not so good when your partner gets hit but just pushes you on harder.

it was purely agenda based, just a decade or two earlier the US was doing the same damn thing in vietnam with no remorse

Or you could admit our motivations have absolutely nothing to do with some girl getting an education or not and are actually much less noble.

And if you think the Afgans were/are worse than the Saudis... you need to read quite a bit more and from somewhere a little more substantive than your grandpa's email chain he gets from InfoWars or whatever.

>>what other option was there?

Oh gee, I dunno Cleetus, maybe.... NOT do it?

thanks for confirming my belief that those in the US military are sadistic psychopaths

>guaranteed repl-

I don't especially love the military either but you guys are being complete retards about this.
The person in question just put out a sign out of his house that basically means "don't shoot fireworks too close to my house".

He's not telling you not to shoot them at all.
He's not telling you that you should support the military.
He's literally only telling you to chill the fuck out with the fireworks near his house.
He's not even going door to door or being obnoxious about it, he's using a simple sign that people may, or may not even read.

If everyone in the military was this chill about things, i'd despise them way less.
As far as i'm concerned he isn't bothering anyone and if more people in the military were like him this would would be a better place.

Fuck off

I chose not to further endanger my fellow citizens by invading a worthless piece of third-world filth just to further control the global price of oil.

Don't accuse me of cowardice, you slack-jawed exemplar of human excrement. I've lost jobs and friends and relationships because I wouldn't abandon my morals and pretend to be a hero.

Running into the desert and taking a huge paycheck to shoot barely armed villagers isn't bravery. It's being a piece of shit human being.

Ptsd is not just for combat veterans, people who suffer traumatic accidents, and horrific deaths in the family.
You sound under age Gtfo

>>too cowardly

Heh, yeah, sure dude. Firefighter here, 5 years pulling limp human beings from burning buildings.

But go ahead, tell me what a big man you are cleaning latrines at Ft. Dix PX or whatever the fuck you do.

UK fag.
You just assumed I was American?

You're not making much of a case for why soldiers deserve respect, bub.

Actually contributing with OC

can i ask you what is it that they (military) does that bothers you. why do you dislike them? honestly asking not trying to be a dick.

Honest question, have you ever been to Afghanistan? Do you know how their tribal law works? I never said the afghans are worse than the Saudis, but the Taliban, ISIS, and all these other radical groups are just as bad. Read most post again. I'm a realist and admitted our actions are not entirely noble, but they are necessary.

what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

You sound like coward, kys

thanks for confirming my belief that those in the UK military are sadistic psychopaths. A shame because the UK used to be a force for good, now you're just a slave to US interests.


They deserve respect because they at least were willing to put their lives on the line for what they believe, and they're not going into this wanting to cause destruction.d

You seem to have missed the sentiment to which I was responding, which centered around, specifically, veterans with PTSD.